Max Tegmark's library:
Figure 8.
The origin of "Doppler peaks": why density and velocity oscillations do not cancel.
Reprinted from
Hu (1995).
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Doppler peaks and all that:
CMB anisotropies and what they can tell us
Max Tegmark
The power spectrum of fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background
(CMB) depends on most of the key cosmological parameters.
Accurate future measurements of this power spectrum might therefore allow
us to determine h, Omega, Omega_b, Lambda, n, T/S, etc, with hitherto
unprecedented accuracy.
In these lecture notes,
which are intended to be readable without much prior CMB knowledge,
we review the various physical processes that generate
CMB fluctuations, focusing on how changes in the
parameters alters the shape of the power spectrum.
We also discuss foregrounds and real-world data analysis issues
and how these affect the accuracy with which the parameters can be measured.
Online references:
This site also contains the latest versions of some papers that are referenced in
the text;
Haehnelt & Tegmark 1995,
Tegmark 1995,
Tegmark & Bunn 1995,
Tegmark & Efstathiou 1995 and
Tegmark & Silk 1995.
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This page was last modified July 1, 1998.