Follow-on Science Instrument
Monthly Status Report Numbers 025 - 028
A Smorgasbord w/MCG |
Prepared in accordance with DR 972MA-002; DPD #972
Prepared for
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama 35812
Center for Space
Research; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge, MA 02139
1.0 Distribution List for Monthly Status Report
MIT-External Electronic:
FD03/Marc Osborne, MSFC
PS41/Wayne Harmon, MSFC
SD50/Martin Weisskopf, MSFC
MIT-External Hardcopy:
None specified.
MIT-Internal Electronic:
Elaine Tirrell
Gail Monahan
MIT-Internal Hardcopy:
Claude Canizares Room 3-234 (via Gail Monahan)
Deepto Chakrabarty Room 37-501 (via Elaine Tirrell)
Kathryn Flanagan Room NE80-6103 (via Elaine Tirrell)
File (via Elaine Tirrell)
Please send distribution requests and other comments on this document to .
2.0 Schedule of Past and Future Events Relevant to HETG
Date |
Past Events |
Comment |
May 5,6 |
Cas A Very Large Project team meeting, NRL, D.C. |
D. Dewey, K. Flanagan |
May 12-15 |
"Beyond Einstein: … Big Bang to Black Holes", Kavli Institute, CA |
K. Flanagan, M. Nowak |
May 23-28 |
“The Fate of the Most Massive Stars”, Jackson Hole, Wyoming |
B. Ishibashi, J. Houck |
May 30-6/3 |
AAS Meeting, Denver, CO. |
N. Schulz, H. Marshall, C. Canizares |
June 7-13 |
5th Microquasar Workshop, Beijing, China |
H. Marshall, S. Heinz |
June 15-17 |
Chandra Peer Review, Cycle 6, Logan Airport Hilton, Boston MA |
D. Dewey, M. Nowak |
June 21-25 |
Astronomical Telescopes and Inst., SPIE Meeting, Scotland. |
K. Flanagan, J. Davis |
June 20-25 |
Growing Black Holes: Accretion …, Garching, Germany. |
H. Marshall, S. Heinz |
Date |
Future Events |
Comment |
July 5-9 |
13th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Hamburg Germany |
N. Schulz, D. Huenemoerder |
July 5-9 |
The Quest for a Concordance Cosmology and Beyond , IoA, UK |
C.R. Canizares (invited) |
July 7-9 |
The Nature and Evolution of Disks Around Hot Stars , East Tennessee State Univ., TN |
P. Wojdowski, B. Ishibashi |
July 7-9 |
Galaxies viewed with Chandra Workshop 2004, Cambridge MA |
July 12-16 |
Cores, Disks, Jets & Outflows in ... Star Forming … , Banff, Canada |
N. Schulz |
July 18-24 |
35th COSPAR meeting, Paris, France.
Canizares,, Flanagan, Marshall, Wise, Nowak, Wojdowski,Jeltema, Houck, Stage, Allen |
July 26, 27 |
SEUS Meeting, San Diego, CA. |
K. Flanagan |
August 2-6 |
SPIE 49th Annual Meeting , Denver, Colorado |
August 3,4 |
CXC Quarterly Review , OCC, Cambridge MA |
D. Dewey |
Sept. 8-11 |
AAS - HEAD Meeting , New Orleans. |
Many. |
Oct. 2x-2x |
Chandra 3rd Calibration Workshop |
Many. |
3.0 Instrument Status and Science Support
3.1 Flight Events and HETG Instrument Status
The HETG continues to function with no outstanding issues.
There were 6, 4, 6, and 3 HETG observation intervals, respetively, in March, April, May, and June of 2004. A total of 12 targets were observed including our Cycle 5 GTO target, MCG- -6-30-15 (4 obsids totaling 530 ks!), and a calibration observation of 3C 273 on 6/30/04.
3.2 Science Support to CXC, SWG, etc.
Four of the recent HETG observations were analyzed for the FWHM of the zeroth-order image to add to our monitoring of the HRMA FWHM, see the plot on the next page. The FWHM remains stable with perhaps a hint of a slight increase in the past years. It may be reasonable to refocus the telescope later this year after the up-coming ACIS warm-up to ensure we’re at best focus.
