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2. The high-level interface

2.1 Overview

The high-level interface consists of a number of functions that are written in S-lang and are designed to take some of the tedium out of performing standard operations on fits files. To illustrate this point, consider the creation of a fits file with a binary table extension called called ``COSXSINX'':

    variable data = struct { x, cosx, sinx };
    data.x = [0:2*PI:0.01];
    data.cosx = cos(data.x);
    data.sinx = sin(data.x);
    fits_write_binary_table ("foo.fits", "COSXSINX", data);
It can't get much easier than that!

2.2 Opening and Closing Files

In general the high-level functions take an argument that represents the fits file to be manipulated. It may be either an already open file pointer such as one returned by fits_open_file, or the name of a file to be opened. In the documentation for the functions, this fact is indicated by

     Fits_File_Type or String_Type fd;
showing that the file descriptor may be either an open file pointer or a string.

If specified as a string, then a fits file of that name will be opened in a mode that is compatible with the operation being performed, with the current HDU (header-data unit) set to the first ``most interesting'' one. Here, ``first most interesting'' means the first HDU with a non-zero value for the NAXIS keyword.

For example, sometimes one simply wants to read some keywords from a file. In such a case it is not necessary to explicitly call fits_open_file. Rather simply pass the name of the file to the appropriate function:

    (object, ra_targ, dec_targ)
       = fits_read_key ("foo.fits", "OBJECT", "RA_TARG", "DEC_TARG");
It may be necessary to specify which HDU should be used if the ``first most interesting'' one is not the desired HDU. The easiest way to do that is to specify the extension using CFITSIO's virtual file syntax, e.g.,
    (object, ra_targ, dec_targ)
       = fits_read_key ("foo.fits+1", "OBJECT", "RA_TARG", "DEC_TARG");
    (object, ra_targ, dec_targ)
       = fits_read_key ("foo.fits[EVENTS]", "OBJECT", "RA_TARG", "DEC_TARG");

If one is going to make a number of calls to functions in the high-level interface using the same file, then it is a good idea to explicitly open the file, e.g.,

    fptr = fits_open_file ("foo.fits[EVENTS]", "w");
opens the file for both reading and writing and sets the current HDU to the ``EVENTS'' extension.

The object returned by the fits_open_file function is an object of type Fits_File_Type. It is automatically destroyed when it goes out of scope. When this happens, the fits file attached to it will be silently closed. Consider:

     define write_image_to_file (file, img)
        variable fptr = fits_open_file ("new.fits", "c");
        fits_write_image (fptr, NULL, img, NULL, NULL);
        fits_write_date (fptr);
Here, the write_image_to_file function will create a new file called new.fits and write the specified image to the file. In this example, the file pointer object was not explicitly closed. Since the fptr variable goes out of scope when the function returns, the cfitsio module will silently close the file. While this is a convenient feature for many purposes, it is always better to explicitly close a file when it has been modified. The reason for this is that CFITSIO writes to internal buffers and then flushes those to the disk. Often some buffers will not get written to the disk until the file is closed. If the disk is full, or something else goes wrong then the file will not be properly closed resulting in a incomplete or corrupt file. Hence it is strongly recommended that one explicitly close a file after writing to a file, i.e.,
     define write_image_to_file (file, img)
        variable fptr = fits_open_file ("new.fits", "c");
        fits_write_image (fptr, NULL, img, NULL, NULL);
        fits_write_date (fptr);
        fits_close_file (fptr);

2.3 Keywords

The high-level interface contains several functions for manipulating header keywords and records.

Reading Header Keywords

The fits_read_key may be used to read the values of one or more keywords. Suppose that the file casA.fits contains the following keywords in an extension called ``EVENTS'':

    TELESCOP= 'CHANDRA ' / Telescope
    INSTRUME= 'ACIS    ' / Instrument
    DETNAM  = 'ACIS-7  ' / Detector
    GRATING = 'NONE    ' / Grating
    OBJECT  = 'CAS A   ' / Source name
    RA_NOM  =     350.91781217089 / Nominal RA
    DEC_NOM =     58.792819089577 / Nominal Dec
    ROLL_NOM=     323.38710408328 / Nominal Roll
The fits_read_key function may be used to read, e.g, the OBJECT and RA_NOM keywords:
     (obj, ra) = fits_read_key ("casA.fits[EVENTS]", "OBJECT", "RA_NOM");
After the function call, the variables obj and ra will have the data types String_Type and Double_Type, resp. If the requested keyword does not exist in the header, the function will return NULL to signal its not existence:
     exptime = fits_read_key ("casA.fits[EVENTS]", "EXPTIME");
     if (exptime == NULL)
          message ("*** Warning: EXPTIME does not exist.  Assuming 3.2);
          exptime = 3.2;

The fits_read_key_struct is an alternative to fits_read_key that returns a structure with field names that correspond to the keyword names. In most cases, a field name will just be the lower case version of the keyword name. However, if the keyword name does not start with an alphabetic character or contains a hyphen, then it will be normalized as follows:

  1. The keyword name will be lowercased.
  2. All non-alphanumeric characters will be changed to an underscore.
  3. If the first character of the resulting name is numeric, then the name will be prefixed with an underscore.
To illustrate the normalization process, consider:
     keys = fits_read_key_struct ("foo.fits", "OBJECT", "2CRVL3",
After the function call, keys will be a structure with the 3 fields: object, _2crvl3, and date_obs. If any of these keywords do not exist in the header, the value of the corresponding structure field will be NULL.

