Follow-on Science Instrument
Monthly Status Report Numbers 018
Prepared in accordance with DR 972MA-002; DPD #972
Prepared for
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama 35812
Center for Space
Research; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge, MA 02139
1.0 Distribution List for Monthly Status Report
MIT-External Electronic:
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MIT-Internal Hardcopy:
Claude Canizares Room 3-234 (via Gail Monahan)
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File (via Elaine Tirrell)
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2.0 Schedule of Past and Future Events Relevant to HETG
Date |
Past Events |
Comment |
Aug. 11 |
Abstracts due for Four Years w/Chandra , Huntsville, AL |
Aug. 19 |
Chandra Quarterly Review |
Aug. 23 |
SIRTF Launch |
Date |
Future Events |
Comment |
Sept. 15 |
EPO Cycle 5 proposals due |
Sept. 16-18 |
Four Years with Chandra, Huntsville AL |
D. Dewey, J. Houck, A. Juett, M. Wise, Andy Young |
Oct. 8 |
Chandra Fellows Symposium, CfA |
T. Fang, S. Heinz, J. Lee |
Oct. 12-15 |
ADASS 2003, Strasbourg France |
M. Noble |
Oct. 13-19 |
5th Microquasar Workshop , Tsinghua, Beijing |
Oct. 27-28 |
Chandra Calibration Workshop II, Cambridge MA |
many |
Oct. 27-31 |
APS Div of Plasma Physics, Albuquerque NM |
D. Huenemoerder |
Oct. 28-31 |
Stellar-Mass, Intermediate-Mass, and Supermassive Black Holes , Kyoto, Japan |
Oct. 29-31 |
CIAO wokshop (5th) at CfA |
Nov.1-ish? |
POG updated for AO6 |
Nov.2-5 |
X-Ray Timing 2003: Rossi and Beyond , CfA |
M. Nowak |
Nov. 6 |
Chadra Fellows proposals due |
Nov. 18-19 |
Chandra: IAR and Quarterly Review |
Nov. 17-22 |
Young Compact Binaries in the Galaxy and Beyond, La Paz, Mexico |
Nov. ??-?? |
Con-X Facility Science Team meeting |
K. Flanagan |
Dec. 8-12 |
Multiwavelength AGN Surveys, Cozumel, Mexico |
Jan. 4-8 |
203rd AAS meeting, Atlanta GA. |
3.0 Instrument Status and Science Support
3.1 Flight Events and HETG Instrument Status
The HETG continues to function with no outstanding issues.
In August there were 6 HETG observation intervals for 6 targets. These were all GO observations and included 3 with MIT-based PI-s: VW Cep (Dave Huenemoerder), Her X-1 (Mario Jimenez-Garate) and 4U 1822 (Prof. Chakrabarty). The data from these 3 indicate the instrument is performing nominally.
3.2 Science Support to CXC, SWG, etc.
Submitted abstract for “Four Years of Chandra Observations” symposium.
4.0 GTO Science Program
4.1 Observations and Data status
Progress in our GTO program is summarized in the table of Appendix A.
4.2 Science theme progress
The HETG GTO science efforts span a range of “science themes” given in the list below. This month we present an update on the status of the Supernova Remnant GTO observations in the following pages.