HETG supported the Chandra Peer Review in June.
Improved HETG web pages have been worked on and will be rolled out soon.
Using archived observations taken with the HETG-ACIS and LETG-ACIS we are in the process of making final refinements on the HETG-ACIS parameters, for example calibration adjustments of slight chip rotations and the gaps between the ACIS chips.
The plot at left shows a preliminary measure of slight chip-to-chip rolls of the ACIS-S CCDs. The LETG spectrum is dispersed over all 6 chips in the left-to-right direction, TG_R. The cross-dispersion location, TG_D, is sensitively measured to a fraction of an ACIS pixel. Linear fits within each of the 6 CCDs measure the amount of roll of each chip; chips are S0 to S5, left to right.
After adjusting for these
rolls and translations in TG_D, we’ll then refine the chip gap values
(TG_R offsets) and the grating periods, et voila!
4.0 GTO Science Program
4.1 Observations and Data status
On July 2 the CXC announced the results of the Peer Review and the HETG GTO program for Cycle 6 is finalized; see the list of Cycle 6 observations and progress in on-going GTO analyses in Appendix A.
4.2 Science theme progress
The HETG GTO science efforts span a range of “science themes” given in the list below. In this report we take a sneak peek at the recent 530 ks of MCG- -6-30-15 raw data, on the next page.
GTO Science Theme |
Abbreviation (for App’ix A) |
Researchers (HETG in caps) |
Date of recent [previous] reporting Contributor of theme material |
“Cool” Stars |
Cool Star |
dph,nss,psw |
Oct.&Nov., 2003. [Sept.2002] D. Huenemoerder |
“Hot” Stars |
Hot Star |
nss,dph,psw,bi |
Oct.&Nov., 2003. [Oct. 2002] N. Schulz, P. Wojdowski |
X-ray Binaries & Accretion Disks |
MJ-G,AY,AJ,nss,hlm, man, jmm, psw |
December, 2003 [Dec. 2002] Many contributors. |
Supernova Remnants |
KAF,DD, AF,jh,gea,mds |
August, 2003. [May, 2003] D. Dewey |
Isolated Neutron Stars |
iNS |
hlm, nss |
January, 2003. M. Stage, H. Marshall |
Galaxies & Clusters of Galaxies |
Gal., Clust. |
TJ,AY,mw,jh |
August, 2002. M. Wise, T. Jeltema |
Active Galactic Nuclei and Jets |
AGN, Jet |
RG,MJ-G,AY,hlm, man,jcl,sm,jg,scg |
September, 2003. [June, 2002] A. Young and R. Gibson |
Inter-Stellar Medium |
AJ,nss |
February, 2003. A. Juett, N. Schulz |
Inter-Galactic Medium |
RG,hlm,tf |
July, 2002. T. Fang |
MCG- -6-30-15 seen in more light
The Figure at top left is from “The Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer probes the dusty warm absorber in the Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG- -6-30-15” by Lee et al.[*], see also ApJ L554 13. This figure shows a small region of the complete spectrum along with a suggested absorption model (in red.) About 120 ks of HETG data were used to measure this spectrum.
[*] In “X-ray Emission from Accretion onto Black Holes”, Proceedings of a joint workshop held by the Center for Astrophysics (JHU) and the LHEA (NASA/ Goddard Space Flight Center) in Baltimore, MD, June 20-23, 2001, Eds.: T. Yaqoob and J. H. Krolik, to be published electronically.
The Figure at bottom left shows the same spectral region taken from the recently completed 530 ks HETG observation of MCG- -6-30-15. These data are very preliminary and not optimally binned or presented. Yet the increase in signal-to-noise over the previous observation is quite evident, for example, the absorption dip labeled “1-6” just above 0.72 keV is seen with clarity in the new data set.
Stay tuned for MCG results
in future!
