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CCD geometry

We first summarize the coordinate systems used for formulating the ray tracing problem. For a more comprehensive description of the various coordinate systems of the mission, we refer to the ``ASC Coordinate System'' . The coordinate systems we will use below are:

Note that, since the output from SAOSAC is provided in the XRCF coordinate system, a transformation of the event coordinates into LSI will be necessary.

Figure 6.9:  Locations and orientations of chips chosen for ACIS flight focal plane.
\psfig {figure=ASCdocs/,height=4in,angle=270,clip=}

While the LSI is unique for the instrument, every CCD in both ACIS-I and ACIS-S has its own CPC system, where the plane of the CCD defines the (YCPC, ZCPC) plane. This is illustrated in Figure 3 of the ``ASC Coordinate System'' . To transform from CPC to LSI we need a rotation and a translation, so that a generic point r on the plane is described in the LSI system by:  
{\bf r = p_0} + Y_{CPC}{\bf e_Y} + Z_{CPC}{\bf e_Z}\end{displaymath} (56)
where ${\bf p_0}$ is the origin of the CPC coordinates (the lower-left corner of the chip being refered to; this is shown as pixel (1,1) in Fig. 6.9.) and eY, eZ are the unit vectors of the CPC Y, Z axes. The latter, as well as p0, are determined from the coordinates of the CCD corners in LSI coordinates, specifically, from Eq. (15) and Table 4 of the ``ASC Coordinate System'' .

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Mark Bautz