List of code used to run testsΒΆ
You can inspect the code for all tests listed in the following to see exactly
what is tested. However, a direct copy and paste will not work because
it depends on the local $PATH
settings and other environment variables.
For example, we use a python function to manage the directory structure
for all the images generated by all the tests instead of giving the file
name directly to save images.
See Examples of MARX in use for a few fully worked out examples of running marx with detailed explanations of every step.
- On-axis PSF on an ACIS-BI chip
- CIAO : Obtain spectrum from observed data
- shell : Unzip fits file.
- marx : Set marx parameters appropriate for observation
- marx2fits : Use the EDSER subpixel algorithm
- Lua input for SAOTrace : SAOTrace input matching observation
- SAOTrace :
- marx : Run marx with SAOTrace ray file as input
- marx2fits : Same setting as above for comparison
- marx2fits : USE RANDOMIZE as an alternative to EDSER
- marx2fits : Again, same setting as above
- CIAO : Reprocess the observation with RANDOMIZE
- Python : Compare radial event distributions
- On-axis PSF on an ACIS-FI chip
- CIAO : Obtain spectrum from observed data
- shell : Unzip fits file.
- marx : Set marx parameters appropriate for observation
- marx2fits : Use the EDSER subpixel algorithm
- Lua input for SAOTrace : SAOTrace input matching observation
- SAOTrace :
- marx : Run marx with SAOTrace ray file as input
- marx2fits : Same setting as above for comparison
- marx2fits : USE RANDOMIZE as an alternative to EDSER
- marx2fits : Again, same setting as above
- CIAO : Reprocess the observation with RANDOMIZE
- Python : Compare radial event distributions
- On-axis PSF for an HRC-I observation
- Python : Copy input spectra
- shell : Unzip fits file.
- marx : Set marx parameters appropriate for observation
- marx2fits : No EDSER is available for HRC data
- Lua input for SAOTrace : SAOTrace input matching observation
- SAOTrace :
- marx : Run marx with SAOTrace ray file as input
- marx2fits : Same settings as the marx2fits run above
- Python : Extract radial count distribution
- Off-axis PSF
- CIAO : Get spectrum from flux correction
- shell : Unzip fits file.
- marx : Set marx parameters appropriate for observation
- marx2fits : No EDSER is available for HRC data
- Lua input for SAOTrace : SAOTrace input matching observation
- SAOTrace :
- marx : Run marx with SAOTrace ray file as input
- marx2fits : Same settings as the marx2fits run above
- CIAO : ds9 images of the PSF
- Wings of the Chandra PSF
- CIAO : Obtain spectrum from observed data
- shell : Unzip fits file.
- marx : Set marx parameters appropriate for observation
- marx2fits : Use the EDSER subpixel algorithm
- Lua input for SAOTrace : SAOTrace input matching observation
- SAOTrace :
- marx : Run marx with SAOTrace ray file as input
- marx2fits : Same setting as above for comparison
- CIAO : Make image and run cell detect to find exclusion regions for extraction.
- CIAO : Create exposure maps
- Python : Clean bogus sources from src file and write regions
- CIAO : Extract data in energy bins
- Python : Analyze and plot results - Plot 1
- Python : Analyze and plot results - Plot 2
- On-axis PSF at different energies
- CIAO : Set up default marx.par file
- marx : run marx for different energies
- marxasp : Generate asol file
- marx2fits : Fits files from marx runs
- SAOTrace : Now use SAOTrace
- marx : run marx for all SAOTrace runs
- marx2fits : Fits files from marx + SAOTrace runs
- Python : Image gallery of PSFs
- Python : Plots of radial distribution
- Simulated off-axis PSF
- CIAO : Set up default marx.par file
- marx : run marx for different energies
- marxasp : Generate asol file
- marx2fits : Fits files from marx runs
- SAOTrace : Now use SAOTrace
- marx : run marx for all SAOTrace runs
- marx2fits : Fits files from marx + SAOTrace runs
- Python : No image gallery needed
- Python : Plots of radial distribution
- Grades on an ACIS-BI chip
- Grades on an ACIS-FI chip
- Absorbed powerlaw on ACIS-S
- Powerlaw spectrum of an off-axis source
- Two thermal components on ACIS-I
- Build-in geometric sources
- Image as source
- Compiling a USER source
- Chandra Orion Ultradeep project
- Python : Make input coordinate table
- C source code : C code for a grid of sources.
- Python : compile USER code
- shell : Unzip fits file.
- marx : run marx USER source matching observation
- marx2fits : turn into fits file
- CIAO : ds9 image of the PSF
- CIAO : Source detection
- Python : Check position of detected sources
- Regular Grid (ACIS)
- Regular grid (HRC)