Using Response Matrices with marx¶
The detector models within marx include analytic representations of
the intrinsic spectral resolution of these instruments. For some users,
a higher degree of accuracy may be necessary. marx allows users to
supersede the built-in spectral response function using an external
spectral response matrix file (RMF). In this section, we describe how to
use the marxrsp
tool in conjunction with these RMF files.
What is a Response Matrix?¶
As commonly employed, the spectral response matrix or spectral redistribution function defines the mapping of input photon energy to detected pulse height for a given detector. In this sense, it includes the spectral resolving power of the detector but by definition does not include the quantum efficiency. Typically, these detector response matrices are stored as response matrix files (RMFs) in the form of FITS binary tables.
The format for an RMF has been defined by HEASARC and marxrsp
has been
designed to work with RMFs which adhere to this format. Specifically,
the marxrsp
tool checks the indicated RMF file for valid values of the
HDUCLAS3 FITS keyword. HEASARC-allowed values for this keyword include
, or FULL
. A value of REDIST
indicates a bare
redistribution matrix while DETECTOR
and FULL
indicate that a quantum
efficiency or effective area have been included, respectively. The
tool requires a value of HDUCLAS3=REDIST
. The --force
can be used to make marxrsp
accept RMF files with other values of the
HDUCLAS3 keyword. In such circumstances, the input marx simulation
should be run with DetIdeal="yes"
Response matrices for the ACIS CCDs can be created using the CIAO tool mkrmf. More information and the necessary calibration data to create ACIS RMFs are available from the CIAO. There are currently no RMFs available for the HRC.

A simulated ACIS pulse height spectrum computed using a marx simulation, the
tool, and RMF files for a FI and BI CCD. The upper curve shows the PHA spectrum
for the BI RMF while the lower curve represents a typical FI RMF near the ACIS-I aimpoint.
The input spectrum was the same thermal plasma spectrum used in the examples in Simulating a user-defined CCD spectrum with ACIS.¶
The marxrsp Tool¶
Like all post-processing tools in the marx suite, marxrsp
on an existing simulation directory created using marx. The user
specifies a simulation directory and an RMF to use in calculating the
pulse height spectrum. For example, to fold the Raymond-Smith thermal
plasma spectrum simulated in Simulating a user-defined CCD spectrum with ACIS through an ACIS RMF
called acis7b_aim_pha_rmf.fits
, we would use the syntax:
unix% marxrsp --rmf acis7b_aim_pha_rmf.fits --marx therm/
Here, the pre-existing simulation directory is called therm.
Operationally, marxrsp will check the indicated RMF for a valid HDUCLAS3
keyword value. If HDUCLAS3=REDIST
, marxrsp
will read the energy.dat
binary vector from the simulation directory and multiply it by the
values in the RMF to determine the event pulse heights or PHA values. A
new pha.dat
binary vector will then be written back out to the
marx simulation directory. The old pha.dat
file, containing the
pulse height spectrum calculated using marx’s internal
redistribution function, will be renamed to pha.dat.BAK
Figure figrmf shows the pulse height spectra obtained from folding
the thermal spectrum simulation from Simulating a user-defined CCD spectrum with ACIS through
RMFs for an ACIS frontside and backside illuminated CCD.
By default, marxrsp will process all events in the specified simulation
directory. Users may restrict which photons are folded through the RMF
using the --chip
parameter. For example, the command
unix% marxrsp --chip 7 --rmf acis7b_aim_pha_rmf.fits --marx therm/
would calculate pulse heights for only those events which landed on chip
7 (the aimpoint of the ACIS-S array) in the calculation of the pulse
height spectrum. See marxrsp
for a detailed
description of all options.
Note, marxrsp cannot be used to process the output products of the
tool. marxrsp uses the binary output vector energy.dat
to compute
the new PHA value for an event. However, the events produced by the
pileup tool are potentially the sum of multiple photons and therefore
their true energies are unknown.
Limitations of the marxrsp tool¶
Due to spatial variations in the gain across the ACIS CCDs, the detected
PHA value of an event will vary even for monochromatic photons. This
variation is illustrated in Figure Gain which shows the PHA
spectra obtained for the S3 and I3 ACIS CCDs from a uniform illumination
of 1.0 keV photons. During CXC Level 1 processing, the known calibration
of the gain is used to correct the PHA values and produce a list of
“pulse invariant” (PI) detector channels. These PI values are
essentially uniformly binned energy values with bins of 14.6 eV.
marx emulates this behavior in marx2fits
by using the same ACIS gain
map as the CXC Level 1 pipeline. However, processing a simulation with
is equivalent to replacing the actual spatially varying gains
with whatever uniform value was used in the construction of the RMF. If
a simulation which has been folded though an RMF file with marxrsp
subsequently written to a Level 1 FITS events with marx2fits
, the PI
values in the file event file will be incorrect. Consequently, if
using marxrsp, users should perform all spectral extractions and data
analysis in PHA space.

The PHA spectra obtained for simulations of the S3 and I3 ACIS CCDs from a uniform illumination of 1.0 keV photons. The upper curve shows the PHA spectrum for the S3 while the lower curve represents I3. Both spectra have been normalized to the same total number of counts.¶