GTO Science Theme |
Abbreviation (for App’ix A) |
Researchers (HETG in caps) |
Date of recent [previous] reporting Assembler of theme material |
“Cool” Stars |
Cool Star |
dph,nss,psw,bb |
September, 2002. Dave Huenemoerder |
“Hot” Stars |
Hot Star |
nss,dph,psw,bi |
October, 2002. Norbert Schulz |
X-ray Binaries & Accretion Disks |
MJ-G,AJ,nss,hlm, man, jmm, psw |
December, 2002. Norbert Schulz, Mike Nowak |
Supernova Remnants |
KAF,DD, AF,jh,gea,mds |
August, 2003. [May, 2003] Dan Dewey |
Isolated Neutron Stars |
iNS |
hlm, nss |
January, 2003. Mike Stage, Herman Marshall |
Galaxies & Clusters of Galaxies |
Gal., Clust. |
TJ,mw,jh |
August, 2002. Michael Wise, Tesla Jeltema |
Active Galactic Nuclei and Jets |
AGN, Jet |
RG,MJ-G,hlm, man,jcl,sm,jg |
June, 2002. Herman Marshall |
Inter-Stellar Medium |
AJ,nss |
February, 2003. Adrienne Juett, Norbert Schulz |
Inter-Galactic Medium |
RG,hlm |
July, 2002. Taotao Fang |
Supernova Remnant Progress, Part II (June’02 – August’03)
Summary of Supernova Remnant Observations and Activities
In the last 14 months progress has continued in the analysis and understanding of our GTO observations of Supernova Remnants. A major accomplishment was the recent submittal to Astrophysical Journal of a comprehensive paper on E0102: “Chandra High-Resolution X-Ray Spectrum of Supernova Remnant 1E0102.2-7219” by Flanagan et al. A contribution to the High Resolution Spectroscopy workshop, “Extended Source Analysis for Grating Spectrometers” by D. Dewey (available online), summarized some techniques and results for HETG SNR analysis. The determination of masses and abundances was a focus this period and has lead to an understanding of the importance of spectral model assumptions and geometry assumptions in these calculations. The Table below lists our SNR GTO observations and for reference the other 5 known “Oxygen-rich” remnants as well; these 5 have all been observed with ACIS and no grating. Specific progress is described in the following pages.
Obs Cycle |
HETGS Obsid(s) |
Exp. Time (ks) |
SNR Name |
Loc., Dist. (kpc) |
Ang. Dia. |
Dia. (pc) |
Age (y) |
Comments |
2 |
1045, 2410, 2416 |
117 |
N103B |
LMC, 50 |
31” |
7.5 |
1,500 |
Strong Si and Fe lines. Type 1a or Core collapse? |
Oxygen-rich SNRs w/HETGS: |
2 |
1046 |
70 |
Cas A |
Gal., 3.4 |
340” |
5.6 |
320 |
1 |
121, 1828 |
100 |
N132D |
LMC, 50 |
115” |
27.9 |
1,350 |
Bright Filaments, “O blob” |
1, 4 |
120, 968 3828 |
137 138 |
E0102 |
SMC, 60 |
44” |
12.8 |
1,000 |
Weak Fe lines 90 deg roll from Cycle 1 obs. |
Other Known O-rich SNRs: |
Puppis A |
Gal., 2.0
3300” |
32.0 |
~ 5,000 |
G292.0+1.8 |
Gal., 4.8 |
540” |
12.5 |
< 1,600 |
B0540-69 |
LMC, 50 |
68” |
16.5 |
~ 1,700 |
PWN; 8” dia. O III ring. |
0103-72.6 |
SMC, 60 |
170” |
49.4 |
~20,000 |
Older version of E0102 ? Park et al. Astro-ph/0309271 |
NGC 4449 |
3900 |
<0.03” |
< 0.6 |
~ 100 |
Patnaude and Fesen, ApJ 2003 |
We have devoted quite a bit of energy to analysing and understanding SNR E0102 during the past year or so. During this time a comprehensive paper was completed and submitted to ApJ and includes a range of our initial results and more recently estimates of the mass of the Oxygen and Neon in the ejecta and a discussion of possible mechanisms to produce an axial/cylinderical symmetry of the remnant. Look for Flanagan et al 2003 in ApJ very soon!
Research extending beyond the paper has been on-going and some items are described here below.
A second E0102 HETGS observation, obsid 3828, was taken in December 2002 at a roll 90 degress from the earlier data; the MEG m=-1 order image is shown above. This 135 ks exposure has equal or greater counts than the earlier obsid 120 data (87 ks) and simultaneous analysis of them is planned especially for the Oxygen lines (red above.)
Count rate ratios of these Oxygen lines do show the effect of the ACIS contamination layer and their quantitative values provide support for the External Cal Source measured absorption model – indicating that there is some small additional absorption not currently in the edges-only derived model.
A first look spatial-spectral analysis of these new E0102 data give a spatial-velocity image for the Ne X line at right very similar to that derived from obsid 120; this inspite of the 90 degree rotation is a good confirmation of the reality of the result.
The HETGS data for E0102 can be roughly fit by a single, global vnpshock model, above, which allows relative abundances of the elements to be determined under this model assumption. In the plot at right, these abundances (red) are compared with expectations from SNR models, specifically Core-collapse models (purple) and Type Ia models (green); for reference SMC/ISM abundances are also shown (blue.) As expected E0102 is unambiguously a core-collapse remnant from a progenitor of ~30 solar masses.