Writing Header Keywords

The fits_update_key function may be used to write or update the value of a keyword. If a keyword of the specified name exists, then the value of the keyword will be updated to the new value. Otherwise a new keyword will be appended to the header.

Other specialized keyword writing routines include fits_write_date, which write the current date in the required format, and fits_write_chksum, which computes and updates the checksum of the HDU. Finally the fits_write_comment and fits_write_history functions may be used to write comments and history records to the header, respectively.

2.4 Binary Tables

Reading Binary Tables

There are a several functions for reading binary tables. The simplest one, fits_read_table reads the entire binary table into a structure, whose fields correspond to the names of the columns in the table. (If a column has a name that contains non-alphanumeric characters, or does not start with an alphabetic character, then the structure field name for the column will be undergo the normalization process described for keywords.) For example, consider a file called foo.fits with a binary table whose structure is defined by the FITS header:

   BITPIX  =                   8
   NAXIS   =                   2
   NAXIS1  =                  34
   NAXIS2  =                 500
   PCOUNT  =                   0
   GCOUNT  =                   1
   TFIELDS =                   4
   TTYPE1  = 'TIME    '
   TFORM1  = 'D       '
   TTYPE2  = 'X       '
   TFORM2  = 'E       '
   TTYPE3  = 'Y       '
   TFORM3  = 'E       '
   TTYPE4  = 'PHAS    '
   TFORM4  = '9I      '
   TDIM4   = '(3,3)   '
This header shows that the binary table is 500 rows in length and contains 4 columns with names TIME, X, Y, and PHAS. The table may be read via
   tbl = fits_read_table ("foo.fits[EXAMPLE]");
assigning a structure to the tbl variable. The structure has fields with names time, x, y, and phas, which be displayed via
   vmessage ("tbl.time = %S", tbl.time);
   vmessage ("tbl.x = %S", tbl.x);
   vmessage ("tbl.y = %S", tbl.y);
   vmessage ("tbl.phas = %S", tbl.y);
   tbl.time = Double_Type[500]
   tbl.x = Float_Type[500]
   tbl.y = Float_Type[500]
   tbl.z = Short_Type[500,3,3]
Note that the fits_read_table function not only read the data in a way that preserved the data type, but it also correctly identified the phas column as one containing a 3x3 image in every row!

Often one is interested in only a few columns of a table. Instead of reading the entire table, which could use a lot of memory for a large table, the fits_read_table function may also be used to read just the specified columns, e.g.,

    tbl = fits_read_table ("foo.fits[EXAMPLE]", "x", "y");
will read just the X and Y columns.

An alternative interface with much the same functionality is provided by the fits_read_col function. Instead of returning the data as a structure, it returns the data as multiple return values, e.g.,

   t = fits_read_col ("foo.fits[EXAMPLE]", "time");
   (x,y) = fits_read_col ("foo.fits[EXAMPLE]", "x", "y");

The fits_read_cell function may be used to read a single cell in the table. For example

   phas = fits_read_cell ("foo.fits[EXAMPLE]", "phas", 4);
will return the 3x3 array of the ``phas'' column in the fourth row. Finally, the fits_read_cells function may be used to read a specified range of rows in the table. For instance,
   (x,y) = fits_read_cells ("foo.fits[EXAMPLE]", "x", "y", 1, 1000);
will read the first 1000 rows of the X and Y columns in the table.

Writing Binary Tables

The high-level interface has several functions that are useful for the creation of a binary table. Chief among them is the fits_write_binary_table function, which supports several methods of calling it. The simplest use was illustrated earlier. Here more complicated uses will be considered.

As a first step, suppose that the binary table is to contain data for the Lissajous curve constructed as follows:

    A_x = 10.0; omega_x = 3.0;  phi_x = 0.0;
    A_y = 20.0; omega_y = 7.0;  phi_y = 1.0;
    t = [0:100:0.01];
    x = A_x * cos (omega_x*t + phi_x);
    y = A_y * cos (omega_y*t + phi_y);
The goal is to write out arrays t, x, and y to a binary table called LISSAJOUS, and with columns of the corresponding names. The easiest way is to use:
    data = struct {t, x, y}; data.t = t; data.x = x; data.y = y;
    fits_write_binary_table ("foo.fits", "LISSAJOUS", data);
Now suppose that it is desired to write the parameters defining the Lissajous pattern as keywords and to write a history record to the file. One way to do this is via the fits_update_key, fits_write_history, and fits_write_comment functions:
    fp = fits_open_file ("foo.fits[LISSAJOUS]");
    fits_write_comment (fp, "This table contains data for a Lissajous pattern");
    fits_update_key (fp, "A_X", A_x, "x(t) Amplitude");
    fits_update_key (fp, "A_Y", A_y, "y(t) Amplitude");
    fits_update_key (fp, "OMEGA_X", omega_x, "x(t) omega");
    fits_update_key (fp, "OMEGA_Y", omega_y, "y(t) omega");
    fits_update_key (fp, "PHI_X", phi_x, "x(t) phase");
    fits_update_key (fp, "PHI_Y", phi_y, "y(t) phase");
    fits_write_history (fp, "This was written as an example for the " +
                            "documentation of the slang cfitsio module");
    fits_close_file (fp);
The advantage of using the fits_update_key is that it allows control over the comment associated with the keyword; however, repeated calls to fits_update_key can become tedious.