4.3 HETG-related Software: Development, Evaluation, and Support
Besides developing specialized in-house software mentioned here in past reports, the HETG scientists of course also use CXC developed software. Here’s a list of software components that are produced by or used with the CXC software – understanding these and optimizing their application to HETG analysis is part of the HETG/GTO effort.
ahelp - ATOMDB (APED,C) - Archive s/w - ardlib - C[++] - CALDB (ARD_files) - cfitsio - CHaRT - Chips - CIAO - Data Model - DS9 - evt2img - package for S-Lang Fortran - GnuPlot - GSL, SLGSL - Gnu Scientific Library gtk, SLgtk - grating light curve package - prototype GUIDE - histogram - ISIS - |
interface modules - group, paramio, region, stackio MARX - OpenGL - PGplot - Pipeline s/w and control - pixlib - PVM - Repro III - S-Lang - scripts (unix, S-Lang, other?) - Sherpa - SITAR - an S-Lang Timing "package" SLglade - SLIRP - Super Mongo - tools - obvious subdivisions of tools? VARMM - Vtk - XSPEC models - S-Lang module of XSPEC models [SL]xpa - |
4.4 Presentations, etc. (March – June, 2004)
C.R. Canizares, “Probing the Violent Universe with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory”, Spring Luncheon Meeting for Emeriti/ae Professors, MIT Faculty Club, April 22, 2004 (Invited)
C.R. Canizares, “High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Coronal Plasma, AAS Annual Meeting, Denver CO, June 1, 2004. (Invited)
C.R. Canizares, “The Chandra X-ray Observatory”, MIT Alumni Talk at JPL, Pasadena, CA, June 10, 2004. (Invited)
M. Jimenez-Garate, “Accretion Disk Atmosphere around Black Holes”, U of NH Astrophysics talk.
4.5 Publications (March – June, 2004), see also:
P.S. Wojdowski and N.S. Schulz, “Differential Emission Measure Distribution Measurement of Collisionally Ionized Plasma: Application to Hot Stars”, ApJ submitted; astro-ph/0403603.
…, A. Young,…, “X-ray reflection from inhomogeneous accretion disks: II. Emission line variability and implicaitons for reverberation mapping”, submitted.
M. Jimenez-Garate, “Atomic X-ray Spectra of Accretion Disk Atmospheres around Kerr Black Holes”, ApJ submitted.
M. Jimenez-Garate, “Identification of an Extended Accretion Disk Corona in the Hercules X-1 Low State: Modeate Optical Depth, Precise Density Determination, and Verification of CNO Abundnaces”, ApJ submitted.
4.6 Student and Postdoc Involvement, June 2003 – May 2004
The following information was requested from HETG PI Claude Canizares by the CXC and is listed here for reference. This information was entered into the CXC web system as requested.
First name |
Last Name |
UG/Gr/PDoc |
Chandrafinancialsupport? |
Mario |
Jimenez-Garate |
PDoc |
Yes |
Patrick |
Wojdowski |
PDoc |
Yes |
Andrew |
Young |
PDoc |
Yes |
Tesla |
Jeltema |
Gr |
Yes |
Rob |
Gibson |
Gr |
Yes |
Adrienne |
Juett |
Gr |
Yes |
Kenneth |
Roraback |
UG |
Yes |
Year Name Type Title :
2004 Tesla Jeltema Ph.D. “Cosmology with Clusters of Galaxies:
High-Redshift Clusters and the Evolution of Cluster Substructure”
2004 Adrienne Juett Ph.D. “X-ray Spectroscopy of Low-Mass X-ray Binaries”
5.0 Systems and Engineering Support
5.1 Documentation and “Design Knowledge Capture” and 5.3 Anomalies, Insert/retract, etc. Support
5.2 Spares Retest and Test Instrumentation
No activities in these areas in March through June.
6.0 Management
6.1 Program Office & NASA Support
Thanks to MSFC for the timely approval of travel requests – stay tuned for next month’s list of HETG-related talks and posters given in Paris at the COSPAR meeting in July!
