Follow-on Science Instrument
Monthly Status Report Numbers 029-030
Science Theme: Supernova Remnants III |
Prepared in accordance with DR 972MA-002; DPD #972
Prepared for
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama 35812
Center for Space
Research; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge, MA 02139
1.0 Distribution List for Monthly Status Report
MIT-External Electronic:
FD03/Marc Osborne, MSFC
PS41/Wayne Harmon, MSFC
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None specified.
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MIT-Internal Hardcopy:
Claude Canizares Room 3-234 (via Gail Monahan)
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File (via Elaine Tirrell)
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2.0 Schedule of Past and Future Events Relevant to HETG
Date |
Past Events |
Comment |
July 5-9 |
13th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Hamburg Germany |
N. Schulz, D. Huenemoerder |
July 5-9 |
The Quest for a Concordance Cosmology and Beyond , IoA, UK |
C.R. Canizares (invited) |
July 7-9 |
The Nature and Evolu’n of Disks Around Hot Stars , ETSU, TN |
P. Wojdowski, B. Ishibashi |
July 7-9 |
Galaxies viewed with Chandra Workshop 2004, Cambridge MA |
July 12-16 |
Cores, Disks, Jets & Outflows in ... Star Forming … , Banff, Canada |
N. Schulz |
July 18-24 |
35th COSPAR meeting, Paris, France.
Canizares,, Flanagan, Marshall, Wise, Nowak, Wojdowski,Jeltema, Houck, Stage, Allen |
July 26, 27 |
SEUS Meeting, San Diego, CA. |
K. Flanagan |
August 2-6 |
SPIE 49th Annual Meeting , Denver, Colorado |
August 3,4 |
CXC Quarterly Review , OCC, Cambridge MA |
D. Dewey |
Date |
Future Events |
Comment |
Sept. 8-11 |
AAS - HEAD Meeting , New Orleans. |
Many. |
Sept.30-Oct.2 |
Oct. 11-13 |
New Windows on Star Formation in the Cosmos , College Park, MD |
Oct. 13 |
Chandra Fellows Symposium , CfA, Cambridge MA |
C. Canizares, J.C. Lee, S. Heinz |
Oct. 19-21 |
ASTRO-E2 Peer review, Greenbelt, MD |
M. Wise |
Oct. 24-27 |
ADASS, Pasadena CA |
J. Davis |
Oct.25-26[27] |
3rd Chandra Calibration Workshop [and exec. session], Camb. MA |
Nov. 9-12 |
Spitzer Symposium: New Views of the Cosmos, Pasadena, CA |
Nov. 15-17 |
X-ray Diagnostics for Astronomical Plasmas , Cambridge, MA |
Many. |
Dec. 2,3 |
Chandra Quarterly Review, OCC, Cambridge MA |
D. Dewey |
Dec. 13-17 |
22nd Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics , Stanford U, CA |
3.0 Instrument Status and Science Support
3.1 Flight Events and HETG Instrument Status
The HETG continues to function with no outstanding issues.
There were 2 HETG GO observations in July and 4 HETG observations (2 TOO, 2 GO) in August.
3.2 Science Support to CXC, SWG, etc.
Continued checking HRMA FWHM during HETG observations by looking at one of the August GO observations (obsid 4584) – the streak width remains stable.
Progress has been made in finalizing the small calibration adjustments to the geometry of the ACIS-S, specifically a test geometry file with adjusted chip rotation values has been created and is being used in the next step of determining any chip gap corrections needed. These are planned to be completed by the Calibration Workshop in October.
Progress made in updating and organizing the HETG web pages at ; effort will continue in next months with completion by the end of the calendar year.
4.0 GTO Science Program
4.1 Observations and Data status
Progress in on-going GTO data and analyses is given in Appendix A.
4.2 Science theme progress
The HETG GTO science efforts span a range of “science themes” given in the list below. In this report we have our third installment giving progress in our GTO Supernova Remnants research.
