Max Tegmark's library: complementarity
Figure 2: The 68% confidence regions from three hypothetical
SN Ia data sets that might be available in five years time, together with
those from MAP and Planck with and without polarization.
Please click here to get the 440K postscript
file with the paper. To download a color postscript file with any of the
two figures shown, just click on it. Click
if you are interested in other research of mine.
Cosmic complementarity 1:
probing the acceleration of the Universe
Max Tegmark, Daniel
Eisenstein, Wayne Hu
& Richard
We assess the accuracy with which Omega and Lambda can be measured by combining
various types of upcoming experiments. Useful expressions for the Fisher
information matrix are derived for classical cosmological tests involving
luminosity (eg, SN Ia), angular size, age and number counts. These geometric
probes are found to be quite complementary both to each other and to inferences
from cluster abundance and the cosmic microwave background (CMB). For instance,
a joint analysis of SN Ia and CMB reduces the error bars by about an order
of magnitude compared to a separate analysis of either data set.
Reference info:
astro-ph/9805117, submitted to ApJL
Figure 3: Degeneracy curves - they connect models that can't
be distinguished by various cosmological tests.
Cosmic complementarity 2:
combining CMB and supernova observations
Max Tegmark, Daniel
Eisenstein & Wayne Hu
We compute the accuracy with which Omega and Lambda can be measured by
combining future SN Ia and CMB experiments, deriving a handy expression
for the SN Ia Fisher information matrix. The two data sets are found to
be highly complementary: a joint analysis reduces the error bars by more
than an order of magnitude compared to a separate analysis of either data
Reference info:
astro-ph/9804168, to appear in "Fundamental parameters in Cosmology",
1998 Rencontres de Moriond
This precedes the first paper, and is essentially a subset thereof. Download
it by clicking here. For those of you who can't
imagine living with Lambda, it contains results for a different fiducial
cosmology: vanilla CDM. The supernova treatment is also somewhat more explicit
than in the first paper.
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This page was last modified July 1, 1998.