A simpler mechanism to achieve this goal is to pass the keywords and history information to the fits_write_binary_table function as an optional arguments,

    keys = struct {A_x, omega_x, phi_x, A_y, omega_y, phi_y};
    set_struct_fields (keys, A_x, omega_x, phi_x, A_y, omega_y, phi_y);
    hist = struct {history, comment};
    hist.comment = "This table contains data for a Lissajous pattern";
    hist.history = "This was written as an example for the " +
                    "documentation of the slang cfitsio module";
    fits_write_binary_table ("foo.fits", "LISSAJOUS", data, keys, hist);
to produce:
    XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension
    BITPIX  =                   8 / 8-bit bytes
    NAXIS   =                   2 / 2-dimensional binary table
    NAXIS1  =                  24 / width of table in bytes
    NAXIS2  =               10000 / number of rows in table
    PCOUNT  =                   0 / size of special data area
    GCOUNT  =                   1 / one data group (required keyword)
    TFIELDS =                   3 / number of fields in each row
    TTYPE1  = 't       ' / label for field   1
    TFORM1  = 'D       ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE
    TTYPE2  = 'x       ' / label for field   2
    TFORM2  = 'D       ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE
    TTYPE3  = 'y       ' / label for field   3
    TFORM3  = 'D       ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE
    EXTNAME = 'LISSAJOUS' / name of this binary table extension
    A_X     =                  10
    OMEGA_X =                   3
    PHI_X   =                   0
    A_Y     =                  20
    OMEGA_Y =                   7
    PHI_Y   =                   1
    COMMENT This table contains data for a Lissajous pattern
    HISTORY This was written as an example for the documentation of the slang cfitsi
    HISTORY o module

It is important to note that in the the above examples, the name of the file to contain the binary table was explicitly passed to the fits_write_binary_table function. This causes fits_write_binary_table to create a new file containing the binary table, and if a file of that name exists, it will be deleted before the new one is created.

To append a table to an existing file, first open it using the fits_open_file function, and then use the file pointer in place of the name:

     fp = fits_open_file ("foo.fits", "w");   % <<-- note the "w"
     fits_write_binary_table (fp, ....);
     fits_close_file (fp);
This technique must also be used to create a file containing multiple binary tables:
     fp = fits_open_file ("foo.fits", "c");   % <<-- note the "c"
     fits_write_binary_table (fp, ....);      % first table
     fits_write_binary_table (fp, ....);      % second table
     fits_close_file (fp);

2.5 Images


Dealing with FITS images in S-lang is easy as long as one understands that FITS stores images in FORTRAN column-major order, whereas S-lang utilizes a C row-major order. That is, the first dimension of a FITS array varies fastest whereas it is the last dimension of a S-lang array that varies fastest. This difference is automatically accounted for by the underlying cfitsio module. In other words, images may be used in S-lang scope as ordinary S-lang arrays where the first dimension varies slowest, and the cfitsio module will make the necessary translations when reading or writing an image from a file. An easy way to remember the S-lang or C ordering is that for a 2-d array, the first index is a row index and the second a column--- the same as matrices are indexed in linear algebra. Do not fall into the trap of indexing a S-lang array the same as you would of indexing a point in Cartesian space (x,y), instead think in terms of rows and columns.

Reading and Writing Images

The fits_read_img may be used to read the image from the primary FITS HDU or a FITS image extension. It is not designed to read images that are stored in binary tables--- there are other functions for that purpose. The fits_read_img function simply returns the data as an array of the appropriate type and dimensions (in row-major order) with any scaling defined via the BZERO and BSCALE header keywords applied.

Writing an image HDU is somewhat more involved than reading one because in addition to writing the image data, the header must first be set up to describe the image. Fortunately, the high-level functions make this easy.

Suppose that one has created an image array via, e.g., the histogram module's hist2d function from the X and Y columns of a binary table:

    (x,y) = fits_read_col ("evt2.fits[EVENTS]", "X","Y");
    xgrid = 3840.5 + [0:1023:2];
    ygrid = 3840.5 + [0:1023:2];
    img = hist2d (y, x, ygrid, xgrid);
and that one wants to write this out to a fits file called img.fits. The simplest way to do this is using fits_write_image_hdu:
    fits_write_image_hdu ("img.fits", NULL, img);

Note that the data-type of the image array controls the type of image written to the fits file. If the image array is an array of Double_Types, then the image will be written with BITPIX set to -64. To have such an array out as 16 bit integers, then the array must first be scaled to the range of a 16 bit integer and then typecast to Int16_Type:

    int16_image = typecast (img, Int16_Type);

Additional keywords may be written to the image HDU using the fits_update_key function. And like fits_write_binary_table, the fits_write_image_hdu function takes optional parameters that specify additional keywords, history, and comments to be written. The reader is referred to the discussion of the fits_write_binary_table function for more information.

2.6 WCS Routines


The FITS package includes a set of routines for reading and writing WCS keywords in the form proposed by Greisen and Calabretta. Although they are part of the high-level interface, the routines are somewhat experimental and as such must be loaded separately via:

    require ("fitswcs");

The routines in this interface deal with a structure that describes the WCS via the following fields:


The number of axes to transform (Int_Type)


Specifies the WCS transformation (String_Type[naxis])


Units (String_Type[naxis])


WCS values at the reference pixel (Double_Type[naxis])


The coordinates of the reference pixel (Double_Type[naxis])


Species the gradient at the reference pixel (Double_Type[naxis])


An array used to linearly transform the WCS. (Double_Type[naxis,naxis] or NULL)


An array of addition parameters used to specify the WCS (NULL in most cases)


An array of additional string parameters (NULL in most cases).


A name given to this coordinate system.