6.2 MIT-internal management activities
Preparations were made for the usual summer and fall shuffle of people and offices which does keep things fresh and lively.
7.0 Open Issues, Problems, etc.
There are no open issues or problems regarding the HETG.
1. Entries indicating progress during this period are shown in this font.
2. For CSR Publication references (CSR-YY-NN) see
3. Up-to-date observation information can be obtained from using WebChaser.
Object Science Theme |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
SS 433 XRB |
6 |
Prop. 06400060 |
[20, 50, 130] |
H. Marshall, etc. |
[TBD] |
Continue studying this amazing source. |
GX 5-1 XRB |
6 |
Prop. 06910030 |
[50] |
N. Schulz, etc. |
[TBD] |
Target accepted in peer review. |
M81* AGN |
6 |
Prop. 06700026 |
[300] |
M. Jimenez-Garate, etc. |
[TBD] |
Target accepted in peer review. |
PG 0844+349 AGN |
6 |
Prop. 06700023 |
[150] |
J.C. Lee, A. Young, etc. |
[TBD] |
Study nucleus and its high velocity ionized outflow. |
Object Science Theme |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
4U 1957+11 XRB |
5 |
4552 |
400335 |
[67] |
M. Nowak |
[8/2/04] |
Target accepted in peer review. Prop. 05400034 |
MCG—6-30-15 AGN |
5 |
4759, 4760, 4761, 4762 |
700845 |
159. 38. 161. 172. |
J. Lee |
5/24/04, 5/19/04, 5/21/04, 5/27/04 |
Data in-house – clear absorption lines [6/04] Prop. 05700032 |
Orion Nebula Cluster “Hot” Stars |
5 |
4473, 4474 |
200242, 200243 |
[50.0, 50.0] |
N. Schulz |
[11/6/04, 12/.3/04] |
Prop. 05200040 |
Object Science Theme |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
4U 1626-67 XRB |
4 and 1 |
3504 |
400257 |
97.1 |
N. Schulz |
6/5/03 |
Prelim analysis [1/04] XMM obs on 8/20. |
Sco X-1 XRB |
4 |
3505 |
400258 |
16.1 |
N. Schulz |
7/21/03 |
CC Data being processed [7/03]. Multi-wavelength obs |
Example spectra at CCW II [10/03]. |
H1426+428 IGM |
4 |
3568 |
700630 |
101.0 |
T. Fang |
9/8/03 |
Prop. No.: 04700987 |
Mrk 290 AGN |
4 |
3567 4399 4441 4442 |
700629 |
55 85 61 50 |
J. Lee |
6/29/03 7/15/03 7/15/03 7/17/03 |
Curve of growth [1/04] Identify-ing lines, back-ground [12/03]. Fe lines searched [10/03] Mg, Ne lines. |
TV Crit “Cool” Stars |
4 |
3728 |
200198 |
100.2 |
D. Huenemoerder |
3/7/03 |
Data in-house – looks good[4/03]. Selected in peer review![6/02] |
Paper re-submitted[2/04] |
E0102 SNR |
4 |
3828 |
500307 |
137.7 |
K. Flanagan, D.Dewey |
12/20/02 |
Echelle O III data[1-2/04] Measure shelf, arc, 10/03] Extracted counts and flux ratios.[9/03] |
Cycle 3
Object Science Theme |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
MRC 2251-178
3 |
2977 |
700416 |
148.5 |
J. Lee/ H. Marshall, R. Gibson |
9/11/02 |