GTO Science Theme |
Abbreviation (for App’ix A) |
Researchers (HETG in caps) |
Date of recent [previous] reporting Contributor of theme material |
“Cool” Stars |
Cool Star |
dph,nss,psw |
Oct.&Nov., 2003. [Sept.2002] D. Huenemoerder |
“Hot” Stars |
Hot Star |
nss,dph,psw,bi |
Oct.&Nov., 2003. [Oct. 2002] N. Schulz, P. Wojdowski |
X-ray Binaries & Accretion Disks |
MJ-G,AY,AJ,nss,hlm, man, jmm, psw |
December, 2003 [Dec. 2002] Many contributors. |
Supernova Remnants |
KAF,DD, AF,jh,gea,mds |
August, 2004 [August, 2003] D. Dewey |
Isolated Neutron Stars |
iNS |
hlm, nss |
January, 2003. M. Stage, H. Marshall |
Galaxies & Clusters of Galaxies |
Gal., Clust. |
TJ,AY,mw,jh |
August, 2002. M. Wise, T. Jeltema |
Active Galactic Nuclei and Jets |
AGN, Jet |
RG,MJ-G,AY,hlm, man,jcl,sm,jg,scg |
September, 2003. [June, 2002] A. Young and R. Gibson |
Inter-Stellar Medium |
AJ,nss |
February, 2003. A. Juett, N. Schulz |
Inter-Galactic Medium |
RG,hlm,tf |
July, 2002. T. Fang |
Supernova Remnant Progress, Part III (Sept.’03 – August’04)
Summary of Supernova Remnant Observations and Activities
In the last 12 months progress has continued in the analysis and understanding of our GTO observations of Supernova Remnants, the first four in the Table below. Among the main highlights are the publication of our E0102 results (Flanagan et al. 2004), new O III long-slit data on E0102, detailed modeling of radial variation, progress in global modeling of E0102, and spectral models for Type 1a, e.g., N103B. Specific progress is described in the following pages.
Obs Cycle |
HETGS Obsid(s) |
Exp. Time (ks) |
SNR Name |
Loc., Dist. (kpc) |
Ang. Dia. |
Dia. (pc) |
Age (y) |
Comments |
2 |
1045, 2410, 2416 |
117 |
N103B |
LMC, 50 |
31” |
7.5 |
1,500 |
Strong Si and Fe lines. Type 1a or Core collapse? |
Oxygen-rich SNRs w/HETGS: |
2 |
1046 |
70 |
Cas A |
Gal., 3.4 |
340” |
5.6 |
320 |
1 |
121, 1828 |
100 |
N132D |
LMC, 50 |
115” |
27.9 |
1,350 |
Bright Filaments, “O blob” |
1, 4 |
120, 968 3828 |
137 138 |
E0102 |
SMC, 60 |
44” |
12.8 |
1,000 |
Weak Fe lines 90 deg roll from Cycle 1 obs. |
Other Known O-rich SNRs: |
Puppis A |
Gal., 2.0
3300” |
32.0 |
~ 5,000 |
G292.0+1.8 |
Gal., 4.8 |
540” |
12.5 |
< 1,600 |
B0540-69 |
LMC, 50 |
68” |
16.5 |
~ 1,700 |
PWN; 8” dia. O III ring. |
0103-72.6 |
SMC, 60 |
170” |
49.4 |
~20,000 |
Older version of E0102 ? Park et al. Astro-ph/0309271 |
NGC 4449 |
3900 |
<0.03” |
< 0.6 |
~ 100 |
Patnaude and Fesen, ApJ 2003 |
Optical Confirmation of E0102 Velocities
In our past work described in Flanagan et al. 2004, we were able to analyze the HETG observation of SNR E0102 to obtain the color-coded-velocity image shown at left. This image gives the velocity of the Ne-X ion emission: red represents motion away from us in the range 500 to 2200 km/s, and green and blue are velocities towards us of order 900 km/s and 1800 km/s, respectively.
In January of 2004 optical (~5000 Å) long-slit spectra were taken for us by astrophysicist You-Hua Chu; these data are plotted at right. The slit ran from lower left to upper right on the color image and corresponds to bottom-to-top on the data at right. The vertical dashed line at about “110” on the x-axis corresponds to rest-frame O III emission; velocities away from us are to the right and velocities towards us are to the left of that dashed line.
Some clear similarities between the X-ray Ne-X and optical O III data are seen. For example, the “blue” region in the X-ray corresponds to the signal bumps seen in the data at Offsets of 4 to 6; the “green” to Offsets of –10 to –7. On the other hand, the optical data shows no or very reduced emission to the right of the dashed line, which should correspond to the “red” emission seen in the X-ray image. This may be an indication of a “dust” plane; see pages 3 and 4 in Dewey’s poster at the HEAD ’04 meeting.
