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Previous: Science Run Archive
A set of Post Production activities were performed on the science
run archive produced by ATICA:
- An 8-bit quality code (QUALCODE) was computed for each event.
- The flight software marks pixel locations that appear in the
on-board ``bad pixel list'' with the bias flag value 4095, and marks
pixel locations where the bias has been corrupted (by a memory fault)
by the bias flag value 4094. An event whose island contains either of
these BIAS values has bit 0 in QUALCODE set.
- A BIAS value of zero indicates that ATICA was unable to recover a bias
for that location. Such events have bit 1 in QUALCODE set.
- CCD pixels whose charge exceeds the dynamic range of the flight
electronics end up with a DN value of 4095. Events whose central pixel have
this value have bit 2 in QUALCODE set.
For most analyses, events with non-zero quality codes should be ignored.
- The bias correction PHAS = PHAS - BIAS - OVRCLK is applied.
- The events that belong to each of the phase H tests are identified and
are saved in files named by the TRW ID of the test. This is the most important
step in Post Production since it segments the long science runs (the
instrument's view of what happened) into TRW ID's (the scientist's view of
what happened).
- The as-requested CMDB table was edited to reflect the tests that were
actually performed, based on what was seen in the data stream and what was
written in various logs at the XRCF, producing the beginning of an as-run CMDB
The FITS events lists that comprise the Post Production archive consist of
the following binary table columns: TIME, DETX, DETY, CCD_ID, AMP_ID,
The only filtering performed during Post Production was the extraction
of a single segment of time around the test. These time boundaries were
liberally chosen to include a few frames before and after the test - thus
one can usually still see the rise of the light curve at the beginning of the
test and the fall at the end. Analysis of Post Production data will
typically require additional filtering by time, elimination of non-zero
QUALCODES, grade filtering, etc.
Next: ACIS-2C HSHST Products
Up: Telemetry Pipeline
Previous: Science Run Archive
Mark Bautz