Using Chandra’s high spatial resolution we have started to study localized regions of the E0102 ejecta ring, specifically the Northern “shelf” and Southeast “arc” bright features. The plots below show contours in temperature-tau model space for Oxygen line ratios from these regions. Although not identical, the similarity of temp and tau for ejecta in these two regions is a little puzzling given other indications of overall temperature and tau differences between north and sourth parts of the remnant, e.g. the intensity of flux above 2keV shown at left. These results therefore add constraints on the overall 3D model of the ejecta-plus-blastwave that we hope to create, see “3D Modeling” section below. (Plots from Fredericks et al., poster at 201st AAS meeting.)
One item of note in N132D analysis is the overplotting of the grid of shock model predictions on the ratio-ratio plot shown above. The ratio of O VIII Lyman alpha to total O VII triplet (r+I+f) flux is plotted on the X-axis. The Y-axis gives the O VII forbidden to resonance ratio. Values of these ratios for a variety of features/filaments in N132D are plotted by red symbols. The overlayed grid shows the region spanned by the model for various T and tau values. The NE-corner region has an unexpectedly high f/r ratio. The raw data for NE-corner are shown at right with the model fit and decomposition into the r, i, and f contributions; the bottom panel shows the nominal feature profile and specific region of interest. (Plots from Fredericks et al., Poster at Con-X meeting, May 2003.)
We fit the global HETGS spectrum of N103B with a model, shown above left, that is the sum of high-T (green) and low-T (red) “vnpshock”s with variable abundances plus a small synchrotron “srcut” component (blue.) The total spectrum agrees well with our data.
The plot in the upper right shows the contribution of Fe emission (green) to a shock model (other elements’ emission shown in grey.) The “Iron forest” between 7A and 18A is a major contributor to the N103B model in that range making it hard to clearly identify Ne and Mg emission in that range.
Shown at right are the abundances from the 2T model (red) compared with Ia and core-collapse models (green, purple) and the LMC ISM abundance (blue dotted.) Our model abundance ratios are tantalizingly in between the Ia and core-collapse predictions; mass estimates are ongoing. (From M.S. Thesis by J. Migliazzo, 2003.)
3D Modeling
1:, 2:, 3:, 4:.
The red-green spatial-velocity image of derived for the Ne X line in E0102 suggests a cylinderical ejecta distribution, 1 above, viewed nearly on-axis. In order to qualitatively and quantitatively test this and related ideas on E0102’s structure we’ve started to explore the creation of 3D plasma models and their X-ray emission. As an example 2 above, shows the X-ray color-coded intensity image cylinderical ejecta surrounded by a spherical blastwave shell.
We’re also looking at available 3D software and how it could be used in 3D astrophysical modeling. For example, 3 above, shows a view from the modeling window of the Blender software in which a cylinder (green mesh), an observer (pink) and light source (yellow dot) have been defined. When this model is “rendered” the image shown in 4 above is generated. Ideally the same model definition software could be used as input to an “X-ray renderer” for X-ray modeling.
Supernova Remnant Plans, Part II
Our plans for the next year or so are given here. A general additional topic for all of our SNR research would be to include and understand obseravtions made at other wavelengths like radio, optical and IR.
· Compare fluxes with models, e.g., power-law shock model values.
· Investigate 3-D models for their agreement with the Ne X spatial-velocity results and the variation of ionization stage with position.
· Create s/w to jointly analyze the Cycle 1 and Cycle 4 E0102 observations, especially for O VIII, O VII lines.
· Try including an Fe "pseudo continuum" to better measure Ne and Mg line fluxes in the various regions.
· Understand the enhanced O forbidden emission in the NE-corner region.
· Find the abundance ratios for a global fit to a single vnpshock model, compare w/Ia,II yields.
· Complete Paper 1 on N013B.
· Carry out spatial-spectral analysis of Si lines by combining MEG and HEG data sets.
Cas A
· For the Si feature combine grating line flux values with ACIS zeroth-order continuum values to get n_H/n_Si and feature masses.
· Analyze additional features in Si and S for flux, temp, mass, and doppler velocities.
· Find the abundance ratios for a global fit to a single vnpshock model, compare w/Ia,II yields.