Wind aspect [2/04] Improved photo-ion model[1/04] High-velocity outflow [12/03]. UV flux insufficient to pump forbidden to intercomb.[10/03] ISIS and IDL EW s/w…[9/03] |
Improved paper [1/04] First draft finished.[7/03].AAS03. |
NGC 7469 AGN |
3 |
3147 (+2956) |
700586 |
69.8, 79.8 |
J. Lee, (Kriss), H. Marshall |
12/13/02 |
UROP working [2/04] Analyzed data, id absorp lines.[1/03] w/HST. |
1H 0414+009
3 |
2969, 4284 |
700408 |
50.8, 36.9 |
T. Fang, S. Gallagher |
8/1/02 |
Shows lovely power law.[9/02] First pass through data. Data in-house.[8/02] |
GX 349+2 XRB, ISM |
3 |
3354 |
900193 |
35.2 |
N. Schulz, A. Juett |
4/9/02 |
For ISM study; Observed on 4/9; data available 5/2 [4/02] |
Santander,’02 AAS00, ‘01 |
NGC 2362 Tau CMa “Hot” Stars |
3 |
2525, 2526 |
200133, 200134 |
44.5, 43.8 |
N. Schulz, P. Wojdowski, J. Kastner/RIT |
3/28/02, 4/23/02 |
Analysis continues.[6,9/02] Previewed the data.[5/02] Observed 4/23 [4/02] |
Patzcuaro, ‘02 |
1ES 1028+511 IGM, AGN |
3 |
2970, 3472 |
700409 |
21.8, 69.6 |
T. Fang, S. Gallagher |
3/27/02, 3/28/02 |
Shows lovely power law.[9/02] First pass through data.[8/02] |
3C 279 IGM, AGN, Jet |
3 |
2971 |
700410 |
108.2 |
T. Fang, H. Marshall |
3/21/02 |
Overlay radio contours on jet.[8/02 |
IRAS 18325-5926 AGN |
3 |
3148, 3452 |
700587 |
56.9, 51.1 |
J. Lee, S. Gallagher |
3/19/02, 3/23/02 |
Wind aspect [2/04] Work ongoing[8/03]. XTE and SAX obs analyzed.[12/02] |
Paper draft w/ Iwasawa[12/02] |
Cycle 2
Object |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
Cyg X-2
2 |
1016 |
400094 |
15.1 |
N. Schulz, A. Juett |
8/12/01 |
Fit O, Fe, Ne edges.[7/02] ISM study: cold absorption edges[5/02] |
Santander,’02 AAS00, AAS01 |
Cas A
2 |
1046 |
500112 |
69.9 |
K. Flanagan, D.Dewey, M. Stage |
5/25/01 |
Began NEI fits to Si knot image for continuum.[8/02] |
High-Res UK talk.[10/02] CRC Royal Soc.’02 |
4U 0142+61
iNS, AXPs |
2 |
1018 |
400096 |
25.4 |
N. Schulz, A. Juett |
5/23/01 |
Finishing additional analysis [3/02] |
ApJ, 2002, 568, pp. L31, HEAD-2002[4/02] CSR-02-16[3/02] |
Mrk 766
2 |
1597 |
700213 |
90.5 |
P. Ogle, J. Lee, A. Young |
5/7/01 |
Extract, identify lines [2/04] XTE data simultaneous w/obs.[10/02] Paper in preparation [4/02] |
NGC 4696 Gal. |
2 |
1560 |
600117 |
85.8 |
M. Wise |
4/18/01 |
To be analyzed. |
EXO 0748-676
2 |
1017 |
400095 |
49.0 |
N. Schulz, H. Marshall, M. Jimenez-Garate |
4/14/01 |
Photo-excitation rates.[10/02] Performed abundance measurements.[8/02] |
Revise/reply to ref. report.[1/03] AAS03. HEAD02 |
SS 433
XRB, Jet |
2 2 1 |
1019, 1020, 106 |
400097, 400098, 400019 |
23.7, 23.0, 28.9 |
H. Marshall, N. Schulz, L. Lopez |
3/16/01, 11/28/00, 9/23/99 |
Jet model: expected density and cooling time.[11/03] |
