MARX Parameter Index
A | ||
ACIS-I0-FilterFile (ACIS Chip 0 OBF filename) | default: acis/acis_i_xray_trans_1198.dat | |
ACIS-I0-QEFile (ACIS Chip 0 QE filename) | default: acis/i0_w203c4r_eff_898_release.dat | |
ACIS-I1-FilterFile (ACIS Chip 1 OBF filename) | default: acis/acis_i_xray_trans_1198.dat | |
ACIS-I1-QEFile (ACIS Chip 1 QE filename) | default: acis/i1_w193c2_eff_898_release.dat | |
ACIS-I2-FilterFile (ACIS Chip 2 OBF filename) | default: acis/acis_i_xray_trans_1198.dat | |
ACIS-I2-QEFile (ACIS Chip 2 QE filename) | default: acis/i2_w158c4r_eff_898_release.dat | |
ACIS-I3-FilterFile (ACIS Chip 3 OBF filename) | default: acis/acis_i_xray_trans_1198.dat | |
ACIS-I3-QEFile (ACIS Chip 3 QE filename) | default: acis/i3_w215c2r_eff_898_release.dat | |
ACIS-S0-FilterFile (ACIS Chip 4 OBF filename) | default: acis/acis_s_xray_trans_1198.dat | |
ACIS-S0-QEFile (ACIS Chip 4 QE filename) | default: acis/s0_w168c4r_eff_898_release.dat | |
ACIS-S1-FilterFile (ACIS Chip 5 OBF filename) | default: acis/acis_s_xray_trans_1198.dat | |
ACIS-S1-QEFile (ACIS Chip 5 QE filename) | default: acis/s1_w140c4r_eff_898_release.dat | |
ACIS-S2-FilterFile (ACIS Chip 6 OBF filename) | default: acis/acis_s_xray_trans_1198.dat | |
ACIS-S2-QEFile (ACIS Chip 6 QE filename) | default: acis/s2_w182c4r_eff_898_release.dat | |
ACIS-S3-FilterFile (ACIS Chip 7 OBF filename) | default: acis/acis_s_xray_trans_1198.dat | |
ACIS-S3-QEFile (ACIS Chip 7 QE filename) | default: acis/s3_w134c4r_eff_898_release.dat | |
ACIS-S4-FilterFile (ACIS Chip 8 OBF filename) | default: acis/acis_s_xray_trans_1198.dat | |
ACIS-S4-QEFile (ACIS Chip 8 QE filename) | default: acis/s4_w457c4_eff_898_release.dat | |
ACIS-S5-FilterFile (ACIS Chip 9 OBF filename) | default: acis/acis_s_xray_trans_1198.dat | |
ACIS-S5-QEFile (ACIS Chip 9 QE filename) | default: acis/s5_w201c3r_eff_898_release.dat | |
ACIS_eV_Per_PI (eV per PI bin) | default: 14.6 | |
ACIS_Exposure_Time (ACIS exposure time (sec)) | default: 3.2 | |
ACIS_Frame_Transfer_Time (ACIS frame transfer time (sec)) | default: 0.041 | |
ACIS_Gain_Map_File (ACIS gain map file) | default: acis/acisD1999-12-10gain_marxN0001_110.fits | |
AspectBlur (aspect blur (sigma -- arcsec)) | default: 0.07 | |
D | ||
DataDirectory (directory for input data) | default: $MARX_DATA_DIR | |
Dec_Nom (DEC_NOM for dither (degrees)) | default: -53.75743813458669 | |
DetectorType (detector type) | default: ACIS-S | |
DetExtendFlag (Should off-detector coordinates be computed?) | default: no | |
DetIdeal (Is Detector perfect (QE=1)?) | default: no | |
DetOffsetX (Detector X offset from nominal (mm)) | default: 0 | |
DetOffsetY (Detector Y offset from nominal (mm)) | default: 0 | |
DetOffsetZ (Detector Z offset from nominal (mm)) | default: 0 | |
DitherAmp_Dec (Amplitude for Dec dither (arcsec)) | default: 8 | |
DitherAmp_RA (Amplitude for RA dither (arcsec)) | default: 8 | |
DitherAmp_Roll (Amplitude for Roll dither (arcsec)) | default: 0 | |
DitherFile (ASPSOL File) | default: obsid_105/data/asol1.fits | |
DitherModel (Dither Model) | default: INTERNAL | |
DitherPeriod_Dec (Period for Dec dither (sec)) | default: 707 | |