Advanced Analysis
· Investigate use of 3D s/w and tools for SNR modeling, specifically for E0102 modeling.
· Work with ISIS s/w team to determine useful spatial-spectral s/w functions to be added to ISIS.
4.3 HETG-related Software: Development, Evaluation, and Support
Software created for the SNR analyses described here include: a combined random-search/fitting method was used in ISIS to find good fits of the vnpshock model to E0102 and N103B data sets; the procedure was written to overplot model grids on the ratio-ratio plots (N132D); and a set of IDL routines (“v3d_….pro”)were written to do some simple 3D modeling and visualization.
4.4 Presentations, etc. (August)
A quiet month for talks.
4.5 Publications (August), see also:
K.A. Flanagan, C.R. Canizares, D. Dewey, J.C. Houck, A.C. Fredericks, M.L. Schattenburg, T.H. Markert, D.S. Davis, “Chandra High-Resolution X-Ray Spectrum of Supernova Remnant 1E0102.2-7219”, ApJ submitted.
Adrienne M. Juett & Deepto Chakrabarty, “X-ray Spectroscopy of the Low-Mass X-ray Binaries 2S 0918-549 and 4U 1543-624”, ApJ accepted, Vol. 599 (2003.)
Herman L. Marshall, Daniel Dewey, and Kazunori
Ishibashi, “In-Flight Calibration of the Chandra High Energy Transmission
Grating Spectrometer”, SPIE Volume 5165 (2003.)
5.0 Systems and Engineering Support
5.1 Documentation and “Design Knowledge Capture” and 5.3 Anomalies, Insert/retract, etc. Support
5.2 Spares Retest and Test Instrumentation
No activities in these areas in August.
6.0 Management
6.1 Program Office & NASA Support
Supported the Chandra Quarterly Review on 8/19.
6.2 MIT-internal management activities
Arranged/initiated phone and room changes for September personnel changes.
7.0 Open Issues, Problems, etc.
There are no open issues or problems regarding the HETG.
Appendix A. HETG GTO Observation Status Tables
1. Entries indicating progress during this period are shown in this font.
2. For CSR Publication references (CSR-YY-NN) see
3. Up-to-date observation information can be obtained from using WebChaSeR ; this archive page also has a link to the ADS which allows searching for papers by Chandra obsid.
Object Science Theme |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
4U 1957+11 XRB |
5 |
Prop. 05400034 |
[67] |
M. Nowak |
[TBD] |
Target accepted in peer review. |
MCG—6-30-15 AGN |
5 |
Prop. 05700032 |
[540 ! ] |
J. Lee |
[TBD] |
Orion Nebula Cluster “Hot” Stars |
5 |
Prop. 05200040 |
[100.0] |
N. Schulz |
[TBD] |
Object Science Theme |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
4U 1626-67 XRB |
4 |
3504 |
400257 |
97.1 |
N. Schulz |
6/5/03 |
XMM obs on 8/20. Spectra analyzed[7,8/03]. Data in-house, spectra good[6/03]. (Cycle 1 obs. also) |
Sco X-1 XRB |
4 |
3505 |
400258 |
16.1 |
N. Schulz |
7/21/03 |
CC Data being processed [7/03]. Multi-wavelength obs organized[1/03]. |
H1426+428 IGM |
4 |
3568 |
700630 |
101.0 |
T. Fang |
9/8/03 |
Prop. No.: 04700987 |
Mrk 290 AGN |
4 |
