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The XRCF energy scale and spectral resolution results presented here have been based on phase I telemetry data.

XRCF phase I was performed with the ACIS flight instrument, but without the High Resolution Mirror Assembly or the gratings. The full ACIS focal plane was illuminated with X-rays from either the Electron-Impact Point Source or the Double Crystal Monochrometer.

During XRCF phase I, the detector electronics temperature was $ 13 \mbox{$^{\circ}$}$ C and the focal plane temperature was $ -110 \mbox{$^{\circ}$}$ C.

ACIS was run in the full frame timed exposure mode, with a 3.34 second exposure time. During most science runs, six of the CCDs were read out simultaneously. A single science run included a number of TRW IDs, and in a few cases multiple energies as well. Subarrays of various sizes were used to avoid telemetry saturation.

Table 4.4 describes each of the science runs used in this section.

Table 4.4: XRCF Phase I ACIS Science Run Descriptions
Science Run Source Energy (eV) FI Window (rows) BI Window (rows) CCDs TRW IDs
69 EIPS O-K 525 500 156 s0 s2 s4-5  
70 EIPS O-K 525 250 78 s0-5 I-IAS-EA-2.001 - 2.006
71 EIPS O-K 525 250 78 i0-3 s2-3 I-IAI-EA-1.001 - 1.004
72 EIPS Si-K 1740 56 50 s0 s2 s4-5 I-IAS-EA-2.013 - 2.018
75 EIPS Si-K 1740 56 50 i0-3 s2 I-IAI-EA-1.009 - 1.012
77 EIPS Fe-K 6399 46 46 i0-3 s3  
78 EIPS Fe-K 6399 46 46 i0-1 i3 s3 I-IAI-EA-1.025 - 1.028
83 EIPS Fe-K 6399 46 46 i0-2 s2-3 I-IAI-EA-1.028
84 EIPS Fe-K 6399 46 46 s0-5 I-IAS-EA-2.037 - 2.042
91 EIPS Cu-K 8040 30 30 i0-3 s2-3 I-BND-BU-2.004
92 EIPS Cu-K 8040 20 30 i0-3 s2-3 I-IAI-EA-1.029 - 1.032
93 EIPS Cu-K 8040 20 30 s0-5 I-IAS-EA-2.043 - 2.048
96 EIPS C-K 277 1024 512 s0-5 I-BND-BU-2.037
97 EIPS C-K 277 512 1024 s0-5 I-IAS-EA-2.049 - 2.050
100 EIPS Ti-K 4509 28 24 s0-5 I-IAS-EA-2.032, 2.034
104 EIPS Ti-K 4509 28 24 i0-3 s2-3 I-IAI-EA-1.024
111 EIPS Al-K 1487 24 20 s0-5 I-IAS-EA-2.029 - 2.031
112 EIPS Al-K 1487 24 20 i0-3 s2-3 I-IAI-EA-1.017 - 1.020
114 EIPS Si-K 1740 28 26 i0-3 s2 I-IAI-EA-5.003 - 5.004
115 EIPS O-K 525 250 78 i0-3 s2-3 I-IAI-EA-5.001 - 5.002
116 EIPS O-K 525 250 78 s0-5 I-IAS-EA-2.101 - 2.106
117 EIPS O-K 525 250 78 i0-3 s2-3 I-IAI-EA-1.101 - 1.104
120 EIPS Ti-K 4509 28 24 s0-5 I-IAS-EA-2.131 - 2.132, 2.134
122 EIPS Ti-K 4509 28 24 s0-5 I-IAS-EA-2.133, 2.135 - 2.136
123 EIPS Ti-K 4509 28 24 i0-3 s2-3 I-IAI-EA-1.121 - 1.124
128 DCM 1380 1024 1024 i3 s1 s3 I-IAI-EA-1.204 - 1.206
131 DCM 1770 512 512 i3 s1 s3 I-IAI-EA-1.213 - 1.215
132 DCM 4500 1024 1024 i3 s1 s3 I-IAI-EA-1.222 - 1.224
149 DCM 2035 1024 1024 i0-3 s2-3 I-IAI-EA-1.225

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Mark Bautz