Press confer-ence, Jan.04. Final draft[12/03] CSR-02-01,‘01-78 |
1H 1821+643
2 |
1599 |
700215 |
101.3 |
P. Ogle, T. Fang |
2/9/01 |
CSR-02-16.5[4/02], CSR-01-69 |
Iota Orionis
“Hot” Star |
2 |
599, 2420 |
200075 |
37.6, 12.9 |
N. Schulz, P. Wojdowski |
2/7/01, 2/8/01 |
DEM distribution derived.[9/02] Make arfs for one-ion analysis.[8/02] Data reviewed[5/02] |
Patzcuaro, ‘02 |
TY Pyx, HD77137 “Cool” Star |
2 |
601 |
200076 |
49.8 |
D. Huenemoerder |
1/3/01 |
Re-analysis using light/phase curve s/w…[9/03] Preliminary analysis done. |
(spectrum in CSR-02-02) |
2 |
1045, 2410, 2416 |
500111 |
74.0, 25.7, 17.6 |
K. Flanagan, J. Migliazzo, D. Dewey |
1/1/01, 1/3/01, 1/2/01 |
Investigating models by Badenes et al, ApJ 593:358.[11/03] New fits, abundance plots, one-ion fits.[9/02] Fit vpshock w/APED lines…[7/02] |
High-Res UK talk.[10/02] Poster: HEAD02[4/02] |
NGC 5506
2 |
1598 |
700214 |
90.0 |
P. Ogle, J. Lee, S. Gallagher |
12/31/00 |
Draft complete, internal review[7,8/03]. O VII and RRC[6/03] Paper progress.[4/03] XTE simult obs reduced; spectral and image analysis progress.[12/02] |
AAS’03 Paper in prep.[4/02] |
ZW 3146
Clust. |
2 |
1651 |
800119 |
167.8 |
M. Wise |
12/25/00 |
MEG +/-1 spectrum.[10/02] Include background subtraction.[7/02] Re-analysis continued w/ ISIS[6/02]; started[5/02] |
High-Res UK talk.[10/02] Cluster paper in draft[5/02] |
Cycle 2, above.
Object |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
NGC 1068 AGN |
1 |
332 |
700004 |
46.3 |
H. Marshall, P. Ogle, J. Lee |
12/4/00 |
Examine zeroth-order pileup[5/02] |
Paper in submitted[5/02] |
4U 1626-67 XRB |
1 |
104 |
400017 |
40.0 |
N. Schulz |
9/16/00 |
Analysis complete. |
AR Lac
“Cool” Star |
1 |
6,7,8, 9,10,11 |
20000N: 4,5,6,7,8,9 |
32.5,7.5, 7.5,32.6, 7.3,7.3 |
D. Huenemoerder |
9/11/00- 9/19/00 |
Fixed errors.[12/02] Analysis complete. |
Submitted to ApJ.[1/03] Revised manuscript.[12/02] CSR-01-112 |
Abell 1835
Clust. |
1 |
49896 511 |
800019 |
9.8 127.0 |
M. Wise |
8/25/00 8/26/00 |
MARX simulations (1T, 2T, etc.)[10/02] Background subtraction.[7/02] |
High-Res UK talk.[10/02] Cluster paper in draft[5/02] |
1 |
121, 1828 |
500008 |
22.3 77.6 |
K. Flanagan, D. Dewey |
7/19/00 7/20/00 |
Model grid added.[4/03] Fe and O line ratios from many regions/features |
CSR-01-10,26, Y2Chandra01 |
TW Hydra “Cool” Star |
1 |
5 |
200003 |
48.3 |
D.Huenemoerder, J. Kastner |
7/18/00 |
Analysis complete. |
CSR-02-02, CSR-01-29 |
NGC 4486, M87
Gal., AGN, Jet |
1 |
241 |
600001 |
38.5 |
M. Wise |
7/17/00 |
Absorption and cooling maps.[9/02] |
GX 301-2 XRB |
1 |
103 |
400016 |
40.0 |
N. Schulz |
6/19/00 |
Re-analysis initiated [3/02] |