E0102 Second Observation: Azimuthal Variations
Our second observation of E0102 with the HETG was taken at a different roll angle – with the dispersion direction running roughly North-South. The images at left show the zeroth-order image and the dispersed O VII F,I,R line complex. The indicated rectangular and square regions are in the SE and SW of the remnant.
There is a clear variation in the intensity of the emission around the ring and in the dispersed image at far right is appears that the intensity variation is more extreme for the forbidden line (left-most ring image) as opposed to the resonance line. Analysis carried out by Kathy Flanagan on these two regions gives quantitative measure of this effect. The two plots below show allowed values of T and tau for the SW and SE regions. The red curves are derived from the forbidden-to-resonance ratio and the are clearly different for the two regions. This work was presented at the COSPAR meeting in July.
E0102 in 3D: De-projection of Line Images
The dispersed images of E0102 contain much information on both large scales, the amount of emission in each line, and on small scales of the detailed images of the lines. In particular the cross-dispersion profile of lines is very sensitive to the distribution of the emission in space.
Assuming the line emission comes from a 3D object of revolution shown at left with a radial variation in intensity, the parameters of the model could be fit to the line data. The result is an intensity distribution which is a function of the actual radius rather than the project-on-the-sky radius.
Using the values of fits to various lines Kathy Flanagan constructed the plot at right which shows how the model values of T and tau vary with 3D radius (the values next to each data point.) These values indicate that the plasma is hotter and “older” the further out it is in radius. This qualitatively agrees with the idea of the reverse shock moving in toward smaller radii: the inner regions are then “younger” (small tau) and have cooler electron temperatures. (This work was also presented at the COSPAR meeting.)
E0102 in 3D: A Coarse Model
Modeling of the E0102 data on a gross or coarse scale was begun using a model consisting of the sum of cylinders of emission from the various ions seen in the data (O VII, O VIII, Ne IX, Ne X, Mg XI, Mg XII, Si XIII) and an outer blastwave component of a spherical shape, e.g., see the images at right.
Adjusting the intensity of the cylinders for rough agreement with the data gave a reasonable overall fit to the data. The size of each ions’ cylinder was set based on the measured radii given in Flanagan et al. 2004.
Similarly to the previous 3D fitting, the result gives a de-projected model of the emission as a function of radial coordinate in 3D. These emission values were analyzed to obtain the density of the various ions vs radius as well as the self-consistent local electron density. These density values are plotted at right.
For more details see pages 5 to 15 in Dewey’s poster at the HEAD ’04 meeting.
N103B and Type Ia Models
We have observed the SNR N103B with the HETG and the dispersed spectra show lines of O, Ne, and Fe. To better put the measured spectrum in context, we’ve been working to calculate model spectra for Type Ia SNR based on model files from Carles Badenes, see Badenes … 2003. The images above show a “true color” Chandra image of N103B (left) and color representations of four of Badenes models (right.) An example of the spectrum calculated from the models is also shown above. The spectrum is shown at both high resolution and smoothed to CCD quality resolution. This and related work will be the focus of an upcoming poster at the XDAP meeting in November 2004 by Dewey and Houck.
4.3 HETG-related Software: Development, Evaluation, and Support
The E0102 research described above was carried out using a variery of custom software including: T-tau line ratio contour plotting s/w; 3D ray generation module for input to MARX; “v3d_” routines for 3D visualization and simulation; and custom IDL and ISIS software to calculate spectra from Badenes models (for details see “ISIS Spectra from Badenes’ Models” on the web.)
4.4 Presentations, etc. (July-August, 2004)
Claude R. Canizares, “Probing the Warm/Hot IGM with X-ray Spectroscopy”, a talk at the Quest for a Concordance Cosmology and Beyond Conference, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, UK, July 8, 2004 (Invited.)
Kathryn A. Flanagan, “The Chandra High Resolution Spatial and Spectral Picture of SNR 1E0102.2-7219“, a talk at the COSPAR assembly, Paris 2004.
Tesla Jeltema, “The Evolution of Cluster Substructure“, a poster at the COSPAR assembly, Paris 2004.
Herman L. Marshall, ‘HETGS results of observing SS433’, a talk at the COSPAR assembly, Paris 2004.
Patrick S. Wojdowski, , “Differential Emision Measure Determination of Collisional Plasma: Application to Hot Stars”, a talk at the COSPAR assembly, Paris 2004.
