KMI Home Page:
MIT Chandra X-ray Center
Chandra Science:

Dr. Norbert S. Schulz
Research Scientist
Astrophysics & Space Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research

Address at MIT

Personal Records


NSS NE83 Great Zoom ROOM
High Energy Group zoom (MIT certificate required)
ReDSoX Polarimetry
MKI All Hands Zoom
MKI Astrophysics Colloquium
ARCUS telecon (Fridays 9 am)
ACIS Cal meeting
IACHEC April 2021 Plenary Sessions
MKI Happy Hour Zoom

The Chandra HETG Orion VLP Project

The Chandra HETG Si K Survey

ACIS Calibration

HETGS Calibration

In-flight Calibration

Science Links

Orion Release Page

SPRINGER BOOK 2nd Edition: The Formation and Early Evolution of Stars -
From Dust to Stars and Planets

background image copyright R, Crisp