Draft paper begun [3/02], AAS00 |
NGC 1399
Gal. |
1 |
49898, 240, 2389 |
600214 600000 |
13.2 44.1 14.8 |
M. Wise |
5/8/01 6/15/00 5/8/01 |
Examination begun.[6/02] |
Vela X-1 XRB |
1 |
102 |
400015 |
28.4 |
N. Schulz |
4/13/00 |
ApJ, 2002, 564, L21 |
MCG –6-30-15 (w/Fabian)
1 |
433 |
700105 |
128.2 |
H. Marshall, J. Lee |
4/5/00 |
XMM obs analysis.[12/02] XSTAR /Kallman; Fe UTAs (Ming); LLB edges.[7/02] |
Draft paper 3 progress[8/03]. Lee et al 2002, CSR-02-15 [3/02], CSR-01-02 |
NGC 4151 AGN |
1 |
335 |
700007 |
48.0 |
H. Marshall, P. Ogle |
3/5/00 |
CSR-00-87 |
PSR B0656+ 14 iNS |
1 |
130 |
500017 |
38.1 |
H. Marshall |
11/28/99 |
Paper accepted, CSR-02-12[3/02] |
PKS 2149-306 IGM, AGN |
1 |
336, 1481 |
700008 |
36.0 54.8 |
H. Marshall |
11/18/99 11/20/99 |
CSR-01-67 |
Trapezium, Theta Ori
“Hot” Stars |
1 |
3, 4 |
200001 200002 |
50.1 31.3 |
N. Schulz, D. Huenemoerder |
10/31/99 11/24/99 |
Add new archive obs.[1/03] Theta Ori A and E line fluxes.[10/02] |
Second paper submitted.[4/03] Draft papers III and IV [9/02]. CSR-01-118, CSR-00-89, CSR-00-75 |
4U 1636-53 XRB, ISM |
1 |
105 |
400018 |
29.8 |
N. Schulz, A. Juett |
10/20/99 |
Fit O, Fe, Ne edges.[7/02] |
Santander, AAS00, AAS01 |
PKS 2155-304
1 |
337, 1703, 1705 |
700009 700261 700263 |
39.1 26.2 25.8 |
H. Marshall, T. Fang, J. Lee |
10/20/99 5/31/00 5/31/00 |
ApJ Letter in press.[6/02] Paper accepted.[4/02] |
Cyg X-1
1 |
107, 1511 |
400020 |
2.5 12.6 |
N. Schulz, H. Marshall, J. Miller |
10/19/99 1/12/00 |
Second paper continuing[5,6/02] Paper…[3/02] |
ApJ, 2002, 564, pp. 941 (CSR-01-57), HEAD00 |
II Peg, HD 224085 “Cool” Star |
1 |
1451 |
200010 |
43.3 |
D. Huenemoerder |
10/17/99 |
Analysis complete. |
CSR-01-50 |
Q0836+7104 IGM, AGN |
1 |
1450, 1802 |
700006 |
61.0 14.1 |
H. Marshall |
10/17/99 8/25/00 |
CSR-01-67 |
PKS 0745-191 Clust. |
1 |
510, 1509, 1509 |
800018 |
45.3, 40.4, 39.9 |
M. Wise |
10/14/99 4/25/00 3/4/00 |
MEG +/-1 spectrum.[10/02] Include background subtraction.[7/02] |
High-Res UK talk.[10/02] CSR-02-32[8/02] Responded to referee report.[6/02] ApJ submitted, Hicks et al. [3/02] |
PSR B0833-45, Vela Pulsar iNS |
1 |
131 |
500018 |
36.1 |
H. Marshall |
10/12/99 |
HEAD00 |
NGC 1275 AGN |
1 |
333, 428 |
700005 700201 |
53.2 25.0 |
H. Marshall, P. Ogle |
10/10/99 8/25/00 |
Determined PL spectral slope |
No pubs of note |
1 |
120, 968 |
500007 |
88.2, 49.0 |
K. Flanagan, J. Houck, A. Fredericks, D.Dewey |
9/28/99 10/8/99 |
Start 3D modeling; Asymetry mechanisms[6/03]. |
ApJ Accepted! Astro-ph 0312509 [12/03] AAS’03 Poster. High-Res UK talk.[10/02] CSR-01-10,11,24,25,26, Y2Chandra01 |
Object |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
Cycle 1, end.