While the user is encouraged to understand the FITS WCS conventions and the precise meanings of these fields, the fitswcs interface provides routines to make the use of this structure as transparent as possible for the most common uses. A few examples will illustrate this.


Consider once again the example of creating a FITS image by binning two columns of a FITS binary table:

    (x,y) = fits_read_col ("evt2.fits[EVENTS]", "X","Y");
    xgrid = 3840.5 + [0:1023:2];
    ygrid = 3840.5 + [0:1023:2];
    img = hist2d (y, x, ygrid, xgrid);
    fits_write_image_hdu ("img.fits", NULL, img);
Unfortunately the resulting file will contain none of the WCS information that was attached to the X and Y columns from which the image was constructed. One might be tempted to simply copy that information to the output file with the aid of the fitswcs routines via
    wcs = fitswcs_get_column_wcs ("evt2.fits[EVENTS]", ["Y", "X"]);
    fitswcs_put_img_wcs ("img.fits", wcs);
The problem with this approach is that the WCS read from the binary table does not describe the image created from it because it knows nothing about how the image was binned nor how the image pixel coordinates relate back to the X and Y columns. That information is contained in the definition of the grids passed to the hist2d function:
    xgrid = 3840.5 + [0:1023:2];
    ygrid = 3840.5 + [0:1023:2];
These grids describe a simple linear transformation from image pixel coordinates to the (X,Y) coordinates of the binary table. Since the transformation is linear, the fitswcs_bin_wcs function may be used to transform the WCS:
    wcs = fitswcs_bin_wcs (wcs, ygrid, xgrid);
It is the transformed WCS that is to be written out:
    fitswcs_put_img_wcs ("img.fits", wcs);

It is important to note the order in which the X and Y arguments were used. Recall that FITS stores images in a FORTRAN column-major order whereas S-lang uses a row-major order. For this reason, ``row-like'' parameters come before ``column-like'' parameters in statements such as

    img = hist2d (y, x, ygrid, xgrid);
    wcs = fitswcs_get_column_wcs ("evt2.fits[EVENTS]", ["Y", "X"]);
    wcs = fitswcs_bin_wcs (wcs, ygrid, xgrid);

Alternate WCS

Sometimes it is useful to attach more than one coordinate system to an image. For example, it is useful to have a coordinate system that maps the pixel coordinates back to (X,Y) coordinates from which they were derived. The fitswcs_new_img_wcs may be used to construct a linear WCS corresponding to the linear coordinate grids of the image:

    wcsP = fitswcs_new_img_wcs (ygrid, xgrid);
    wcsP.wcsname = "PHYSICAL";
    fitswcs_put_img_wcs ("img.fits", wcsP, 'P');
Note that the WCS was given the name ``PHYSICAL''. While not required, this enables this alternate coordinate system to be displayed as the physical system by the DS9 image display program.

Degenerate Axes

Consider a FITS file hydra.fits containing an image HDU with the following FITS header:

    SIMPLE  =                   T / file does conform to FITS standard
    BITPIX  =                 -32 / number of bits per data pixel
    NAXIS   =                   4 / number of data axes
    NAXIS1  =                 657 / length of data axis
    NAXIS2  =                 657 / length of data axis
    NAXIS3  =                   1 / length of data axis
    NAXIS4  =                   1 / length of data axis
    CTYPE1  = 'RA---SIN'
    CRVAL1  =         139.5235701
    CRPIX1  =                 330
    CDELT1  =    -0.0004166666768
    CTYPE2  = 'DEC--SIN'
    CRVAL2  =      -12.0955450949
    CRPIX2  =                 328
    CDELT2  =     0.0004166666768
    PC1_1   =                   1
    PC1_2   =-1.7318465835227e-09
    PC2_1   = 1.7318465835227e-09
    PC2_2   =                   1
    CTYPE3  = 'FREQ    '
    CRVAL3  =        332902343.75
    CRPIX3  =                   1
    CDELT3  =           2490234.5
    CTYPE4  = 'STOKES  '
    CRVAL4  =                   1
    CRPIX4  =                   1
    CDELT4  =                   1
This particular image had so-called ``degenerate axes'' added, which had the effect of increasing its dimensionality from 2 to 4. As such, this image may be rejected by some image display programs that expect a 2-d image. In fact,
    img = fits_read_img ("hydra.fits");
    wcs = fitswcs_get_img_wcs ("hydra.fits");
will read the image as a Float_Type[1,1,657,657] object, and the WCS as a 4-d with wcs.ctype equal to
    ["STOKES", "FREQ", "DEC--SIN", "RA---SIN"]

The degenerate dimensions may be removed from the image via

    img = img[0,0,*,*];
producing a 2d image of type Float_Type[657,657]. The corresponding wcs may be obtained using the fitswcs_slice function to extract the last two dimensions of the WCS:
   wcs = fitswcs_slice (wcs, [2,3]);

Another use of the fitswcs_slice is to reorder the dimensions of the WCS. For example, earlier it was pointed out that when constructing an image from columns in a table, that one read the WCS in a row-major order. If the reverse order was used when obtaining the WCS from the columns of a binary table, e.g.,

    wcs = fitswcs_get_column_wcs ("evt2.fits[EVENTS]", ["X", "Y"]);
then it would have been necessary to reverse the order of the dimensions of the WCS structure. The fitswcs_slice may be used to swap the dimensions of the WCS, e.g.,
    wcs = fitswcs_slice (wcs, [1,0]);

2.7 High-level Function Reference



Retrieve all error messages from the CFITSIO error stack


String_Type[] fits_read_errmsgs ()


This function returns all the error messages from the CFITSIO error message stack as an array of strings.


