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Up: ACIS XRCF Measurement Plan
Previous: ACIS XRCF Measurement Plan
This is the entire ACIS XRCF Measurement Plan, including ACIS-2C data
from Phase F and Phase G as well as ACIS flight camera data from Phase
H. Each class of tests is mentioned, with a brief narrative
description of the intent of the set of measurements. We also present
tables summarized from the ``as-requested'' CMDB (Calibration
Measurement DataBase) for each type of test; these tables represent our
best current record of the data obtained at XRCF, grouped according to
the calibration goal that they satisfy.
As we describe the types of tests we list the descriptions for each
test according to the TRW ID, and supplementary descriptive entries from
the CMDB. The columns for all tables are defined below. These definitions were
taken from the CMDB Web page; please refer there for more complete
- TRW ID - A string uniquely identifying an XRCF measurement.
- source - The source used to generate X-rays for this test.
- energy - The specific energy you wish to be using, in keV.
- FP_Rate, Total_Cts - The estimated rate of detected counts
in the focal plane, per second; the total number of counts expected for
the whole test.
- Int_time - The integration time for this test, in seconds.
- mult - Multiplicity, the number of distinct XRCF configurations
sampled in
this test (e.g. the number of monochromator settings for each DCM test).
- pitch - The angular rotation of the HRMA about the XRCF Z
axis, with positive numbers increasing ``down,'' in arcminutes.
- yaw - The angular rotation of the HRMA about the XRCF Y axis,
with positive numbers increasing ``left'' (also known as ``south''), in
- yoff - The linear offset of the FAM in the XRCF Y direction (+Y
is ``south''), in units of mm.
- zoff - The linear offset of the FAM in the XRCF Z direction (+Z
is ``up''), in units of mm.
- Defocus - The linear offset of the FAM in the XRCF X direction
(+X is towards the X-ray source), in units of mm.
- Focal - Focal plane choice, the detector in the focal plane
for this test.
- HST - The ACIS chip monitored by the high-speed tap.
- frametime - The amount of time in each ACIS exposure (the
integration time, between CCD readouts), in seconds.
- proc_mode - The mode of ACIS processing.
- rows - The number of rows in the ACIS readout window.
- frames - The number of ACIS data frames taken during the
measurement integration.
The DCM tests were designed to step across the Si K edge and the Ir M
edges to measure the effective area and the point response function in
10 eV steps at energies avoiding the W M line contamination, using both
FI and BI chips. The test plan included a HIREFS Oxygen K edge test,
using HIREFS to obtain points spanning the O K edge to measure the
effective area and the point response function, using both FI and BI
chips. However, at O K the HIREFS beam is faint and nonuniform.
Because of this, these tests were given low priority and were not
accomplished due to time constraints at XRCF.
Next: Shutter Focus
Up: ACIS XRCF Measurement Plan
Previous: ACIS XRCF Measurement Plan
Mark Bautz