In nearly every stage of this process, data were obtained that constrain the response of the CCDs themselves. Moreover, a number of ancillary measurements, not shown in figure 4.4, were made to address particular calibration issues. These include measurement of X-ray Absorption Fine Structure near the relevant edges in the detector response, measurement of structure within a single CCD pixel, and measurement of pileup effects for a variety of source spectral and spatial distributions. At this writing, not all of these data have been analyzed.
Here we summarize the objectives and some salient characteristics of each type of measurement that bears directly on CCD performance calibration. It is intended that this summary serve as a guide to the analysis presented in the remainder of this chapter, as well as an indication of what additional data remain to be analyzed.
Specifically, spectral response function measurements are discussed in section 4.3, and pileup effects and sub-pixel structure are considered in sections 4.4 and 4.5, respectively. Absolute quantum efficiency measurements are described in section 4.6, while comparision of the flight detectors to absolutely calibrated standards is discussed in section 4.7.
It should be noted that the confidence we may ultimately place in the ACIS calibration will depend critically on the extent to which the elements of this large, overlapping measurement set can be compared, one to another. The power of this intercomparison is illustrated, for example, in section 4.7.3, which compares relative detection efficiency measurements made at MIT subassembly calibration with those made using the integrated instrument at XRCF. It is clear at present, that much work remains to be done if we are to achieve a calibration that is as accurate as this vast data set allows.
ACIS Detector Response Function Measurements are summarized by objective
in Table 4.3.
Measurement Objective | Site | Spectral Content | Spatial Distribution | Energies (keV) | Flight Devices? | Analysis Status | Remarks |
Spectral Response | MIT | Mon. QM. | Diffuse | 0.2-1.5(cont) | yes | TBD | HIREFS,IFM |
Diffuse | 0.5 - 9.9 (15 energies) | yes | Done | ||||
PTB/BESSY | Mono. | Diffuse | 0.2-1.5 | no | Done | SX-700 grating mon. | |
Mono. | Diffuse | 1.5-6 | no | Done | KMC 2-crys. mono. | ||
XRCF(I) | Mon.,QM. | Diffuse | 0.3 - 8.1 (7 energies) | yes | In prog. | 4.3 | |
Detection Efficiency (Primary Std.) | PTB/BESSY | Continuum | Diffuse | 0.2 -4 | no | Done | sec. 4.6.1 |
Undisp. S. R. | 0.2-12 | no | Done | WLS; 4.6.1 | |||
Mono. | Diffuse | 0.2-1.5 | no | Done | SX-700; FI and BI | ||
Detection Efficiency (Secondary. Std.) | MIT | QM | Diffuse | 0.2-8.0 (8 energies) | yes | Done | phot/energy
sec 4.7.2 |
XRCF(F,G) | QM,Mon. | HRMA | 0.3 - 10 | no | In Prog. | ACIS 2C | |
XRCF(H) | QM,Mon. | HRMA | 0.3 - 8 | yes | In Prog. | Flight Instr. | |
XRCF(I) | QM,Mon. | Diffuse | 0.3 - 8.0 | yes | In Prog. | Flight Instr. sec. 4.7.3 | |
Mon. | Diffuse | N-K,O-K,Si-L,K | no | Done | Thin Films
sec. 4.6.3 |
Sub-pixel Structure/Spatial Lin. | MIT | QM | Mesh(m) | 0.5 -2 | no | In Prog. | sec. 4.5 |
XRCF(F) | QM,Mon. | HRMA | 0.3 - 8 | no | In Prog. | ACIS 2C | |
XRCF(H) | QM,Mon. | HRMA | 0.3 - 8 | yes | In Prog. | Flight Instr. | |
Pileup/Count Rate Linearity | MIT | QM | Diffuse | 0.2-8.0 | no | In Prog. | sec. 4.4 |
PTB/BY | Cont. S.R. | Diffuse | 0.2 -4 | no | In Prog. | sec. 4.4 | |
XRCF(F,G) | QM,Mon. | HRMA | 0.3 - 10 | no | In Prog. | ACIS 2C | |
XRCF(H) | QM,Mon. | HRMA | 0.3 - 8 | yes | In Prog. | Flight Instr. |
John Nousek