Using this function will cause the error message stack to be cleared.

See Also

_fits_read_errmsg, fits_set_verbose_errors



Set the verbosity level of the cfitsio error messages


fits_set_verbose_errors (Int_Type level)


When a call to a function in the high-level interface fails, a error message will get generated. By default, all messages from the underlying cfitsio error stack are printed. This behavior may be turned off by calling this function with level equal to 0.

See Also




Open a fits file


Fits_File_Type fits_open_file (String_Type filename, String_Type mode)


The fits_open_file function can be used to open and existing fits file for reading or updating, or to create a new fits file, depending upon the value of the mode parameter. Specifically, if mode is "r", the file will be opened for reading. If mode is "w", the file will be opened for updating (both reading and writing). Otherwise, mode must be "c", which indicates that a new file is to be created. In the latter case, if a file already exists with the specified name, it will get deleted and a new one created in its place.

If the function fails, it will signal an error; otherwise an open file pointer will be returned.

See Also

fits_close_file, fits_create_binary_table



Close a fits file


fits_close_file (Fits_File_Type f)


The fits_close_file closes a previously opened fits file. The function will signal an error if the operation fails.


This function could fail if it fails to write out any buffered data because of filesystem errors (disk full, etc.).

See Also




Move to an extension that looks interesting


fits_move_to_interesting_hdu (fp [, hdu_type]

  Fits_File_Type fp;
  Int_Type hdu_type;


The function move the fits file pointer fp forward to an HDU that looks interesting. By definition, an interesting HDU is one in which NAXIS is non-zero. The first parameter fp must be a pointer to an already open fits file. The second parameter, if present, may be used to specifiy the type of HDU, e.g., either an image (hdu_type=_FITS_IMAGE_HDU) or a binary table (hdu_type=_FITS_BINARY_TBL).

If the function fails to find an interesting HDU of the appropriate type, an exception will be generated.

See Also




Check for the existence of a keyword


Int_Type fits_key_exists (fd, key)

   Fits_File_Type or String_Type fd;
   String_Type key;


The fits_key_exists function checks for the existence of a specified keyword in the file specified by the descriptor fd, which must specify the name of a file or an open file pointer.

If the specified key exists, the function return 1, otherwise it returns 0.

See Also

fits_read_key, fits_read_header



Get the column numbers of specified columns


column_num = fits_get_colnum (fd, column_name)

   Fits_File_Type or String_Type fd;
   String_Type column_name;


This function returns the column number of the column with the specified name. The file-descriptor fd must specify the name of a file, or an open fits file pointer.

See Also




Check for the existence of a binary table column


Int_Type fits_binary_table_column_exists (fd, col)

   Fits_File_Type or String_Type fd;
   String_Type col;


This function may be used to determine whether or not a named column exists in a binary table. The table is specified via the fd parameter which must either be the name of a file containing the binary table, or an file pointer.

If the specified column exists, 1 will be returned; otherwise the function will return 0.

See Also

fits_key_exists, fits_open_file



Read one or more columns from a FITS binary table


(x1, ...xN) = fits_read_col (file, c1, ... cN)

   Fits_File_Type or String_Type file;
   Int_Type or String_Type c1, ...cN;


This function returns one or more vectors containing objects in the specified columns of the binary table indicated by file. If file is a string, then the file will be opened via the virtual file specification implied by file. Otherwise, file should represent an already opened FITS file. The column parameters may either be strings denoting the column names, or integers representing the column numbers.

See Also

fits_read_cell, fits_read_row, fits_read_table



Read one or more columns from a FITS binary table


struct = fits_read_col_struct (file, col1, ...)

    Fits_File_Type or String_Type file;
    String_Type col1, ...;


This function works exactly like fits_read_col except it returns the values in a structure. See the documentation on that function for more information.

See Also

fits_read_col, fits_read_key_struct, fits_read_row, fits_read_header



Read a cell from a FITS binary table


X = fits_read_cell (file, c, r)

   Fits_File_Type or String_Type file;
   Int_Type r, c;


This function returns the object in the column c and row r of the binary table indicated by file. If file is a string, then the file will be opened via the virtual file specification implied by file. Otherwise, file should represent an already opened FITS file.

See Also

fits_read_col, fits_read_row



Read a row from a FITS binary table


Struct_Type fits_read_cell (file, r)

   Fits_File_Type or String_Type file;
   Int_Type r;


This function returns a structure containing the data in the columns of the row r of the binary table indicated by file. If file is a string, then the file will be opened via the virtual file specification implied by file. Otherwise, file should represent an already opened FITS file.

See Also

fits_read_col, fits_read_cell



Read a FITS header


Struct_Type fits_read_header (file)

    Fits_File_Type or String_Type file;


This function reads the header of the fits file given by the file parameter and returns it as a structure. If file is a string, then the file will be opened via the virtual file specification implied by file. Otherwise, file should represent an already opened FITS file.

See Also




Read a FITS table


Struct_Type fits_read_table (file [,columns...])

    Fits_File_Type or String_Type file;


fits_read_table reads the data in a table of the FITS file specified by file and returns it as a structure. If the optional column name parameters are specified, then only those columns will be read. Otherwise, the entire table will be returned.

If file is a string, then the file will be opened via the virtual file specification implied by file. Otherwise, file should represent an already opened FITS file.

See Also

fits_read_col, fits_read_cell, fits_read_row, fits_read_header



Read one or more keywords from a FITS file


(val1,...) = fits_read_key (file, key1, ...)

