
XSTARDB is a library of ISIS S-lang scripts providing functions for interacting with the atomic data used in XSTAR models. For example, XSTARDB was used to identify the strongest features in the photemis model shown below. View the example page to see many of the features in action. There is also a living library of XSTARDB tutorials on github.

photemis example

Basic Features

+ Search database by wavelength, element, ion, transition levels, and line strength

+ Display and save search results as an ascii table

+ Mark line transitions on a plot

+ Manage multiple databases at once

Advanced Features

+ Manage redshifts from single- and multi-component models

+ Set up and run a grid of XSTAR models, with model input varied over a parameter of interest

+ Manage a large number of model databases, cataloging unique transitions

+ Retrive interesting properties (e.g. luminosities, equivalent widths, and line ratios) as a function of XSTAR model parameter (e.g. rlogxi and column)

System Requirements

The library was created for use with ISIS, the Interactive Spectral Interpretation System. It also requires a working version of XSTAR. You can view the installation instructions for a more detailed list of system requirements.


Have questions or a bug to report? Please email:
Lia Corrales (lia at umich.edu), or
Dave Huenemoerder (dph at space.mit.edu)

If you use results obtained with xstardb in a paper please acknowledge as: "This research has made use of ISIS functions (xstardb) provided by the MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research (http:/space.mit.edu/cxc/analysis/xstardb)."



Support for this work was provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center award NNX10AD41G to MIT through the Astrophysical Data Analysis Program. We also thank Dr. Tim Kallman for providing crucial support and modifications to the XSTAR output.

MIT Accessibility