3567 4399 4441 4442 |
700629 |
55 85 61 50 |
J. Lee |
6/29/03 7/15/03 7/15/03 7/17/03 |
Replanning FUSE obs.[8/03] Data in-house [6,7/03]. FUSE proposal submitted for coord. Obs[1/03]. |
TV Crit “Cool” Stars |
4 |
3728 |
200198 |
100.2 |
D. Huenemoerder |
3/7/03 |
Data in-house – looks good[4/03]. Selected in peer review![6/02] |
E0102 SNR |
4 |
3828 |
500307 |
137.7 |
K. Flanagan, D.Dewey |
12/20/02 |
Measure counts in lines. S-S analysis of Ne X line; arfs made. Quick look images[1/03]. Data in-house and look good. Parameters OK.[12/02] |
Cycle 3
Object Science Theme |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
MRC 2251-178
3 |
2977 |
700416 |
148.5 |
J. Lee/ H. Marshall, R. Gibson |
9/11/02 |
Re-analyzed, hlm IDL scripts used; import to ISIS[12/02]. A few line Ids at 3-sigma; ISIS scripts.[10/02] |
First draft finished.[7/03].AAS03. |
NGC 7469 AGN |
3 |
3147 (+2956 Kriss GO) |
700586 |
69.8, 79.8 |
J. Lee/ H. Marshall |
12/13/02 |
Analyzed data, id absorp lines.[1/03] Data in-house, look good.[12/02] w/HST. |
1H 0414+009
3 |
2969, 4284 |
700408 |
50.8, 36.9 |
T. Fang, S. Gallagher |
8/1/02 |
Shows lovely power law.[9/02] First pass through data. Data in-house.[8/02] |
GX 349+2 XRB, ISM |
3 |
3354 |
900193 |
35.2 |
N. Schulz, A. Juett |
4/9/02 |
For ISM study; Observed on 4/9; data available 5/2 [4/02] |
Santander,’02 AAS00, ‘01 |
NGC 2362 Tau CMa “Hot” Stars |
3 |
2525, 2526 |
200133, 200134 |
44.5, 43.8 |
N. Schulz, P. Wojdowski, J. Kastner/RIT |
3/28/02, 4/23/02 |
Analysis continues.[6,9/02] Previewed the data.[5/02] Observed 4/23 [4/02] |
Patzcuaro, ‘02 |
1ES 1028+511
3 |
2970, 3472 |
700409 |
21.8, 69.6 |
T. Fang, S. Gallagher |
3/27/02, 3/28/02 |
Shows lovely power law.[9/02] First pass through data.[8/02] |
3C 279
IGM, AGN, Jet |
3 |
2971 |
700410 |
108.2 |
T. Fang, H. Marshall |
3/21/02 |
Overlay radio contours on jet.[8/02] Data reduced; jet seen in zo image.[5/02] |
IRAS 18325-5926 AGN |
3 |
3148, 3452 |
700587 |
56.9, 51.1 |
J. Lee, S. Gallagher |
3/19/02, 3/23/02 |
Work ongoing[8/03]. XTE and SAX obs analyzed.[12/02] Multi obs.y collaboration…[7/02] |
Paper draft w/ Iwasawa[12/02] |
Cycle 2
Object |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
Cyg X-2
2 |
1016 |
400094 |
15.1 |
N. Schulz, A. Juett |
8/12/01 |
Fit O, Fe, Ne edges.[7/02] ISM study: cold absorption edges[5/02] |
Santander,’02 AAS00, AAS01 |
Cas A
2 |
1046 |
500112 |
69.9 |
K. Flanagan, D.Dewey, M. Stage |
5/25/01 |
Began NEI fits to Si knot image for continuum.[8/02] Si knot analysis started [3/02]. |
High-Res UK talk.[10/02] CRC Royal Soc.’02 |
4U 0142+61
iNS, AXPs |
2 |
1018 |
400096 |
25.4 |
N. Schulz, A. Juett |
5/23/01 |
Finishing additional analysis [3/02] |
ApJ, 2002, 568, pp. L31, HEAD-2002[4/02] CSR-02-16[3/02] |
Mrk 766
2 |
1597 |
700213 |
90.5 |
P. Ogle, J. Lee |
5/7/01 |
XTE data simultaneous w/obs.[10/02] Paper in preparation [4/02] |
NGC 4696 Gal. |
2 |
1560 |
600117 |
85.8 |
