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ATICA organized the events it extracted in the same way that the flight
software organizes science data - by science runs which are
defined in [Ford and Francis1997]. ATICA creates a directory for
each science run, named for the mode and start time of the run, e.g.
the run tefwb_111:07:17 was a Timed Exposure Faint With Bias run
that started at IRIG time 111:07:17. Within that directory the event
list is arbitrarily divided into files of about 100,000 events each.
ATICA was not able to organize the data by TRW ID because the flight
software and thus the telemetry knew nothing about that concept.
Unfortunately it was necessary to schedule multiple TRW ID's within one
ACIS science run so a single ATICA output directory will contain data
from several TRW ID's.
The FITS binary tables used to store the event lists consist of the following
- TIME: A timestamp for the CCD frame, expressed as an IRIG time in seconds, i.e. the number of seconds since 1997.0.
- CHIPX/CHIPY: The 1-based position of the event. Note that the
flight software telemeters event positions in a 0-based system.
- DETX/DETY: The position of the event in the ``tiled coordinate
system AXAF-ACIS-2.2'' defined by Jonathan McDowell at the ASC
- CCD_ID: The CCD that detected the event. (See Table 3.1.)
Table 3.1:
Conversion table from CCD_ID to ACIS array location.
Chip |
Chip |
Chip |
0 |
I0 |
4 |
S0 |
8 |
S4 |
1 |
I1 |
5 |
S1 |
9 |
S5 |
2 |
I2 |
6 |
S2 |
3 |
I3 |
7 |
S3 |
- AMP_ID: The amplifier, numbered 0..3, associated with the central pixel of the event.
- EXPOSURE: The exposure sequence number as telemetered by the
flight software.
- PHAS: For most modes this is a 9 element vector containing the event
island pixel values NOT corrected for bias. The relationship between this
9-vector and the 3x3 event island is shown in Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1:
Ordering of PHAS and BIAS Vectors
- BIAS: A vector of the same form as PHAS, containing the BIAS
values used for processing this event.
- OVRCLK: The overclock value associated with the amp in AMP_ID for
this exposure.
- ...exposure.
- A bias-corrected event island would be computed
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Previous: Telemetry Pipeline
Mark Bautz