    Fits_File_Type or String_Type file;
    String_Type key1, ...;


fits_read_key reads the values of one or more keywords in the fits file specified by file and returns them. If file is a string, then the file will be opened via the virtual file specification implied by file. Otherwise, file should represent an already opened FITS file. If any of the keywords do not exist, a value of NULL will be returned for the corresponding keyword.

See Also

fits_read_key_struct, fits_read_col, fits_read_cell, fits_read_row, fits_read_header



Read one or more keywords from a FITS file


struct = fits_read_key (file, key1, ...)

    Fits_File_Type or String_Type file;
    String_Type key1, ...;


This function works exactly like fits_read_key excepts returns the values in a structure. See the documentation on that function for more information.

See Also

fits_read_key, fits_read_col, fits_read_cell, fits_read_row, fits_read_header



Prepare a binary table


fits_create_binary_table (file, extname, nrows, ttype, tform, tunit)

    Fits_File_Type or String_Type file;
    String_Type extname;
    Int_Type nrows;
    String_Type ttype[];
    String_Type tform[];
    String_Type tunit[];


This creates a new binary table with the specified structure. The parameters ttype, tform, and tunit are string arrays that specify the column names, column data type, and column units, respectively. The binary table will be given the extension name extname.

See Also

fits_write_binary_table, fits_open_file



Write a binary table


fits_write_binary_table (file, extname, sdata, [skeys [,hist]])

Fits_File_Type or String_Type file;
String_Type extname;
Struct_Type sdata;
Struct_Type skeys;
Struct_Type hist;


The fits_write_binary_table function creates a new binary table in the specified file. The parameter file specifies either a filename or an open file pointer. The extname parameter specifies the extension name of the binary table. The data written to table are specified in the sdata structure, where the name of the structure field specifies the column name. If skeys is non-NULL, then it is a structure indicating additional keywords to be written to the header of the binary table. If the optional parameter hist is present and non-NULL, then it is a structure whose fields indicate either comment or history information to be written to the header.


The following code

    variable data = struct { x, cosx, sinx };
    data.x = [0:2*PI:0.01];
    data.cosx = cos(data.x);
    data.sinx = sin(data.x);

    variable keys = struct { hduname, username};
    keys.hduname = "COSXSINX";
    keys.username = "John Doe";

    variable hist = struct { history, comment};
    hist.history = ["This is a history record", "This is another"];
    hist.comment = ["This is a comment", "And this is another"];

    fits_write_binary_table ("foo.fits", "COSXSINX", data, keys, hist);
produces a binary table with the header:
    XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / binary table extension
    BITPIX  =                   8 / 8-bit bytes
    NAXIS   =                   2 / 2-dimensional binary table
    NAXIS1  =                  24 / width of table in bytes
    NAXIS2  =                 629 / number of rows in table
    PCOUNT  =                   0 / size of special data area
    GCOUNT  =                   1 / one data group (required keyword)
    TFIELDS =                   3 / number of fields in each row
    TTYPE1  = 'x       ' / label for field   1
    TFORM1  = 'D       ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE
    TTYPE2  = 'cosx    ' / label for field   2
    TFORM2  = 'D       ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE
    TTYPE3  = 'sinx    ' / label for field   3
    TFORM3  = 'D       ' / data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE
    EXTNAME = 'COSXSINX' / name of this binary table extension
    USERNAME= 'John Doe'
    HISTORY This is a history record
    HISTORY This is another
    COMMENT This is a comment
    COMMENT And this is another


This function provides no mechanism to mix comments and keyword records. As the example shows, this function places the comment and history records at the end of the table.

See Also

fits_create_binary_table, fits_open_file



Update the value of a keyword


fits_update_key (fd, key, val [,comment])

    String_Type or Fits_File_Type fd;
    String_Type key;
    Any type val;
    String_Type comment;


The fits_update_key function updates the value and comment fields of an existing keyword with the specified name. If the keyword does not exist, a new keyword will be appended to the end of the header.

See Also

fits_update_logical, fits_read_key



Update the value of a logical (boolean) keyword


fits_update_logical (fd, key, val, comment)

    String_Type or Fits_File_Type fd;
    String_Type key;
    Any type val;
    String_Type comment;


The fits_update_logical function updates the value and comment fields of an existing keyword of the specified name with the specified boolean value. If the keyword does not exist, a new keyword will be appended to the end of the header.

See Also




Write a comment to the header


fits_write_comment (fd, comment)

  Fits_File_Type or String_Type fd;
  String_Type comment;


As the name indicates, this function writes a comment record to the specified fits file. The file-descriptor fd must either be the name of a fits file or an open fits file pointer.

See Also

fits_update_key, fits_write_history



Write a history record to the header


fits_write_history (fd, history)

  Fits_File_Type or String_Type fd;
  String_Type history;


As the name indicates, this function writes a history record to the specified fits file. The file-descriptor fd must either be the name of a fits file or an open fits file pointer.

See Also

fits_update_key, fits_write_comment



Write the DATE keyword to the current HDU


fits_write_date (fd)

   Fits_File_Type or String_Type fd;


The fits_write_date function calls _fits_write_date to write the DATE to the header of the specified file descriptor, which must either be the name of a fits file or an open fits file pointer.

See Also




Compute and write the DATASUM and CHECKSUM keywords


fits_write_chksum (fd)

   Fits_File_Type or String_Type fd;


The fits_write_chksum function calls _fits_write_comment to compute and write the DATASUM and CHECKSUM keywords to the header of the specified file descriptor, which must either be the name of a fits file or an open fits file pointer.

