"HETG: X-Ray Ejecta Kinematics of the
Core-collapse SNR G292.0+1.8",
D. Dewey, a talk at the HETG/CXC group meeting,
4 December 2013, MKI.
pdf file ]
"X-Ray Ejecta Kinematics of the Galactic
Core-Collapse Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8", J.
Bhalerao, S. Park, D. Dewey, et al., a poster at the Conference
on Supernovae, October 2013, Kyoto University (Japan)
pdf file ]. Updated for the AAS
223rd Meeting, January 2014, Washington DC
pdf file ]
"A Decade-Baseline Study of the Plasma States
of Ejecta Knots in Cassiopeia A",
J. Rutherford, D. Dewey, E. Figueroa-Feliciano, S.N.T. Heine,
F.A. Bastien, K. Sato, and C.R. Canizares,
ApJ, 769, 64
[ arXiv:1111.5314 ]
"SN 1987A at High Resolution ...",
D. Dewey, V.V. Dwarkadas, F. Haberl and C.R. Canizares, a poster at the
Astronomy: the next 50 years, October 2012, Milan.
[ poster summary:
pdf file ] [ animation: m4v file]
"Evolution and Hydrodynamics of the
Very-Broad X-ray Line Emission in SN 1987A",
D. Dewey, V.V. Dwarkadas, F. Haberl, R. Sturm and C.R. Canizares,
ApJ, 752, 103 (2012).
[ arXiv:1111.5314
and .pdf ]
"The Evolution and Hydrodynamics of SN
1987A seen with HETG and RGS Spectra",
D. Dewey, V.V. Dwarkadas, F. Haberl and C.R. Canizares, a poster at the
12th HEAD Meeting
, September 2011, Newport, RI.
pdf file ]
"Modeling SN 1996cr's X-ray lines at high
resolution: Sleuthing the Ejecta/CSM Geometry",
D. Dewey, F.E. Bauer and V.V. Dwarkadas, in proceedings of the
Gamma Ray Bursts 2010 Conference
, November 2010, Annapolis, MD.
[ arXiv:1102.1442 ]
"Evolution of the High Velocity X-Ray
Emission from SN 1987A",
D. Dewey, F. Haberl, V.V. Dwarkadas, D.N. Burrows, and S. Park, a poster at the
AAS 217th Meeting
, January 2011, Seattle, WA.
pdf file ]
"Modeling SN 1996cr's X-ray lines at high
resolution: Sleuthing the Ejecta/CSM Geometry...",
D. Dewey, F.E. Bauer and V.V. Dwarkadas, a poster at the
Gamma Ray Bursts 2010 Conference
, November 2010, Annapolis, MD.
pdf file ]
"Kinematics of Supernova Remnants: Status of
X-Ray Observations",
D. Dewey, to appear in Space Science Reviews.
pdf file ]
"Bursting SN 1996cr's Bubble:
Hydrodynamic and X-ray Modeling of its Circumstellar Medium",
V.V. Dwarkadas, D. Dewey and F. Bauer, MNRAS, 407, 812 (2010).
[ arXiv:1005.1090 ]
"Velocities and 3D Structure of SNRs Cas A and SN 1987A",
D. Dewey, a talk at the High
Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy Workshop No.3
, held at the Mullard Space Science
Laboratory of University College
London, Holmbury St Mary, Dorking, Surrey, UK, March 19-20, 2009.
[ pdf ]
"Simulation and Fitting of Multi-Dimensional X-ray Data", D.
Dewey and M.S. Noble, an article from a poster at the
ADASS XVIII meeting, Quebec, 2008. To appear in ASP Conf.
Series Vol.TBD, A.11; arXiv:0902.1740.
[ pdf file ]
"Volumetric 3D Modeling of the X-ray Emission Region
within the Planetary Nebula BD+30 3639", by Y.S. Yu et al., a poster at the
AAS 213th meeting(BAAS Vol.41, No.1),
Long Beach, CA, January 2009.
[ pdf file ]
"Chandra HETG Spectra of SN 1987A at 20 Years",
D. Dewey, S.A. Zhekov, R. McCray, and C.R. Canizares, ApJ, 676, L131 (2008).
"Chandra HETG Spectra of SN 1987A at 20 Years", a poster at the
HEAD Tenth Divisional Meeting (BAAS Vol.40, No.1),
Los Angeles, CA, April, 2008.
[ pdf file ,
ppt file]
"Cas A: The bright X-ray Knots and Oxygen Emission", D. Dewey,
T. DeLaney, and J.S. Lazendic; conference proceedings,
"CSM and Late Stages of Massive Stellar Evolution" (Ensenada 2006)
RMxAC, Vol. 30 , pp. 84-89 (2007); and at
"Adding a 3rd Dimension to Supernova Remnants",
D. Dewey, a talk at the
1st UMass/MIT X-ray Astronomy workshop,
October 2006, Amherst MA.
pdf file ]
Great Spectroscopy:
measuring minute line shifts;
we see in 3D !