DitherPeriod_RA (Period for RA dither (sec)) | default: 1000 | |
DitherPeriod_Roll (Period for Roll dither (sec)) | default: 1e5 | |
DitherPhase_Dec (Phase for Dec dither (radians)) | default: 0 | |
DitherPhase_RA (Phase for RA dither (radians)) | default: 0 | |
DitherPhase_Roll (Phase for Roll dither (radians)) | default: 0 | |
dNumRays (number of rays per iteration) | default: 100000 | |
DumpToRayFile (Output in MARX rayfile format?) | default: no | |
E | ||
ExposureTime (exposure time (0.0 for none)) | default: 10000 | |
F | ||
FF_MaxY (FlatField Aperture max Y value (mm)) | default: 25 | |
FF_MaxZ (FlatField Aperture max Z value (mm)) | default: 25 | |
FF_MinY (FlatField Aperture min Y value (mm)) | default: -25 | |
FF_MinZ (FlatField Aperture min Z value (mm)) | default: -25 | |
FF_XPos (FlatField Aperture X location (mm)) | default: 10000 | |
FocalLength (Mirror Focal Length) | default: 10070 | |
G | ||
GratingOptConsts (optical constants filename) | default: grating/optical-constants.dat | |
GratingType (grating type) | default: HETG | |
H | ||
H1Blur (HRMA H1 Blur angle (arcsec)) | default: 0.0051428 | |
H1ScatFactor (Scattering Fudge Factor for H1) | default: 3.2451338 | |
H3Blur (HRMA H3 Blur angle (arcsec)) | default: 0.0713614 | |
H3ScatFactor (Scattering Fudge Factor for H3) | default: 2.4618956 | |
H4Blur (HRMA H4 Blur angle (arcsec)) | default: 0.0101367 | |
H4ScatFactor (Scattering Fudge Factor for H4) | default: 2.9027099 | |
H6Blur (HRMA H6 Blur angle (arcsec)) | default: 0.0239287 | |
H6ScatFactor (Scattering Fudge Factor for H6) | default: 2.0209803 | |
hegBarHeight (HEG bar height (um)) | default: 0.4896 | |
hegBarWidth (HEG bar width (um)) | default: 0.1177 | |
hegChromium (HEG chromium thickness (um)) | default: 0.0111 | |
hegdPoverP (HEG dP/P) | default: 146e-6 | |
hegdTheta (HEG alignment error (sigma in arcmin)) | default: 1.5 | |
hegGold (HEG gold thickness (um)) | default: 0.0444 | |
hegNickel (HEG nickel thickness (um)) | default: 0 | |
hegNumOrders (HEG num orders (2n+1)) | default: 23 | |
hegPeriod (HEG period (um)) | default: 0.200081 | |
hegPolyimide (HEG polyimide thickness (um)) | default: 0.978 | |
HEGRowlandDiameter (HEG Rowland Torus Diameter (mm)) | default: 8632.48 | |
hegTheta (HEG dispersion angle (degrees)) | default: -5.205 | |
HEGVig (HEG Grating Vignetting Factor) | default: 0.93 | |
HESFCrWidth (HESF Chromium strip width) | default: 15.7 | |
HESFGapY1 (the HESF Gap Offset Y1) | default: 28.7 | |
HESFGapY2 (the HESF Gap Offset Y2) | default: 36.7 | |
HESFHeight1 (the height of HESF 1 (mm)) | default: 22.3 | |
HESFHeight2 (the height of HESF 2 (mm)) | default: 50.0 | |
HESFHeight3 (the height of HESF 3 (mm)) | default: 0 | |
HESFHeight4 (the height of HESF 4 (mm)) | default: 0 | |
HESFLength (length of HESF plate) | default: 294.0 | |
HESFN (the number of HESF facets) | default: 2 | |
HESFOffsetX (the HESF X offset of lower plate (mm)) | default: 26.3 | |
HESFOffsetZ (the HESF Z offset of lower plate (mm)) | default: -5.359 | |
HESFOptConstC (the Carbon Optical constant filename for the HESF) | default: hrc/carbon.dat | |
HESFOptConstCr (the Chromium Optical constant filename for the HESF) | default: hrc/chromium.dat | |
