Chandra HETG

HETG Principal Investigator: Prof. Claude R. Canizares

E0102 spectrum image

E0102 model spectrum

Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating (HETG)

Observatories across the spectrum:

NRAO - Radio, sub-mm, mm ALMA - 1.6 mm (band 5)
CARMA - 1.2, 3, 9.7 mm
LMT - 0.85 - 4 mm
Planck - 0.35 - 10 mm
Herschel - 55 um - 0.67 mm
(Spitzer - IR, warm phase)
Akari (Astro-F) - IR survey, 1.7-180 um
Hubble - Optical/UV, HLA , GSC2
Magellan - Optical (LCO * , MASE )
Gemini - Optical (ground)
GALEX - Far/Near UV GALEXview
XMM-Newton - X-ray BiRD
Chandra - X-ray TGCat
Suzaku (Astro-E2) - X-ray
NuSTAR 5-80 keV
SWIFT/BAT - GRBs, 15-150 keV
INTEGRAL - Gamma-ray mission
Fermi/LAT - HE gamma-ray, 0.2-200 GeV
VERITAS - VHE gamma-ray 0.05-50 TeV

Future/planned Missions:

Radio/sub-mm: CCAT (2020)
IR/Opt.: JWST(2014), WFIRST(2020), GMT/TMT/E-ELT(2025).
X-ray: ASTROSAT (2013), eROSITA (2014), Astro-H (2015), CAT grating(for 2020s)
Gamma to TeV: CTA (prep phase to 2014),
GW: LISA (2025)

NASA Research , NASA Explorers , NSF, AST

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