Next: Preface
Up: ACIS Calibration Report
Previous: List of Tables
- Ordering of PHAS and BIAS Vectors
- CHIP vs. READ coordinates
- Which pixels are which in READ coordinates for each output node.
- Layout of the ACIS CCID17 detector
- Cross-section through front-illuminated and back-illuminated CCDs
- Principal components of the CCD spectral response function
- ACIS ground calibration flow.
- Linear Energy Scale Residuals for the Front Illuminated Devices
- Linear Energy Scale Residuals for the Back Illuminated Devices
- Average FWHM versus Energy
- Intensities of escape and fluorescence features as a
function of energy
- Possible redistributions of detected x-rays due to pileup
- Regions of CCD for pileup model
- Predicted relationship between detected and incident flux
- Raw HEXS pileup data for detector w203c2
- Raw HEXS pileup data for Cl, Ti & V K
- Raw HEXS pileup data for Fe, Co & Ni K
- Raw HEXS pileup data for Cu, Zn & Ge K
- Raw HEXS pileup data for Al, Si, P, Cl, Ti & V targets
- Raw HEXS pileup data for Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, & Ge targets
- Mean g02346 epsilon for all data sets with no spectral correction (Al - V)
- Mean g02346 epsilon for all data sets with no spectral correction (Fe - Ge)
- Variation of epsilon with for raw HEXS data
- Variation of alpha, the ratio of bad to good x-ray events, for
Al to V
- Variation of alpha, the ratio of bad to good x-ray events for Fe
to Ge
- Variation of spectrally averaged epsilon () for Al to V
- Variation of spectrally averaged epsilon () for Fe to Ge
- Mean g02346 epsilon for all data sets including a spectral correction
- Mean g02346 epsilon for all data sets including a spectral correction
- Variation of epsilon including corrections for spectral impurities
- Redistribution of G02346 events in w203c2 during 7 second exposures due to pileup for Al, Si, P, Cl, Ti, and V HEXS targets
- Redistribution of G02346 events in w203c2 during 7 second exposures due to pileup for Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ge HEXS targets
- Branching ratio epsilons from data set for elements Al - V
- Branching ratio epsilons from data set for elements Fe - Ge
- Gate structure of a CCD
- SEM photo of the CCD gate structure. Gate B is shown overlapping gate
A. The bar above the text in the photo is 1 .
- Schematic of a 2x2 array of pixels showing the orientation of the
gates and channel stops. The channel stops are beneath the gates.
- SEM measurement of a channel stop
- Schematic of the mesh showing its orientation to the CCD
- Fixture used to hold the mesh close to the CCD surface
- Images of moiré cells
- Five parameter channel stop model
- Variation in detection efficiency due to the channel stop
- contour plots for box vs. wing width & Si P+
depth vs. SiO2 depth
- Best-fit HEXS channel stop model compared to experimental data.
- O Representative Pixels for grade 0, grade 2, grades 3 and 4, and grade 6events.
- HRMA encircled energy surfaces projected onto a schematic of sub-pixel
- Sketch of the PTB laboratory
- White Light and WLS BESSY spectra as a function of height above the orb
ital plane
- w190c3, quad B: BESSY data vs. model
- w190c1,quad A: BESSY data vs. model
- w103c4, quad B: BESSY data vs. model
- BESSY absolute efficiencies vs. MIT CSR relative efficiencies for
reference detectors w190c3 and w103c4.
- Schematic of the CCD depleted layers.
- Exponential distribution of the number of interacting photons as a function of distance from the surface.
- Histograms of different grades for Fe55 X-rays. Eight
panels (from top to bottom) correspond to ASCA grades 0 through 7.
- Charge collected in the center pixel from the Fe55 photon landing in the neutral bulk as a function of distance from
depletion region boundary.
- Cross section of the thin film sample.
- Transmission of the thin SiO2 film as a function of energy (solid line). Dotted line represents standard Henke data.
- Transmission of the sandwich (solid line).
- Absorption of the thin films of polysilicon (solid line), silicon dioxide (dotted line)
, and SiO2 - Si3N4 (dashed line) sandwich.
- Transmission of the oxidized polysilicon film (solid line) and result
of the best fit to it of the product of the polysilicon and SiO2 transmissions (dotted line).
- Quantum efficiency of the frontside illuminated CCD. Dashed line
is the result of the QE measurement at SX700 line at BESSY.
- Quantum efficiency of the backside illuminated CCD. Triangles
mark experimental results from SX700 at BESSY.
- Telemetry and High Speed Tap Spectra
- Telemetry, High Speed Tap, and Difference Light Curves
- Relative quantum efficiency
ratio data for ACIS detector I0
- Relative detection efficiencies of flight CCDs as a
function of energy--referenced to w190c3.
- Best-estimate ACIS S2 (Front-illuminated) Detector Quantum Efficiency Model
- Best-estimate ACIS S3 (Back-illuminated) Detector Quantum Efficiency Model
- The ratio of quantum efficiencies for the device w193c2 with
the standard clock levels and the reduced clock levels.
- ACIS gain variation as a function of DEA temperature.
- Schematic of the test configuration
- C-K EXAFS with model fit
- Spectrometer Filter Transmission Data with Best Fit Model
- Optical Transmission Model of ACIS Filters
- Real part of refractive index for polyimide.
- Predicted transmission for ACIS I OBF for angles of 0, 30 and 60
- Predicted transmission for ACIS S OBF for angles of 0, 30 and 60
- Predicted transmission for ACIS I OBF for diffuse illumination
- Predicted transmission for ACIS S OBF for diffuse illumination
- Transmission of Spectrometer filter above the Al-K absorption
edge at 20 and -60 C
- Imaging Array Filters 009 and 019
- Spectroscopy Array Filter 003
- OBF Transmission vs. Energy Based on SRC Data
- I1 Effective Area vs. Grade
- S3 Effective Area vs. Grade
- I1 Energy Resolution vs. Grade
- S3 Energy Resolution vs. Grade
- I1 Effective Area vs. Split Threshold
- S3 Effective Area vs. Split Threshold
- I1 Energy Resolution vs. Split Threshold
- S3 Energy Resolution vs. Split Threshold
- ACIS Flight Focal Plane
- Projecting rays on ACIS. Case A: plane of the CCD orthogonal
to the HRMA axis.
- Projecting rays on ACIS. Case B: plane of the CCD tilted with
respect to the HRMA axis.
- Single-pixel event position probability distribution
- Two-pixel event position probability distribution
- Three-pixel (L-shaped) event position probability distribution
- Four-pixel (square-shaped) event position probability distribution
- Radial distortion map for one pixel
- Correlation of FAM Y,Z to ACIS Y,Z
- Correlation Coefficient of Subpixel Position of FAM vs. ACIS
- Pileup Correction - Gaussian Method
- Pileup Correction - ROI Method
- Pile Up Fraction vs. Counts/Frame
- CCD Pileup Correction - All Grades Included
- Example of a simulated back-illuminated CCD frame, containing
1000 1keV photon events and 10 particle events
- Example of a simulated front-illuminated CCD frame, containing
1000 1keV photon events and 10 particle events
- Event Browser Light Curve
- Event Browser Spectrum
- Event Browser Image
- Event Browser Spatial Filter
- Event Browser Property/Property Filter
- 3x3 Event Grading Illustration
Mark Bautz