"The Kinematic and Plasma Properties of X-ray Knots
in Cassiopeia A from the Chandra HETGS"
J.S. Lazendic, D. Dewey, N.S. Schulz, C.R. Canizares, ApJ, 651, 250 (2006).
"A little more data on Cas A",
D. Dewey, a talk at the CfA SNORE series,
November 2005, Cambridge, MA.
pdf file ]
"HETGS observation of Cas A: Looking at the trees in the forest",
J. Lazendic et al., a poster at
Six Years of Chandra Observations,
November 2005, Cambridge MA.
pdf file ]
"Hydra progress: fitting beginnings",
D. Dewey, an informal group-talk, September, 2005.
pdf file ]
"Usin' what we got: Calculating X-ray Spectra for
Non-equilibrium Plasmas", D. Dewey, article from a poster at
X-ray Diagnostics of Astrophysical Plasmas, 2004,
Cambridge, MA, 15-17 October, 2004. AIPC, 774, 219 (2005).
pdf file ,
contributed article:
pdf file ]
"A Coarse 3D Model of E0102 Derived from HETG Data",
D. Dewey, a poster at
HEAD Eighth Divisional Meeting (BAAS Vol.36, No.3),
New Orleans, LA, 8-11 September, 2004.
power point file ,
pdf file ]
"SNR E0102: Building a Supernova Remnant",
D. Dewey, a talk at the CfA SNORE series,
December 2003, Cambridge, MA.
power point file ,
pdf file ;
and the animated MPEG file
e0102_vplanesX.mpg ]
"Chandra High-Resolution X-Ray Spectrum of Supernova Remnant
K. A. Flanagan, C. R. Canizares, D. Dewey, J. C. Houck, A. C. Fredericks,
M. L. Schattenburg, T. H. Markert, and D.S. Davis, ApJ 605:230 (2004).
"SNR E0102: Measured Velocities and Geometric Musings",
D. Dewey, a talk at The First Constellation-X Spectroscopy
Workshop, May 2003, Columbia University.
power point file ,
pdf file]
"Extended Source Analysis for Grating Spectrometers",
D. Dewey, in High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy with XMM-Newton
and Chandra,
Proceedings of the international workshop held at the Mullard Space Science
Laboratory of University College
London, Holmbury St Mary, Dorking, Surrey, UK, October 24 - 25, 2002, Ed.
G. Branduardi-Raymont. Published electronically at
http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/~gbr/rgs_workshop/, p.E14.
Available through the
[or here: ps.gz or
pdf ]
"Spatial-Spectral Analysis for HETGS SNR Observations",
D. Dewey, a poster at the Two Years of Science with Chandra
symposium, Sept.5-7 2001, Washington DC.
Abstract available from
"High Resolution Spectroscopy of Two Oxygen-Rich
SNRs with the Chandra HETG", C.R. Canizares, K.A. Flanagan,
D.S. Davis, D. Dewey, J.C. Houck, and M.L. Schattenburg,
in Young Supernova Remnants: Eleventh Astrophysics Conference,
College Park, Maryland, October 2000 (AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 565),
eds. S. S. Holt and U. Hwang (American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY),
pp.213-221 (2001).
Instruments / Calibration
"The SMC SNR 1E0102.2-7219 as a Calibration Standard for X-ray Astronomy
in the 0.3-2.5 keV Bandpass", P.P. Plucinsky et al.,
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7011, (2008).
"Chandra/HETGS Observations
of the Capella System: The Primary as a Dominating X-Ray Source",
K. Ishibashi et al., ApJ, 644, L1171 (2006).
"The Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating:
Design, Fabrication, Ground Calibration, and Five Years in Flight",
Canizares et al., PASP, 117, 1144 (2005).
Available via
ADS and
in low-res format at astro-ph/0507035.
"In-flight Calibration of the Chandra High Energy
Transmission Grating Spectrometer", H.L. Marshall, D. Dewey,
K. Ishibashi, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5165, (2003).
"High Resolution X-Ray Spectra of Capella:
Initial Results from the Chandra High Energy Transmission
Grating Spectrometer", C.R. Canizares, D.P. Huenemoerder,
D.S. Davis, D. Dewey, K.A. Flanagan, J. Houck, T.H. Markert,
H.L. Marshall, M.L. Schattenburg, N.S. Schulz, M. Wise, J.J. Drake,
N.S. Brickhouse, ApJ Letters 539L:41 (2000).
"AXAF Grating Efficiency Measurements with Calibrated,
Non-imaging Detectors", D. Dewey, J.J. Drake, R.J. Edgar, K. Michaud,
and P. Ratzlaff, in X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions,
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 3444, (1998).
