If you have general questions, don't hesitate to ask!
You can email the ISIS users list isis-users@space.mit.edu
Instructions for subscribing to the mailing list are here
If you want to browse AtomDB 3 with ISIS, support is now available. From the AtomDB website:
ISIS Users: the ISIS software requires access to the underlying atomic database. We normally distribute this as part of the release, however the files produced are very large (>10s of Gb). As a result, this tarball will provide the wavelengths and energy levels required by ISIS. untar them in the same directory as the rest of the AtomDB files from above. A description of the issue is given here (PDF)The tarball is here: atomdb_v3_0_2_isis.tar.bz2
Getting started + How to find help in ISIS
An example of an .isisrc file
set ISIS history file in .cshrc: "setenv ISIS_HISTORY_FILE ~yourpath/.isis_history"
Looping over several spectra & simple fits using LMC X-1 RXTE/PCA data
Problem set:
Spectral analysis of high resolution X-ray binary data (M. Nowak)
Solutions: groJ1655.sl
Problem set:
Finding and identifying weak emission lines in stellar HETG spectrum (D. Huenemoerder)
Solutions: capella.sl