Version 1.6.2-51 | Single Parameter Confidence Limits with PVM | |||||||||||||||||||
Distributed Computation of Single-Parameter Confidence LimitsComputing single-parameter confidence limits for a number of free parameters can be time-consuming both because many model fits are required, and because the process often reveals deeper minima of the fit-statistic, making it necessary to restart the search from the beginning. By distributing the confidence limit search over several CPUs, the entire process can often be greatly accelerated. The script below uses the PVM module to assign each slave process the task of computing single-parameter confidence limits for one parameter. If an improved fit is discovered, the relevant slave process sends the location of this new best-fit back to the master process. If this improved fit represents the best fit-statistic yet encountered, the master process interrupts all the other slaves and re-starts them all at the new best-fit. Otherwise, it re-starts the single interrupted slave process. The master process collects the results of all the slave processes, saving intermediate results to disk in case something happens to interrupt the calculation. When all the single-parameter confidence limits have converged, the master process stops all the slave processes and exits. Usage
After initializing the parallel virtual machine (PVM) with a
suitable number of hosts, start the confidence limit search
using ./cl_master /nfs/path/to/work/directoryThe script is used by each host to initialize
the fit, loading all the necessary data files and instrument
responses, defining the fit-function and setting initial
parameter values. By default, confidence limits are derived
for all free parameters. Otherwise, an optional command-line
argument can be used to provide a list of parameters for
which confidence limits are to be computed:
./cl_master /nfs/path/to/work/directory "[1,3,5,12]"
The output from the
Note that this implementation assumes that all the hosts share
access to a directory containing the script Source code for the master and slave programs is available here (requires slang-2 and isis-1.3.1 or later): |
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This page is maintained by John C. Houck. Last updated: Apr 3, 2022