See Also

fits_update_key, fits_verify_chksum



Verify the checksums for the current HDU


isok = fits_verify_chksum (fd [,dataok, hduok])

   Fits_File_Type or String_Type fd;
   Ref_Type dataok, hduok;


The fits_verify_chksum function calls _fits_verify_chksum to verify the header and data checksums of the current HDU. A non-zero return value signifies that the checksums are ok, otherwise the function returns 0 to indicate that the checksums are invalid. The individual checksums of the HDU or data can be checked through the use of the optional parameters.

See Also




Read all the records in a fits header


String_Type[] fits_read_records (Fits_File_Type or String_Type fp)


This function returns a list of all the header records associated with the fits file descriptor as an array of strings.

See Also

fits_write_records, fits_read_key



Write records to fits header


fits_write_records (fd, records)

   Fits_File_Type or String_Type fd;
   Array_Type records;


This function uses the _fits_write_record function to write a series of records to the current HDU.

See Also




Obtain the key classes for a set of cards


Int_Type[] = fits_get_keyclass (Array_Type cards)


This function uses the _fits_get_keyclass function to obtain the key-classes associated with one or more cards. The function returns an integer-valued array of the same length as the cards array.


Obtain set of header cards to those that are not associated with the cards describing the structure of the HDU:

    variable cards = fits_read_records ("evt2.fits[EVENTS]");
    variable classes = fits_get_keyclass (cards);
    cards = cards[where (classes != _FITS_TYP_STRUC_KEY)];

See Also

fits_read_records, fits_read_key



Get the fits bitpix value for an array


Int_Type fits_get_bitpix (array)


This function may be used to obtain the bitpix value for a specified image array. The array must be an integer or floating point type, otherwise and error will be generated. The bitpix value is returned.

See Also

fits_write_image_hdu, fits_read_img



Read image data from a fits file


Array_Type fits_read_img (fd)

   Fits_File_Type or String_Type fd;


This function reads an image from the specified file descriptor. The file descriptor must be either the name of an existing file, or an open file pointer. It returns the image upon sucess, or signals an error upon failure.

See Also

fits_read_table, fits_read_col, fits_open_file, fits_write_img



Create a primary array or image extension


fits_create_image_hdu (fd, extname, type, dims)

   Fits_File_Type or String_Type fd;
   String_Type extname;
   Array_Type dims;
   DataType_Type type;


This function make use of the _fits_create_img function to create an image extension or primary array of the specified type and size. If the extname parameter is non-NULL, then an EXTNAME keyword will be written out with the value of the extname parameter. The dims parameter must be a 1-d integer array that corresponds to the dimensions of the array to be written.

If fd is specified as a string, then a new file of that name will be created. If a file by that name already exists, it will be deleted and a new one created. If this behavior is undesired, then explicitly open the file and pass this routine the resulting file pointer.

See Also




Write an image extension


fits_write_image_hdu (file, extname, image [,skeys [,hist]])

    Fits_File_Type or String_Type file;
    String_Type extname;
    Any_Type image
    Struct_Type skeys;
    Struct_Type hist;


The fits_write_image_hdu function creates a new image extension in the specified file. The parameter file specifies either a filename or an open file pointer. The extname parameter specifies the extension name of the image, or NULL for the primary image. The image data written to the file are specified by the image parameter. If the optional parameter skeys is non-NULL, then it is a structure indicating additional keywords to be written to the HDU. If the optional parameter hist is present and non-NULL, then it is a structure whose fields indicate either comment or history information to be written to the header.


The following code

     variable img = [1:128*128]; reshape (img, [128,128]);
     variable keys = struct { hduname, username};
     keys.hduname = "MY_IMAGE";
     keys.username = "John Doe";
     variable hist = struct { history, comment};
     hist.history = ["This is a history record", "This is another"];
     hist.comment = ["This is a comment", "And this is another"];
     fits_write_image_hdu ("foo.fits", NULL, img, keys, hist);
produces an image HDU with the header:
     SIMPLE  =                   T / file does conform to FITS standard
     BITPIX  =                  32 / number of bits per data pixel
     NAXIS   =                   2 / number of data axes
     NAXIS1  =                 128 / length of data axis 1
     NAXIS2  =                 128 / length of data axis 2
     EXTEND  =                   T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
     COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
     COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H
     USERNAME= 'John Doe'
     HISTORY This is a history record
     HISTORY This is another
     COMMENT This is a comment
     COMMENT And this is another


This function provides no mechanism to mix comments and keyword records. As the example shows, this function places the comment and history records at the end of the table.

See Also

fits_create_binary_table, fits_open_file



Write the image data to an Image HDU


fits_write_img (Fits_File_Type fptr, Any_Type data)


This function writes the image data out to current HDU, assumed to be an Image HDU.

See Also

fits_write_image_hdu, fits_create_image_hdu

2.8 WCS Function Reference



Create a new-ndimensional linear WCS


wcs = fitswcs_new (Int_Type naxis)


This function returns a new WCS structure of the specified dimensionality that represents an identity (linear) transformation.

See Also

fitswcs_get_img_wcs, fitswcs_get_column_wcs, fitswcs_get_vector_wcs



Form a new wcs from one or more axes of another


new_wcs = fitswcs_slice (wcs, dims)


This function may be used to construct a new wcs from another by rearranging its axes or by using a subset of them. The dims argument specifies the dimensions to use.