M. Wise |
4/18/01 |
To be analyzed. |
EXO 0748-676
2 |
1017 |
400095 |
49.0 |
N. Schulz, H. Marshall, M. Jimenez-Garate |
4/14/01 |
Photo-excitation rates.[10/02] Performed abundance measurements.[8/02] |
Revise/reply to ref. report.[1/03] AAS03. HEAD02 |
SS 433
XRB, Jet |
2 2 1 |
1019, 1020, 106 |
400097, 400098, 400019 |
23.7, 23.0, 28.9 |
H. Marshall, N. Schulz, L. Lopez |
3/16/01, 11/28/00, 9/23/99 |
Complete analysis of Cycle 2 data |
L. Lopez draft[8/03]. CSR-02-01, CSR-01-78 |
1H 1821+643
2 |
1599 |
700215 |
101.3 |
P. Ogle, T. Fang |
2/9/01 |
CSR-02-16.5[4/02], CSR-01-69 |
Iota Orionis
“Hot” Star |
2 |
599, 2420 |
200075 |
37.6, 12.9 |
N. Schulz, P. Wojdowski |
2/7/01, 2/8/01 |
DEM distribution derived.[9/02] Make arfs for one-ion analysis.[8/02] Data reviewed[5/02] |
Patzcuaro, ‘02 |
TY Pyx, HD77137 “Cool” Star |
2 |
601 |
200076 |
49.8 |
D. Huenemoerder |
1/3/01 |
Preliminary analysis done. |
(spectrum in CSR-02-02) |
2 |
1045, 2410, 2416 |
500111 |
74.0, 25.7, 17.6 |
K. Flanagan, J. Migliazzo, D. Dewey |
1/1/01, 1/3/01, 1/2/01 |
New fits, abundance plots, one-ion fits.[9/02] Fit vpshock w/APED lines…[7/02] |
High-Res UK talk.[10/02] Poster: HEAD02[4/02] |
NGC 5506
2 |
1598 |
700214 |
90.0 |
P. Ogle, J. Lee, S. Gallagher |
12/31/00 |
Draft complete, internal review[7,8/03]. O VII and RRC[6/03] Paper progress.[4/03] XTE simult obs reduced; spectral and image analysis progress.[12/02] ISIS scripts for fluxes and energies.[10/02] |
AAS’03 Paper in prep.[4/02] |
ZW 3146
Clust. |
2 |
1651 |
800119 |
167.8 |
M. Wise |
12/25/00 |
MEG +/-1 spectrum.[10/02] Include background subtraction.[7/02] Re-analysis continued w/ ISIS[6/02]; started[5/02] |
High-Res UK talk.[10/02] Cluster paper in draft[5/02] |
Cycle 2, above.
Object |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
NGC 1068 AGN |
1 |
332 |
700004 |
46.3 |
H. Marshall, P. Ogle, J. Lee |
12/4/00 |
Examine zeroth-order pileup[5/02] |
Paper in submitted[5/02] |
4U 1626-67 XRB |
1 |
104 |
400017 |
40.0 |
N. Schulz |
9/16/00 |
Analysis complete. |
AR Lac
“Cool” Star |
1 |
6,7,8, 9,10,11 |
20000N: 4,5,6,7,8,9 |
32.5,7.5, 7.5,32.6, 7.3,7.3 |
D. Huenemoerder |
9/11/00- 9/19/00 |
Fixed errors.[12/02] Analysis complete. |
Submitted to ApJ.[1/03] Revised manuscript.[12/02] CSR-01-112 |
Abell 1835
Clust. |
1 |
49896 511 |
800019 |
9.8 127.0 |
M. Wise |
8/25/00 8/26/00 |
MARX simulations (1T, 2T, etc.)[10/02] Background subtraction.[7/02] |
High-Res UK talk.[10/02] Cluster paper in draft[5/02] |
1 |
121, 1828 |
500008 |
22.3 77.6 |
K. Flanagan, D. Dewey |
7/19/00 7/20/00 |
Model grid added.[4/03] Fe and O line ratios from many regions/features |
CSR-01-10,26, Y2Chandra01 |
TW Hydra “Cool” Star |
1 |
5 |
200003 |
48.3 |
D.Huenemoerder, J. Kastner |
7/18/00 |
Analysis complete. |
CSR-02-02, CSR-01-29 |
NGC 4486, M87
Gal., AGN, Jet |
1 |
241 |
600001 |
38.5 |
M. Wise |
7/17/00 |
Absorption and cooling maps.[9/02] |
GX 301-2 XRB |
1 |
