V & V help and links
This page is intended to provide helpful links to someone learning the V & V process
Read the
general V&V help page first. Below is a summary, but far from all-inclusive.
Before you can start
Obtain the v & v username and password and apply for an archive password.
The first time
Log on to proteus.cfa.harvard.edu using ssh. (ssh proteus.cfa.harvard.edu -l vvops)
Set up a working directory on /data/vv
Every time
Log on to Proteus.
Run setascds (type setascds from the command line)
This will initialize ciao and the perl scripts used for V&V
If the data is recent it will be located in the cache. The directory will be in the alert
Location of data in cache -> /dsops/ap/sdp.9/cache/2003_08_09
Symlink all files containing the obsid to somewhere in your working
V&V>ln -s /dsops/ap/sdp.9/cache/2003_08_09/[acis,hrc]/OBSID .
V&V>ln -s /dsops/ap/sdp.9/cache/2003_08_09/obi/OBSID .
(see staff/dph/vv_prep.csh)
If the data is older (~10+ days) it will need to be retrieved from the archive
V&V>getarc.csh username OBSID retrieve standard
Aspect plots and log
Locate the aspect plot and log with
V&V>ls /dsops/current/VV_AP/[acis,hrc]*OBSID*
Look at the tail end of the log for aspect problems.
View the .ps aspect plot.
More info on aspect plots.
View information on observation
Verify target location
Run vv_perl.pl
Grating observations
Inspect the pha spectrum (explained on the
general V&V help page)
Run osort_image.
When Done
Submit V & V report.
V&V>vv_submit.pl OBSID
Other V & V links
Last updated August 13, 2003
Web page by Kevin Tibbetts (
kjt@space.mit.edu )
Center for Space Research
Massachusetts Institute of Technology