4.5 Publications (July-August, 2004), see also:
Robert R. Gibson, Herman L. Marshall, Claude R. Canizares, and Julia C. Lee, "The High Resolution X-ray Spectrum of MR 2251-178 Obtained with the Chandra HETGS", ApJ submitted.
Patrick S. Wojdowski and N.S. Schulz, “Ion-by-Ion Differential Emission Measure Determination of Collisionally Ionized Plasma: I. Method”, submitted to ApJ.
Claude R. Canizares, et al., “The Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating: Design, Fabrication, Ground Calibration and Five Years in Flight”, PASP submitted on Aug.28, 2004.
5.0 Systems and Engineering Support
5.1 Documentation and “Design Knowledge Capture” and 5.3 Anomalies, Insert/retract, etc. Support
5.2 Spares Retest and Test Instrumentation
Lab area being cleaned up in July and August.
6.0 Management
6.1 Program Office & NASA Support
Supported Chandra Quarterly on August 3 and 4th.
6.2 MIT-internal management activities
Preparations were made for Post Docs joining the group in the Fall.
7.0 Open Issues, Problems, etc.
There are no open issues or problems regarding the HETG.
1. Entries indicating progress during this period are shown in this font.
2. For CSR Publication references (CSR-YY-NN) see
3. Up-to-date observation information can be obtained from using WebChaser.
Object Science Theme |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
SS 433 XRB |
6 == 2 2 == 1 |
5512, 5513, 5514 == 1019, 1020 == 106 |
Prop. 06400060 == 400097, 400098, 400019 |
[20, 50, 130] == 23.7, 23.0 == 28.9 |
H. Marshall, N. Schulz, L. Lopez, C.R. Canizares |
== 3/16/01, 11/28/00 == 9/23/99 |
No longer a TOO [8/04] Continue observing this amazing source. Paper in final draft…[8/04] Jet model: expected density and cooling time.[11/03] |
Press conference, Jan.04. Final draft[12/03] CSR-02-01,‘01-78 |
GX 5-1 XRB |
6 |
5888 |
Prop. 06910030 |
[50] |
N. Schulz, etc. |
7/24/05 |
Target accepted in peer review. |
M81* AGN |
6 |
Prop. 06700026 |
[300] |
M. Jimenez-Garate, Teddy Cheung, etc. |
[TBD] |
Target accepted in peer review. GMRT proposal submitted[8/04] |
PG 0844+349 AGN |
6 |
Prop. 06700023 |
[150] |
J.C. Lee, A. Young, etc. |
[TBD] |
Study nucleus and its high velocity ionized outflow. |
Object Science Theme |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
4U 1957+11 XRB |
5 |
4552 |
400335 |
67.2 |
M. Nowak |
9/7/04 |
RXTE and optical coord. Target accepted in peer review. |
MCG—6-30-15 AGN |
5 and 1 |
4759, 4760, 4761, 4762 |
700845 |
159. 38. 161. 172. |
J. Lee, Rob Gibson |
5/24/04, 5/19/04, 5/21/04, 5/27/04 |
Data in-house – clear absorption lines [6/04] Prop. 05700032 |
Orion Nebula Cluster “Hot” Stars |
5 |
4473, 4474 |
200242, 200243 |
[50.0, 50.0] |
N. Schulz |
[11/6/04, 12/.3/04] |
Prop. 05200040 |
Object Science Theme |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
4U 1626-67 XRB |
4 and 1 |
3504 |
400257 |
97.1 |
N. Schulz |
6/5/03 |
Prelim analysis [1/04] XMM obs on 8/20. |
Sco X-1 XRB |