HESFTheta1 (the angle of HESF 1 (degrees)) | default: 4.5 | |
HESFTheta2 (the angle of HESF 2 (degrees)) | default: 7 | |
HESFTheta3 (the angle of HESF 3 (degrees)) | default: 0 | |
HESFTheta4 (the angle of HESF 4 (degrees)) | default: 0 | |
HETG_Sector1_File (HETG sector file for shell 1) | default: grating/hetgmp1D1996-11-01marxsectorN0002.tbl | |
HETG_Sector3_File (HETG sector file for shell 3) | default: grating/hetgmp3D1996-11-01marxsectorN0002.tbl | |
HETG_Sector4_File (HETG sector file for shell 4) | default: grating/hetgmp4D1996-11-01marxsectorN0003.tbl | |
HETG_Sector6_File (HETG sector file for shell 6) | default: grating/hetgmp6D1996-11-01marxsectorN0003.tbl | |
HETG_Shell1_dPoverP (shell 1 grating dP/P (rms)) | default: 162e-6 | |
HETG_Shell1_dTheta (shell 1 grating alignment error (sigma in arcmin)) | default: 1.5 | |
HETG_Shell1_File (grating efficiency table for shell 1) | default: grating/hetgmp1D1996-11-01greffN0004.dat | |
HETG_Shell1_Period (shell 1 grating period (um)) | default: 0.400195 | |
HETG_Shell1_Theta (dispersion angle for shell 1 (degrees)) | default: 4.755 | |
HETG_Shell1_Vig (grating vignetting for shell 1) | default: 1.0 | |
HETG_Shell3_dPoverP (shell 3 grating dP/P (rms)) | default: 162e-6 | |
HETG_Shell3_dTheta (shell 3 grating alignment error (sigma in arcmin)) | default: 1.5 | |
HETG_Shell3_File (grating efficiency table for shell 3) | default: grating/hetgmp3D1996-11-01greffN0004.dat | |
HETG_Shell3_Period (shell 3 grating period (um)) | default: 0.400195 | |
HETG_Shell3_Theta (dispersion angle for shell 3 (degrees)) | default: 4.755 | |
HETG_Shell3_Vig (grating vignetting for shell 3) | default: 1.0 | |
HETG_Shell4_dPoverP (shell 4 grating dP/P (rms)) | default: 146e-6 | |
HETG_Shell4_dTheta (shell 4 grating alignment error (sigma in arcmin)) | default: 1.5 | |
HETG_Shell4_File (grating efficiency table for shell 4) | default: grating/hetgmp4D1996-11-01greffN0004.dat | |
HETG_Shell4_Period (shell 4 grating period (um)) | default: 0.200081 | |
HETG_Shell4_Theta (dispersion angle for shell 4 (degrees)) | default: -5.205 | |
HETG_Shell4_Vig (grating vignetting for shell 4) | default: 1.0 | |
HETG_Shell6_dPoverP (shell 6 grating dP/P (rms)) | default: 146e-6 | |
HETG_Shell6_dTheta (shell 6 grating alignment error (sigma in arcmin)) | default: 1.5 | |
HETG_Shell6_File (grating efficiency table for shell 6) | default: grating/hetgmp6D1996-11-01greffN0004.dat | |
HETG_Shell6_Period (shell 6 grating period (um)) | default: 0.200081 | |
HETG_Shell6_Theta (dispersion angle for shell 6 (degrees)) | default: -5.205 | |
HETG_Shell6_Vig (grating vignetting for shell 6) | default: 1.0 | |
HRC-HESF (Use HESF (AKA Drake Flat) (yes/no)) | default: yes | |
HRC-I-BlurG1Amp (HRC-I Gauss1 Amp) | default: 15.7528 | |
HRC-I-BlurG1FWHM (HRC-I Gauss1 FWHM (1/4 pixels)) | default: 13.8994 | |
HRC-I-BlurG1Xctr (HRC-I Gauss1 Xctr (1/4 pixels)) | default: 64.1124 | |
HRC-I-BlurG1Yctr (HRC-I Gauss1 Yctr (1/4 pixels)) | default: 64.5285 | |
HRC-I-BlurG2Amp (HRC-I Gauss2 Amp) | default: 0.0 | |
HRC-I-BlurG2FWHM (HRC-I Gauss2 FWHM (1/4 pixels)) | default: 4.25636 | |
