%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MONTHLY REPORT GUIDE for CXC-Contract supported scientists and staff Below is a template for our monthly report. It is to be circulated to the cxc@space.mit.edu list as in the past (which includes HETG, ACIS, postdocs, fellows, and a few others). The specific CXC Statement of Work numbers are given in brackets. As appropriate, these are further itemized with SDS "Task List" categories. There are several purposes behind the report: - to help organize and track your efforts; - to let colleagues on the CXC distribution know what you're up to; - to provide input the contractually required monthly CXC report to SAO. If you are an "observer" for a GTO observation and/or a lead analyst for any, then please include them here, even if in the case of "Progress: None", and mark them with the item "[5.1]" so they can be picked up by the HETG manager. Note that a "draft paper title" is to be given along with each scientific research project. The tangible products of research grants are published papers. Other items to note are your scientific service: peer reviews, serving as referee for manuscripts and proposals, committee service, and talks. Some names have been entered in brackets "<>" if the category only applies to one or a few individuals. If a catgegory is not appropriate to you, do not report on it; you can omit it from your personal template. You can also delete/replace other explanatory material in "<>". %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DRAFT CXC Template for Monthly Report (dd-11/04/04; mod by dph 2004.11.08, mod dd 2004.11.10) %-------------------------------------- [1] Project Management %-------------------------------------- [2.1,2.2] Monitor and Calibration Tasks %-------------------------------------- [2.3] SDS Tasks < SDS scientists/Programmers > (4) Programmatic R&D (includes algorithm r&d; Instrument and Cal support) (5) Software Test (6) System Maintenance/Upgrade/Review (8,9) Specifications (Algorithms or Files) (10) Documentation (11) Software (packages/modules/prototypes) (12) Analyis Reference Data [2.4] V&V %-------------------------------------- [2.5.1] User Support: Proposal Cycle [2.5.2] User Support: Expert advice, User Interface %-------------------------------------- [2.6] Relevant Scientific Research < SDS/Cal scientists> - Project name, Progress: Plan: - [5.1] GTO Target/obsid Project name, Progress: Plan: - Other: %-------------------------------------- [3.1] Data Systems H/W: infrastructure [3.2] Data Systems S/W: pipeline, response tools < Davis > %-------------------------------------- [5.1] HETG GTO Science Program - Project name, Progress: Plan: - [5.1] GTO Target/obsid Project name, Progress: Plan: - Other: %-------------------------------------- [XYZ] Non-CXC/HETG Topic (e.g.: [XTE] Timing analyses of burping sources) < If supported from other/different project besides CXC/HETG. > %------------------------------------ Completed Scientific Research Products: Papers accepted this month (submitted list in parens): () Presentations made this month; Service this month; ------------------------------------ Upcoming Travel and Events: -----------------------------------