Max Tegmark's library: bias

Figure1: time-evolution of the bias factor and the correlation betweeen mass and light.

Please click here to get the 660K postscript file with the paper. Click here if you are interested in other research of mine. 

The time-evolution of bias


Max Tegmark & P. J. E. Peebles


We study the evolution of the bias factor b and the mass-galaxy correlation coefficient r in a simple analytic model for galaxy formation and the gravitational growth of clustering. The model shows that b and r can be strongly time-dependent, but tend to approach unity even if galaxy formation never ends as the gravitational growth of clustering debiases the older galaxies. The presence of random fluctuations in the sites of galaxy formation relative to the mass distribution can cause large and rapidly falling bias values at high redshift.

Reference info:

ApJL, 500, 79-82 (1998)

Bias and beyond

This is a more general essay on bias and can be downloaded by clicking  here.


Max Tegmark


It is becoming increasingly clear that galaxy bias is complicated, with evidence indicating that it can be time-dependent, morphology-dependent, scale-dependent, non-linear and non-deterministic. We discuss strategies for overcoming these complications and performing precision cosmological tests with upcoming redshift surveys.

Reference info:

To appear in ``The Projected Power Spectrum of the Dark Matter Inferred from Weak Lensing Surveys'', S. Colombi and Y. Mellier (eds), Editions Frontieres

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This page was last modified September 15, 1998.