Welcome to the landing page for the Interactive Spectral Interpretation System (ISIS) pre-workshop event to the Chandra 2015 meeting, The Universe in High-Resolution X-ray Spectra.
Tuesday, August 18 at the Harvard Center for Astrophysics (CfA)
Please communicate your interest to the Chandra workshop organizers by emailing cxchelp@head.cfa.harvard.edu
or sign up on the meeting registration page.
There is no additional charge to attend the workshop
Conference organizers
SOC: Victoria Grinberg (grinberg@space.mit.edu) and Lia Corrales (lia@space.mit.edu)>
LOC: Javier Garcia
The workshop will take place at the Harvard Center for Astrophysics on Tuesday, August 18
9:30 - 11 am: Downstairs conference room in CfA library
There will be three 20 minute talks to introduce users to the basic capabilities and features provided by ISIS.
Talks pdfs are located on tutorials page.
- Introduction to basic capabilities and commands, including loading and fitting of Chandra HETG data
- Analysis of spectral lines with AtomDB and XSTARDB
- Basic plotting tools in ISIS, an intro to xfig, and other scripts for making clean plots
11 - 12 noon: break
Participants can move to room B106 to get CIAO and/or ISIS questions answered, or take a break
12 - 6 pm: B105
Free-work session.
Participants can bring their own data or work on pre-assigned topics with archival data. Tutorial scripts covering each introductory topic will be provided, but the workshop organizers will cater to subjects of interest to participants, including more advanced spectral analysis techniques.
Possible afternoon topics
- advanced plotting with xfig
- advanced AtomDB and XSTAR libraries
- working with multiple datasets and combining data; using data from multiple instruments
- using ISIS for multiwavelength data analysis
- building your own models in ISIS
- X-ray timing analysis in ISIS
Participants are welcome to reach out to the organizers with suggestions for further topics.
ISIS installation guides
Participants should install ISIS on their machines prior to the workshop.
Please also install the Remeis ISIS scripts, which are extremely useful and will be used in some tutorials.
For users interested in plotting with xfig, the necessary install files are here: http://www.jedsoft.org/fun/slxfig/download.html
ISIS capabilities