HRC-I-BlurG2Xctr (HRC-I Gauss2 Xctr (1/4 pixels)) | default: 61.35 | |
HRC-I-BlurG2Yctr (HRC-I Gauss2 Yctr (1/4 pixels)) | default: 64.178 | |
HRC-I-BlurL1Amp (HRC-I Lorentz1 Amp) | default: 0.0 | |
HRC-I-BlurL1FWHM (HRC-I Lorentz1 FWHM (1/4 pixels)) | default: 10.8269 | |
HRC-I-BlurL1Rmax (HRC-I Lorentz1 Rmax (1/4 pixels)) | default: 256 | |
HRC-I-BlurL1Xctr (HRC-I Lorentz1 Xctr (1/4 pixels)) | default: 73.3361 | |
HRC-I-BlurL1Yctr (HRC-I Lorentz1 Yctr (1/4 pixels)) | default: 63.9927 | |
HRC-I-QEFile (HRC-I QE File) | default: hrc/mcp_qe_i.v2.2.dat | |
HRC-I-UVISFile (HRC-I UV/IS file for region 0) | default: hrc/uvis_i.v4.dat | |
HRC-S-BlurG1Amp (HRC-S Gauss1 Amp) | default: 15.750 | |
HRC-S-BlurG1FWHM (HRC-S Gauss1 FWHM (1/4 pixels)) | default: 13.900 | |
HRC-S-BlurG1Xctr (HRC-S Gauss1 Xctr (1/4 pixels)) | default: 64.110 | |
HRC-S-BlurG1Yctr (HRC-S Gauss1 Yctr (1/4 pixels)) | default: 64.530 | |
HRC-S-BlurG2Amp (HRC-S Gauss2 Amp) | default: 0.0 | |
HRC-S-BlurG2FWHM (HRC-S Gauss2 FWHM (1/4 pixels)) | default: 4.2560 | |
HRC-S-BlurG2Xctr (HRC-S Gauss2 Xctr (1/4 pixels)) | default: 67.420 | |
HRC-S-BlurG2Yctr (HRC-S Gauss2 Yctr (1/4 pixels)) | default: 64.110 | |
HRC-S-BlurL1Amp (HRC-S Lorentz1 Amp) | default: 0.0 | |
HRC-S-BlurL1FWHM (HRC-S Lorentz1 FWHM (1/4 pixels)) | default: 10.820 | |
HRC-S-BlurL1Rmax (HRC-S Lorentz1 Rmax (1/4 pixels)) | default: 256.000 | |
HRC-S-BlurL1Xctr (HRC-S Lorentz1 Xctr (1/4 pixels)) | default: 53.030 | |
HRC-S-BlurL1Yctr (HRC-S Lorentz1 Yctr (1/4 pixels)) | default: 63.880 | |
HRC-S-QEFile0 (HRC QE File for MCP 0) | default: hrc/mcp_qe_s.v3.dat | |
HRC-S-QEFile1 (HRC QE File for MCP 1) | default: hrc/mcp_qe_s.v3.dat | |
HRC-S-QEFile2 (HRC QE File for MCP 2) | default: hrc/mcp_qe_s.v3.dat | |
HRC-S-UVISFile0 (HRC UV/IS file for region 0) | default: hrc/uvis_s1.v4.dat | |
HRC-S-UVISFile1 (HRC UV/IS file for region 1) | default: hrc/uvis_s2.v4.dat | |
HRC-S-UVISFile2 (HRC UV/IS file for region 2) | default: hrc/uvis_s56.v4.dat | |
HRC-S-UVISFile3 (HRC UV/IS file for region 3) | default: hrc/uvis_s34.v4.dat | |
HRMAOptConst (optical const filename for HRMA) | default: hrma/iridium.dat | |
HRMAOptConstScale (Scale factor for HRMA opt constants) | default: 1.0 | |
HRMAVig (HRMA Vignetting factor) | default: 1.0 | |
HRMA_Cap_X (HRMA Cap X position (mm)) | default: 10079.771554 | |
HRMA_Geometry_File (HRMA rdb geometry file) | default: hrma/EKCHDOS06.rdb | |
HRMA_Ideal (Assume perfect reflection from HRMA) | default: no | |
HRMA_P1H1_XOffset (HRMA P1H1 X offset (mm)) | default: -3.277664 | |
HRMA_P3H3_XOffset (HRMA P3H3 X offset (mm)) | default: -0.257891 | |
HRMA_P4H4_XOffset (HRMA P4H4 X offset (mm)) | default: 0.733315 | |
HRMA_P6H6_XOffset (HRMA P6H6 X offset (mm)) | default: -0.541755 | |
HRMA_Pitch (HRMA Pitch (arcmin)) | default: 0.0 | |
HRMA_Use_Blur (Use HRMA Blur factors) | default: yes | |
HRMA_Use_Scale_Factors (Use Effarea scale factors?) | default: yes | |
HRMA_Use_Struts (Use HRMA struts?) | default: yes | |
HRMA_Use_WFold (Use WFold scattering tables?) | default: yes | |
HRMA_Yaw (HRMA Yaw (arcmin)) | default: 0.0 | |
L | ||
legBarHeight (LEG bar height (um)) | default: 0.4615 | |
