The v3d routines,
v3d.sl (version 1.2.1)
provide a way to define and visualize
3D cubes of scalar values, with application to
volume-filling geometries. The v3d routines described here are basic building blocks and
can be used in a variety of contexts. The routines are written in
S-Lang and can be added to S-Lang-based systems, e.g., ISIS, with the
usual commands: require("v3d") or ()=evalfile("v3d.sl") .
Docmentation on the routines is available in this
v3d Command Reference
document as well as in the comments in the source file
v3d.sl .
At the command line ``v3d_help; '' will list a brief
summary of the available routines; typing a routine's name without
arguments will generally give a very brief usage message.
In an astrophysical modeling context, the scalar values in the 3D array can
represent a local physical quantity that gives rise to observed emission.
As an example, for thermal X-rays the product n_e*n_i fulfills this role at
the local level and is related to the overall ``emission measure''
or ``norm'' of the model. In this way, the v3d routines are used to
defined the geometric properties
of model components as part of the
X-ray-focussed modeling and analysis system:
Other smaller and more custom examples of using v3d routines are
(i) as a front-end for Chandra's MARX
simulator, and (ii) as part of a custom isis model:
These example also shows how the use of S-Lang allows for convenient user customization
and extension.
The remainder of this page provides examples of the v3d routines
and their capabilities.
An Astrophysical Geometry Example
The 20-year-old supernova remnant, SNR 1987A,
is made up of several geometric components as shown
here in solid cross-section (left) and projected on the sky (right.)
These include: the expanding SN ejecta (purple), the dense
``inner ring'' with protrusions (red), the torus-like HII region around the
ring (green) and an expanding blastwave out of the equatorial plane (blue).
The images were created with the commands in:
v3d_view, uses volview() |
v3d_project, uses imdisplay() |
Monte Carlo ``events'' with Doppler Effects
Routines are provided to generate Monte Carlo (MC) samples from
a v3d volume array with the probability of the event proportional to the
values of the array cell. The set of 3D locations, ``points'', created
can be used as input to a ray-trace code. A routine is provided to
calculate Line-of-sight Doppler shifts
(photon energy factors) based on a velocity field for the points.
The v3d routines also
provide a primative event-imaging capapility which can show the events
color-coded by the Doppler velocity. The simple examples below were
made with the commands in v3dex_mc_vels.sl.
Solid 3D view |
MC events on sky |
vtype=0 const*r_hat |
vtype=1 const*r_vec |
vtype=2 rigid rotation |v| ~ r |
vtype=3 Kepler rotation |v| ~ 1/sqrt(r) |
Some other examples...
Some other example images and the files used to create them are given here:
Basic V3D Routines
Below are examples of some basic shapes available in the
v3d.sl routines; these examples were
made with the code-snippets indicated and given in full
in v3d_shape_demo.sl .
v3d_sphere v3d_sphere (20.0, 40.0, [20.,40.,20.]) +
v3d_sphere (0.0, 20.0, [0.,0.,-50.0]) | | |
v3d_spheroid v3d_spheroid (40.0, 50.0, 1.8, ,[-20.0,70.]) | | |
v3d_cylinder v3d_cylinder (10.0,20.0, 0.0,80.0, , [290.0,0.0])
+ v3d_cylinder (40.0, 90.0, -10.0, 10.0, ,[-55.0, -30.0]) | | |
v3d_cone v3d_cone (20.0, 30.0, 30.0, 80.0, , [-40.,-10.]) +
2.0* v3d_cone (0.0, 3.0, -200.0,200.0, , [50.0,60.0] ) | | |
v3d_torus ( v3d_torus (30.0,70.0, [20.0,0.,0.],[-40.,10.0]) -
v3d_torus (45.0,55.0, [20.,0.,0.], [-40.,10.0]) ) +
v3d_torus (30.0,50.0, [-10.,0.,40.], [140.0,80.0]) | | |
v3d_cube-slice v3d_cube (100.0,[-70.,0.,-100.]) *
v3d_sphere (50.0,80.0) | | |
v3d_roche v3d_roche (90., 0.333, 1.0, [-75.0,0.,.0],[0.0,0.0])
( v3d_roche (90., 3.0, 1.0, [15.0,0.,0.0],[180.0,0.0]) -
v3d_sphere (0.0, 20.0, [15.0,0.,0.0]) ) | | |
v3d_sphere_ring v3d_sphere_ring (70.0, 5.0, 17, , [260.0, -44.0]) | | |
v3d_sphere_rlup v3d_sphere_rlup (1.0,90.0, [0.0,3.0,10.0,30.0,100.0], [10.0,5.0,1.0,3.0,0.5]) | | |
v3d_cyl_azlup v3d_cyl_azlup (70.0, 90.0, -40.0, 40.0, ,
[-70.0,30.0], azlups,vlups)
azlups = 9.0*[-10:20:1];
vlups = 0.3 + cos(5.0*azlups*PI/180.0)^2; | | |
v3d_2dto3d v3d_2dto3d (arr2d, 20.0, 90.0, , [-20.0, 30.0])
arr2d = Float_Type [91,100];
% from 0 to 10 degrees: 1/5 radius:
arr2d[[0:9],[0:20]] = 1.0;
% from 10 to 45 degrees: 1/2 radius:
arr2d[[10:45],[0:49]] = 1.0;
% from 46 to 90 degrees: full radius:
arr2d[[46:90],*] = 1.0; | | |
v3d_2dto3d-RT-hydro v3d_2dto3d (arrRT, 22.0, 90.0, ,
[90.0,80.0]) with:
arr2d = h5_read("wrbub_1026.h5");
...etc... | | |
v3d_r3dsq 10.0*(1./30.0^3)* exp(-1.0*v3d_r3dsq([0.,0.,0.])
/(30.0^2)) +
(1./10.^3)* exp(-1.0* v3d_r3dsq([60.,50.,30.]) /(10.0^2)) | | |
v3d_f_generic v3d_f_generic ("custom function", ,
Here, values = (cos(3.0*azimuth))^2 * (sin(5.0*lattitude))^2 * exp(-1.0*rad3dsq/(40.0)^2);
| | |
v3d_histxy % v3d_histxy: bin x, y values into the central (z=0) x-y plane of the
e0102_flat = v3d_histxy (e2d_data[15].dxs,
The above line was executed after doing:
e2d_load_data("../Data/obs_3828/evt2", "X", "Y", [4094.1,4166.1], [0,0], [0.5,5.0]);
v3d_setup(25.0, 27);
| | |
v3d_reproject % continuing from the e0102_flat array
% make it 3D by reprojecting it to a sphere:
e0102_sphere = v3d_reproject (e0102_flat, v3d_sphere(20.0,25.0));
| | |