4 |
3505 |
400258 |
16.1 |
N. Schulz |
7/21/03 |
CC Data being processed [7/03]. Multi-wavelength obs |
Example spectra at CCW II [10/03]. |
H1426+428 IGM |
4 |
3568 |
700630 |
101.0 |
T. Fang |
9/8/03 |
Prop. No.: 04700987 |
Mrk 290 AGN |
4 |
3567 4399 4441 4442 |
700629 |
55 85 61 50 |
J. Lee, Rob Gibson |
6/29/03 7/15/03 7/15/03 7/17/03 |
Curve of growth [1/04] Identify-ing lines, back-ground [12/03]. Fe lines searched [10/03] Mg, Ne lines. |
TV Crit “Cool” Stars |
4 |
3728 |
200198 |
100.2 |
D. Huenemoerder |
3/7/03 |
Data in-house – looks good[4/03]. Selected in peer review![6/02] |
Paper re-submitted[2/04] |
E0102 SNR |
4 and 1 |
3828 |
500307 |
137.7 |
K. Flanagan, D.Dewey |
12/20/02 |
Echelle O III data[1-2/04] Measure shelf, arc, 10/03] Extracted counts and flux ratios.[9/03] |
ApJ Accepted! Astro-ph 0312509 [12/03] AAS’03 Poster. High-Res UK talk.[10/02] CSR-01-10,11,24,25,26, Y2Chandra01 |
Cycle 3
Object Science Theme |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
MRC 2251-178
3 |
2977 |
700416 |
148.5 |
J. Lee/ H. Marshall, R. Gibson |
9/11/02 |
Astro-E2 proposal [8/04]. XSTAR modeling[7/04]. Wind aspect [2/04] Improved photo-ion model[1/04] High-velocity outflow [12/03]. UV flux insufficient f-to-i.[10/03] |
Improved paper [1/04] First draft finished.[7/03].AAS03. |
NGC 7469 AGN |
3 |
3147 (+2956) |
700586 |
69.8, 79.8 |
J. Lee, (Kriss), H. Marshall |
12/13/02 |
UROP working [2/04] Analyzed data, id absorp lines.[1/03] w/HST. |
1H 0414+009
3 |
2969, 4284 |
700408 |
50.8, 36.9 |
T. Fang, S. Gallagher |
8/1/02 |
Shows lovely power law.[9/02] First pass through data. Data in-house.[8/02] |
GX 349+2 XRB, ISM |
3 |
3354 |
900193 |
35.2 |
N. Schulz, A. Juett |
4/9/02 |
For ISM study; Observed on 4/9; data available 5/2 [4/02] |
Santander,’02 AAS00, ‘01 |
NGC 2362 Tau CMa “Hot” Stars |
3 |
2525, 2526 |
200133, 200134 |
44.5, 43.8 |
N. Schulz, P. Wojdowski, J. Kastner/RIT |
3/28/02, 4/23/02 |
Analysis continues.[6,9/02] Previewed the data.[5/02] Observed 4/23 [4/02] |
Patzcuaro, ‘02 |
1ES 1028+511 IGM, AGN |
3 |
2970, 3472 |
700409 |
21.8, 69.6 |
T. Fang, S. Gallagher |
3/27/02, 3/28/02 |
Shows lovely power law.[9/02] First pass through data.[8/02] |
3C 279 IGM, AGN, Jet |
3 |
2971 |
700410 |
108.2 |
T. Fang, H. Marshall |
3/21/02 |
Overlay radio contours on jet.[8/02 |
IRAS 18325-5926 AGN |
3 |
3148, 3452 |
700587 |
56.9, 51.1 |
J. Lee, S. Gallagher |
3/19/02, 3/23/02 |
Wind aspect [2/04] Work ongoing[8/03]. XTE and SAX obs analyzed.[12/02] |
Paper draft w/ Iwasawa[12/02] |
Cycle 2
Object |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
Cyg X-2
2 |
1016 |
400094 |
15.1 |
N. Schulz, A. Juett |
8/12/01 |
Fit O, Fe, Ne edges.[7/02] ISM study: cold absorption edges[5/02] |
Santander,’02 AAS00, AAS01 |
Cas A
2 |
1046 |
500112 |
69.9 |
K. Flanagan, D.Dewey, M. Stage |
5/25/01 |
Began NEI fits to Si knot image for continuum.[8/02] |
High-Res UK talk.[10/02] CRC Royal Soc.’02 |
4U 0142+61