"Towards the Calibration of the HETGS Effective Area", D.
Dewey, K.A. Flanagan, H.L. Marshall, C. Baluta, C.R. Canizares, D.S.
Davis, J.E. Davis, T.T. Fang, D.P. Huenemoerder, J.H. Kastner, N.S.
Schulz, M.W. Wise, J.J. Drake, J.Z. Juda, M. Juda, A.C. Brinkman,
C.J.Th. Gunsing, J.S. Kaastra, G. Hartner and P. Predehl, in Grazing
Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 3113,
"Towards the Calibration of the HETGS Line Response
Function", H.L. Marshall, D. Dewey, K.A. Flanagan, C. Baluta, C.R.
Canizares, D.S. Davis, J.E. Davis, T.T. Fang, D.P. Huenemoerder, J.H.
Kastner, N.S. Schulz, M.W. Wise, J.J. Drake, J.Z. Juda, M. Juda, A.C.
Brinkman, C.J.Th. Gunsing, J.S. Kaastra, G. Hartner and P. Predehl, in
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, Proc. SPIE,
Vol. 3113, (1997).
"A Diffractive-Optic Telescope for X-Ray Astronomy",
D. Dewey, T.H. Markert, and M.L. Schattenburg, in Multilayer and
Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics III, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2805,
224-235 (1996). [ ps.gz or
pdf ]
"Rational Test System Design and Implementation", D.A.
Moschella and D. Dewey, National Instruments Developer's Conference
"Calibration and Characterization of HETG grating
elements at the MIT X-ray Grating Evaluation Facility", K.A. Flanagan,
D. Dewey, and L. Bordzol, in EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation
for Astronomy VI, Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instr. Eng. 2518, 438-456
"Modeling the Diffraction Efficiencies of the AXAF High
Energy Transmission Gratings", T.H. Markert, D. Dewey, J.E. Davis,
K.A. Flanagan, D.E. Graessle, J.M. Bauer, and C.S. Nelson, in EUV,
X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, Proc. Soc.
Photo-Opt. Instr. Eng. 2518, 424-437 (1995).
"ROSAT Observations of Nine Globular Clusters", S.
Rappaport, D. Dewey, A. Levine, and L. Macri, Astrophysical Journal
423:633-639 (1994).
"Laboratory Calibration of X-Ray Transmission Diffraction Gratings", D. Dewey,
D.N. Humphries, G.Y. McLean, and D.A. Moschella, in EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray
Instrumentation for Astronomy V, Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instr. Eng. 2280, 257-
271 (1994).
"The High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer for
AXAF", T.H. Markert, C.R. Canizares, D. Dewey, M. McGuirk, C. Pak,
and M.L. Schattenburg, in EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation
for Astronomy V, Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instr. Eng. 2280, 168-180
"Data Analysis Issues for the High Energy Transmission
Grating (HETG) on AXAF", D. Dewey and T. Isobe, in: Astronomical Data
Analysis Software and Systems I, D.M. Worall, C. Biemesderfer, and J.
Barnes, Editors, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference
Series, Volume 25 (1992).
Gravitational Wave Detectors
"External Modulation Technique for Sensitive
Interferometric Detection of Displacements", C.N. Man, D. Shoemaker,
M. Pham Tu, D. Dewey, Phys. Let. A, 148, 8-16 (1990).
"Comparison of Bar and Interferometer Sensitivities to
Sources of Transient Gravitational Radiation", D. Dewey, Phys. Rev. D,
36, 1577 (1987).
"Data Analysis as a Diagnostic: Looking for Transients in
Interferometers", D. Dewey, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on
Gravitational Wave Data Analysis, Cardiff (1987).
"Analysis of Gravity Wave Antenna Signals with Matched
Filter Techniques", D. Dewey, in Proc. of the Fourth Marcel Grossman
Meeting on General Relativity, edited by R. Ruffini, p. 581 (Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 1986).
"Geometry-Defining Processors for Engineering Design and
Analysis", G. Anagnostou, D. Dewey, and A.T. Patera, The Visual
Computer, Vol. 5 No. 5, 304 (1989).
"Geometry-Defining Processors for Partial Differential
Equations", D. Dewey and A.T. Patera, in Special Purpose Computers,
edited by B.J. Alder, p.67 (Academic Press, 1988).
"Self-Replicating Attractor of a Driven Semiconductor
Oscillator", S.D. Brorson, D. Dewey, and P.S. Linsay, Phys. Rev. A,
28, 1201 (1983).
"Dual Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) Astronomical Spectrometer and
Direct Imaging Camera II. Data Handling and Control Systems", D. Dewey
and G.R. Ricker, in Applications of Digital Image Processing to
Astronomy, Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instr. Eng. 264, 42 (1980).