103 |
400016 |
40.0 |
N. Schulz |
6/19/00 |
Re-analysis initiated [3/02] |
Draft paper begun [3/02], AAS00 |
NGC 1399
Gal. |
1 |
49898, 240, 2389 |
600214 600000 |
13.2 44.1 14.8 |
M. Wise |
5/8/01 6/15/00 5/8/01 |
Examination begun.[6/02] |
Vela X-1 XRB |
1 |
102 |
400015 |
28.4 |
N. Schulz |
4/13/00 |
ApJ, 2002, 564, L21 |
MCG –6-30-15 (w/Fabian)
1 |
433 |
700105 |
128.2 |
H. Marshall, J. Lee |
4/5/00 |
XMM obs analysis.[12/02] XSTAR /Kallman; Fe UTAs (Ming); LLB edges.[7/02] |
Draft paper 3 progress[8/03]. Lee et al 2002, CSR-02-15 [3/02], CSR-01-02 |
NGC 4151 AGN |
1 |
335 |
700007 |
48.0 |
H. Marshall, P. Ogle |
3/5/00 |
CSR-00-87 |
PSR B0656+ 14 iNS |
1 |
130 |
500017 |
38.1 |
H. Marshall |
11/28/99 |
Paper accepted, CSR-02-12[3/02] |
PKS 2149-306 IGM, AGN |
1 |
336, 1481 |
700008 |
36.0 54.8 |
H. Marshall |
11/18/99 11/20/99 |
CSR-01-67 |
Trapezium, Theta Ori
“Hot” Stars |
1 |
3, 4 |
200001 200002 |
50.1 31.3 |
N. Schulz, D. Huenemoerder |
10/31/99 11/24/99 |
Add new archive obs.[1/03] Theta Ori A and E line fluxes.[10/02] |
Second paper submitted.[4/03] Draft papers III and IV [9/02]. CSR-01-118, CSR-00-89, CSR-00-75 |
4U 1636-53 XRB, ISM |
1 |
105 |
400018 |
29.8 |
N. Schulz, A. Juett |
10/20/99 |
Fit O, Fe, Ne edges.[7/02] |
Santander, AAS00, AAS01 |
PKS 2155-304
1 |
337, 1703, 1705 |
700009 700261 700263 |
39.1 26.2 25.8 |
H. Marshall, T. Fang, J. Lee |
10/20/99 5/31/00 5/31/00 |
ApJ Letter in press.[6/02] Paper accepted.[4/02] |
Cyg X-1
1 |
107, 1511 |
400020 |
2.5 12.6 |
N. Schulz, H. Marshall, J. Miller |
10/19/99 1/12/00 |
Second paper continuing[5,6/02] Paper…[3/02] |
ApJ, 2002, 564, pp. 941 (CSR-01-57), HEAD00 |
II Peg, HD 224085 “Cool” Star |
1 |
1451 |
200010 |
43.3 |
D. Huenemoerder |
10/17/99 |
Analysis complete. |
CSR-01-50 |
Q0836+7104 IGM, AGN |
1 |
1450, 1802 |
700006 |
61.0 14.1 |
H. Marshall |
10/17/99 8/25/00 |
CSR-01-67 |
PKS 0745-191 Clust. |
1 |
510, 1509, 1509 |
800018 |
45.3, 40.4, 39.9 |
M. Wise |
10/14/99 4/25/00 3/4/00 |
MEG +/-1 spectrum.[10/02] Include background subtraction.[7/02] |
High-Res UK talk.[10/02] CSR-02-32[8/02] Responded to referee report.[6/02] ApJ submitted, Hicks et al. [3/02] |
PSR B0833-45, Vela Pulsar iNS |
1 |
131 |
500018 |
36.1 |
H. Marshall |
10/12/99 |
HEAD00 |
NGC 1275 AGN |
1 |
333, 428 |
700005 700201 |
53.2 25.0 |
H. Marshall, P. Ogle |
10/10/99 8/25/00 |
Determined PL spectral slope |
No pubs of note |
1 |
120, 968 |
500007 |
88.2, 49.0 |
K. Flanagan, J. Houck, A. Fredericks, D.Dewey |
9/28/99 10/8/99 |
Start 3D modeling; Asymetry mechanisms[6/03]. Ejecta masses and errors finalized.[1-4/03] Plasma diag.s[12/02]. Sasaki models compared.[10/02] |
ApJ submitted[8/03]. AAS’03 Poster. High-Res UK talk.[10/02] Final polishing of ApJ paper [3-6/02]; CSR-01-10,11,24,25,26, Y2Chandra01 |
Object |
AO |
Obs ID |
Seq. No. |
Expos. (ks) |
Observer / Analyst |
Start Date |
Comments & Analysis |
Talks and Publications |
Cycle 1, end.