iNS, AXPs |
2 |
1018 |
400096 |
25.4 |
N. Schulz, A. Juett |
5/23/01 |
Finishing additional analysis [3/02] |
ApJ, 2002, 568, pp. L31, HEAD-2002[4/02] CSR-02-16[3/02] |
Mrk 766
2 |
1597 |
700213 |
90.5 |
P. Ogle, J. Lee, A. Young |
5/7/01 |
Extract, identify lines [2/04] XTE data simultaneous w/obs.[10/02] Paper in preparation [4/02] |
NGC 4696 Gal. |
2 |
1560 |
600117 |
85.8 |
M. Wise |
4/18/01 |
To be analyzed. |
EXO 0748-676
2 |
1017 |
400095 |
49.0 |
N. Schulz, H. Marshall, M. Jimenez-Garate |
4/14/01 |
Photo-excitation rates.[10/02] Performed abundance measurements.[8/02] |
Revise/reply to ref. report.[1/03] AAS03. HEAD02 |
1H 1821+643
2 |
1599 |
700215 |
101.3 |
P. Ogle, T. Fang |
2/9/01 |
CSR-02-16.5[4/02], CSR-01-69 |
Iota Orionis
“Hot” Star |
2 |
599, 2420 |
200075 |
37.6, 12.9 |
N. Schulz, P. Wojdowski |
2/7/01, 2/8/01 |
DEM distribution derived.[9/02] Make arfs for one-ion analysis.[8/02] Data reviewed[5/02] |
Patzcuaro, ‘02 |
TY Pyx, HD77137 “Cool” Star |
2 |
601 |
200076 |
49.8 |
D. Huenemoerder |
1/3/01 |
Re-analysis using light/phase curve s/w…[9/03] Preliminary analysis done. |
(spectrum in CSR-02-02) |
2 |
1045, 2410, 2416 |
500111 |
74.0, 25.7, 17.6 |
K. Flanagan, J. Migliazzo, D. Dewey |
1/1/01, 1/3/01, 1/2/01 |
Investigating models by Badenes et al, ApJ 593:358.[11/03] New fits, abundance plots, one-ion fits.[9/02] Fit vpshock w/APED lines…[7/02] |
High-Res UK talk.[10/02] Poster: HEAD02[4/02] |
NGC 5506
2 |
1598 |
700214 |
90.0 |
P. Ogle, J. Lee, S. Gallagher |
12/31/00 |
Draft complete, internal review[7,8/03]. O VII and RRC[6/03] Paper progress.[4/03] XTE simult obs reduced; spectral and image analysis progress.[12/02] |
AAS’03 Paper in prep.[4/02] |
ZW 3146
Clust. |
2 |
1651 |
800119 |
167.8 |
M. Wise |
12/25/00 |
MEG +/-1 spectrum.[10/02] Include background subtraction.[7/02] Re-analysis continued w/ ISIS[6/02]; started[5/02] |
High-Res UK talk.[10/02] Cluster paper in draft[5/02] |
Cycle 2, above.
Object |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
NGC 1068 AGN |
1 |
332 |
700004 |
46.3 |
H. Marshall, P. Ogle, J. Lee |
12/4/00 |
Examine zeroth-order pileup[5/02] |
Paper in submitted[5/02] |
4U 1626-67 XRB |
1 and 4 |
104 |
400017 |
40.0 |
N. Schulz |
9/16/00 |
Analysis complete. |
AR Lac
“Cool” Star |
1 |
6,7,8, 9,10,11 |
20000N: 4,5,6,7,8,9 |
32.5,7.5, 7.5,32.6, 7.3,7.3 |
D. Huenemoerder |
9/11/00- 9/19/00 |
Fixed errors.[12/02] Analysis complete. |
Submitted to ApJ.[1/03] Revised manuscript.[12/02] CSR-01-112 |
Abell 1835
Clust. |
1 |
49896 511 |
800019 |
9.8 127.0 |
M. Wise |
8/25/00 8/26/00 |
MARX simulations (1T, 2T, etc.)[10/02] Bkg sub. [7/02] |
High-Res UK talk.[10/02] Cluster paper in draft[5/02] |
1 |
121, 1828 |
500008 |
22.3 77.6 |
K. Flanagan, D. Dewey |
7/19/00 7/20/00 |
Model grid added.[4/03] Fe and O line ratios from many regions/features |
CSR-01-10,26, Y2Chandra01 |
TW Hydra “Cool” Star |
1 |
5 |
200003 |
48.3 |
D.Huenemoerder, J. Kastner |
