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Shutter Focus

Shutter Focus tests are designed to find rapidly the focal spot of the HRMA and to develop estimates of where to move the ACIS or ACIS-2C by FAM motions to find the prime focal spot and place it at the desired pixel location. This test is iterated, changing X until the minimum diameter 10% power level is found. Note: due to gravitational distortion effects on telescope blur it is expected that the blur will be deformed in Y and Z. The actual criterion will be minimum image width in the Y (grating dispersion) direction.

Shutter Focus Tests

TRW-ID source energy FP Rate,Total Counts Int Time mult pitch yaw yoff zoff Defocus Focal HST frametime proc_mode rows frames
F-I2C-SF-1.003 Al-Ka 1.486 164.7,20000 485.73 4 0 0 0 0 0 2C1 - 0.66 INTEG 114 21
F-I2C-SF-1.004 Al-Ka 1.486 191.62,20000 417.49 4 0 0 0 0 0 2C0 - 0.66 INTEG 114 18
F-I2C-SF-3.001 Al-Ka 1.486 260,15600 240 4 0 0 0 0 0 2C0 - 0.66 INTEG 114 11
F-I2C-SF-3.002 Al-Ka 1.486 260,15600 240 4 0 0 -8.04 -11.112 0 2C0 - 0.66 INTEG 114 11
F-I2C-SF-3.003 Al-Ka 1.486 260,15600 240 4 0 0 -8.04 11.088 0 2C0 - 0.66 INTEG 114 11
F-I2C-SF-3.004 Al-Ka 1.486 260,15600 240 4 0 0 14.16 11.088 0 2C0 - 0.66 INTEG 114 11
F-I2C-SF-3.005 Al-Ka 1.486 260,15600 240 4 0 0 14.16 -11.112 0 2C0 - 0.66 INTEG 114 11
F-I2C-SF-3.006 Al-Ka 1.486 223.47,13408.2 240 4 0 0 0 0 0 2C1 - 0.66 INTEG 114 11
F-I2C-SF-3.007 Al-Ka 1.486 223.47,13408.2 240 4 0 0 12 -4.8 0 2C1 - 0.66 INTEG 114 11
F-I2C-SF-3.008 Al-Ka 1.486 223.47,13408.2 240 4 0 0 12 15.53 0 2C1 - 0.66 INTEG 114 11
F-I2C-SF-3.009 Al-Ka 1.486 223.47,13408.2 240 4 0 0 -8.4 15.53 0 2C1 - 0.66 INTEG 114 11
F-I2C-SF-3.010 Al-Ka 1.486 223.47,13408.2 240 4 0 0 -8.4 -4.8 0 2C1 - 0.66 INTEG 114 11
H-IAS-SF-3.002 Al-Ka 1.486 9.9790,598.74 240 4 0 0 0 0 1 S3 S3 3.3 INTEG 1024 19
H-IAI-SF-2.001 DCM 2.5 9.0588,2500 1103.9 4 0 0 0 0 0 I3 I3 0.5 INTEG 100 552
H-IAS-SF-2.002 DCM 2.5 9.9194,2500 1008.13 4 0 0 0 0 0 S3 S3 3.3 INTEG 1024 77
G-I2C-SF-31.008 Mg-Ka 1.254 397.2818,10000 100.68 4 0 0 0 0 0 2C1 - 0.11 INTEG 18 5

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Mark Bautz