Suppose that wcs represents a 4 dimensional WCS. Then

    wcs2 = fitswcs_slice (wcs, [0,1]);
will result in a 2 dimensional WCS from the first 2 axis of the input WCS. Similarly,
    wcs2 = fitswcs_slice (wcs, [1,0]);
will produce a 2d WCS with the first two axes swapped.

See Also

fitswcs_get_img_wcs, fitswcs_get_column_wcs, fitswcs_get_vector_wcs



Read a WCS for a FITS image


wcs = fitswcs_get_img_wcs (fp [,alt])


The fitswcs_get_img_wcs returns a structure representing a WCS from the specified file descriptor fp corresponding to an image HDU. An optional parameter may be used to specified an alternate WCS.


   wcs = fitswcs_get_img_wcs ("img.fits[IMAGE]", 'P');

See Also

fitswcs_put_img_wcs, fitswcs_get_column_wcs, fitswcs_get_vector_wcs



Get the WCS attached to one or more columns of a binary table


fitswcs_get_column_wcs (fp, columns-array [,alt]


This function may be used to obtain the WCS associated with one or more columns of a binary table. The file descriptor fp must specify a binary table. The columns-array parameter should be an array of columns names. The third parameter is optional and is used to specify an alternate WCS.


   wcs = fitswcs_get_column_wcs ("evt1.fits[EVENTS]", ["X","Y"]);

See Also

fitswcs_put_column_wcs, fitswcs_get_img_wcs, fitswcs_get_vector_wcs



Get the WCS of an image in a specified table cell


wcs = fitswcs_get_vector_wcs (fp, column_name, row [,alt])


This function reads the WCS of an image in a specified cell of a binary table given by fp parameter. The second and third parameters specify the column name and row number of the cell. An optional fourth parameter may be used to obtain the corresponding alternate WCS.


This example reads the WCS associated with the image in the second row of the QEU column of the binary table with HDUNAME equal to AXAF_QEU1 in the file "HRCQEU.fits":

    wcs = fitswcs_get_vector_wcs ("HRCQEU.fits[AXAF_QEU1], "QEU", 2);


The current implementation does not yet support references to the WCS of other cells.

See Also

fitswcs_get_column_wcs, fitswcs_get_img_wcs



Create a linear WCS for an image


wcs = fitswcs_new_img_wcs (grid0,grid1,...)


This function may be used to construct a linear WCS for an image with the specified grids. The grids are assumed to be linear.


Use the histogram module's hist2d function to create an image from the X and Y columns in a file, and the construct a corresponding WCS:

    (x,y) = fits_read_col ("table.fits", "X", "Y");
    gridx = [min(x):max(x):0.5];
    gridy = [min(y):max(y):0.5];
    img = hist2d (y,x,gridy,gridx);
    wcs = fitswcs_new_img_wcs (gridy, gridx);

See Also

fitswcs_new, fitswcs_get_img_wcs



Write a WCS out to an image header


fitswcs_put_img_wcs (fp, wcs [,alt])


The fitswcs_put_img_wcs may be used to write the specified wcs out to the image HDU specified by the fp parameter. An optional third parameter may be used to specify an alternate WCS.


    fp = fits_open_file ("img.fits", "w");
    fits_put_img_wcs (fp, wcs, 'P');
    fits_close_file (fp);

See Also




Write the WCS attached to one or more table columns


fitswcs_put_column_wcs (fp, wcs, columns-array [,alt])


This function may be used to attach a WCS to one or more columns of a binary table. The dimensionality of the specified WCS must match the length of the array specifying the column names. The first parameter, fp must specify a binary table extension. The fourth parameter is optional and may be used to specify an alternate WCS.


   fitswcs_put_column_wcs ("evt2.fits[EVENTS], wcs, ["X","Y"]);

See Also

fitswcs_get_column_wcs, fitswcs_put_img_wcs, fitswcs_get_img_wcs



Apply a linear transformation to a WCS


wcs1 = fitswcs_linear_transform_wcs (wcs, U0, A, X0)

     wcs: The specified WCS to transform
   U0,X0: 1-d arrays
       A: 2-d array (or 1-d array representing a diagonal matrix)


This function may be used to create a new WCS by applying a linear transformation to an existing one. This is useful when one has a WCS associated with physical coordinates X, and then applies the linear transformation

     U = U0 + A#(X-X0)
to the coordinates X. Then corresponding WCS for the resulting image is given by
     new_wcs = fitswcs_linear_transform_wcs (wcs, U0, A, X0);


The dimensionality of the WCS is limited to 2 in the current implementation.

See Also

fitswcs_rebin_wcs, fitswcs_bin_wcs



This function may be used to obtain the wcs for a rebinned image


wcs1 = fitswcs_rebin_wcs (wcs, old_dims, new_dims...)


This function may be used to construct the WCS for a rebinned image from the WCS of of the unbinned image. The grid parameters specify the linear grids the new image.


new_img = hist2d_rebin (new_yrid, new_xgrid, old_ygrid, old_xgrid, old_img); new_wcs = fitswcs_rebin_wcs (old_wcs, array_shape(old_img), array_shape(new_img));

See Also

fitswcs_bin_wcs, fitswcs_linear_transform_wcs, fitswcs_slice



This function may be used to obtain the wcs for a rebinned image


wcs1 = fitswcs_rebin_wcs (wcs, grid0, grid1, ...)


This function may be used to construct the WCS for an image created by binning a set of coordinates from, e.g., a pixel-list. The wcs parameter represents the wcs attached to the unbinnned coordinates. The grid parameters specify the linear grids that were used to create the image.

See Also

fitswcs_rebin_wcs, fitswcs_linear_transform_wcs, fitswcs_slice

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