7/18/00 |
Analysis complete. |
CSR-02-02, CSR-01-29 |
NGC 4486, M87
Gal., AGN, Jet |
1 |
241 |
600001 |
38.5 |
M. Wise |
7/17/00 |
Absorption and cooling maps.[9/02] |
GX 301-2 XRB |
1 |
103 |
400016 |
40.0 |
N. Schulz |
6/19/00 |
Re-analysis initiated [3/02] |
Draft paper begun [3/02], AAS00 |
NGC 1399
Gal. |
1 |
49898, 240, 2389 |
600214 600000 |
13.2 44.1 14.8 |
M. Wise |
5/8/01 6/15/00 5/8/01 |
Examination begun.[6/02] |
Vela X-1 XRB |
1 |
102 |
400015 |
28.4 |
N. Schulz |
4/13/00 |
ApJ, 2002, 564, L21 |
MCG –6-30-15 (w/Fabian)
1 and 5 |
433 |
700105 |
128.2 |
H. Marshall, J. Lee |
4/5/00 |
XMM obs analysis.[12/02] XSTAR /Kallman; Fe UTAs (Ming); LLB edges.[7/02] |
Draft paper 3 progress[8/03]. Lee et al 2002, CSR-02-15 [3/02], CSR-01-02 |
NGC 4151 AGN |
1 |
335 |
700007 |
48.0 |
H. Marshall, P. Ogle |
3/5/00 |
CSR-00-87 |
PSR B0656+ 14 iNS |
1 |
130 |
500017 |
38.1 |
H. Marshall |
11/28/99 |
Paper accepted, CSR-02-12[3/02] |
PKS 2149-306 IGM, AGN |
1 |
336, 1481 |
700008 |
36.0 54.8 |
H. Marshall |
11/18/99 11/20/99 |
CSR-01-67 |
Trapezium, Theta Ori
“Hot” Stars |
1 |
3, 4 |
200001 200002 |
50.1 31.3 |
N. Schulz, D. Huenemoerder |
10/31/99 11/24/99 |
Add new archive obs.[1/03] Theta Ori A and E line fluxes.[10/02] |
Second paper submitted.[4/03] Draft papers III and IV [9/02]. CSR-01-118, CSR-00-89, CSR-00-75 |
4U 1636-53 XRB, ISM |
1 |
105 |
400018 |
29.8 |
N. Schulz, A. Juett |
10/20/99 |
Fit O, Fe, Ne edges.[7/02] |
Santander, AAS00, AAS01 |
PKS 2155-304
1 |
337, 1703, 1705 |
700009 700261 700263 |
39.1 26.2 25.8 |
H. Marshall, T. Fang, J. Lee |
10/20/99 5/31/00 5/31/00 |
ApJ Letter in press.[6/02] Paper accepted.[4/02] |
Cyg X-1
1 |
107, 1511 |
400020 |
2.5 12.6 |
N. Schulz, H. Marshall, J. Miller |
10/19/99 1/12/00 |
Second paper continuing[5,6/02] Paper…[3/02] |
ApJ, 2002, 564, pp. 941 (CSR-01-57), HEAD00 |
II Peg, HD 224085 “Cool” Star |
1 |
1451 |
200010 |
43.3 |
D. Huenemoerder |
10/17/99 |
Analysis complete. |
CSR-01-50 |
Q0836+7104 IGM, AGN |
1 |
1450, 1802 |
700006 |
61.0 14.1 |
H. Marshall |
10/17/99 8/25/00 |
CSR-01-67 |
PKS 0745-191 Clust. |
1 |
510, 1509, 1509 |
800018 |
45.3, 40.4, 39.9 |
M. Wise |
10/14/99 4/25/00 3/4/00 |
MEG +/-1 spectrum.[10/02] Include background subtraction.[7/02] |
High-Res UK talk.[10/02] CSR-02-32[8/02] Responded to referee report.[6/02] ApJ submitted, Hicks et al. [3/02] |
PSR B0833-45, Vela Pulsar iNS |
1 |
131 |
500018 |
36.1 |
H. Marshall |
10/12/99 |
HEAD00 |
NGC 1275 AGN |
1 |
333, 428 |
700005 700201 |
53.2 25.0 |
H. Marshall, P. Ogle |
10/10/99 8/25/00 |
Determined PL spectral slope |
No pubs of note |
1 and 4 |
120, 968 |
500007 |
88.2, 49.0 |
K. Flanagan, J. Houck, A. Fredericks, D.Dewey |
9/28/99 10/8/99 |
Start 3D modeling; Asymetry mechanisms[6/03]. |
ApJ Accepted! Astro-ph 0312509 [12/03] AAS’03 Poster. High-Res UK talk.[10/02] CSR-01-10,11,24,25,26, Y2Chandra01 |
Object |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
Cycle 1, end.