legBarWidth (LEG bar width (um)) | default: 0.5566 | |
legChromium (LEG chromium thickness (um)) | default: 0 | |
legCoarseBarHeight (LEG Coarse bar height (um)) | default: 26.0 | |
legCoarseBarWidth (LEG Coarse bar width (um)) | default: 68.0 | |
legCoarseNumOrders (LETG Coarse Grating num orders (2n+1)) | default: 121 | |
legCoarsePeriod (LEG Coarse period (um)) | default: 2000 | |
legdPoverP (LEG dP/P) | default: 8.67592e-5 | |
legdTheta (LEG alignment error (sigma in arcmin)) | default: 1.4 | |
legFineBarHeight (LEG fine bar height (um)) | default: 2.5 | |
legFineBarWidth (LEG fine bar width (um)) | default: 2.5 | |
legFineNumOrders (LETG Fine Grating num orders (2n+1)) | default: 19 | |
legFinePeriod (LEG fine period (um)) | default: 25.4 | |
legGold (LEG gold thickness (um)) | default: 0.0 | |
legNickel (LEG nickel thickness (um)) | default: 0 | |
legNumOrders (LEG num orders (2n+1)) | default: 41 | |
legPeriod (LEG period (um)) | default: 0.991216 | |
legPolyimide (LEG polyimide thickness (um)) | default: 0.0 | |
LEGRowlandDiameter (LEG Rowland Torus Diameter (mm)) | default: 8637.0 | |
legTheta (LEG dispersion angle (degrees)) | default: 0.07 | |
LEGVig (LEG Grating Vignetting Factor) | default: 0.8346 | |
LETG_ACIS_dTheta (aspect/focalplane misaligment induced dtheta for LETG/ACIS (degrees)) | default: -0.0867 | |
LETG_Eff_Scale_Factor (LETG Eff scaling factor) | default: 1.23456790 | |
LETG_Sector1_File (LETG sector file for shell 1) | default: grating/LETG-1-facet.tbl | |
LETG_Sector3_File (LETG sector file for shell 3) | default: grating/LETG-3-facet.tbl | |
LETG_Sector4_File (LETG sector file for shell 4) | default: grating/LETG-4-facet.tbl | |
LETG_Sector6_File (LETG sector file for shell 6) | default: grating/LETG-6-facet.tbl | |
LETG_Shell1_dPoverP (shell 1 grating dP/P (rms)) | default: 78e-6 | |
LETG_Shell1_dTheta (shell 1 grating alignment error (sigma in arcmin)) | default: 0.617 | |
LETG_Shell1_File (grating efficiency table for shell 1) | default: grating/letgD1996-11-01greffMARXpr001N0004.dat | |
LETG_Shell1_Period (shell 1 grating period (um)) | default: 0.991216 | |
LETG_Shell1_Theta (dispersion angle for shell 1 (degrees)) | default: 0.07 | |
LETG_Shell1_Vig (grating vignetting for shell 1) | default: 1.0 | |
LETG_Shell3_dPoverP (shell 3 grating dP/P (rms)) | default: 78e-6 | |
LETG_Shell3_dTheta (shell 3 grating alignment error (sigma in arcmin)) | default: 0.617 | |
LETG_Shell3_File (grating efficiency table for shell 3) | default: grating/letgD1996-11-01greffMARXpr001N0004.dat | |
LETG_Shell3_Period (shell 3 grating period (um)) | default: 0.991216 | |
LETG_Shell3_Theta (dispersion angle for shell 3 (degrees)) | default: 0.07 | |
LETG_Shell3_Vig (grating vignetting for shell 3) | default: 1.0 | |
LETG_Shell4_dPoverP (shell 4 grating dP/P (rms)) | default: 78e-6 | |
LETG_Shell4_dTheta (shell 4 grating alignment error (sigma in arcmin)) | default: 0.617 | |
LETG_Shell4_File (grating efficiency table for shell 4) | default: grating/letgD1996-11-01greffMARXpr001N0004.dat | |
LETG_Shell4_Period (shell 4 grating period (um)) | default: 0.991216 | |
LETG_Shell4_Theta (dispersion angle for shell 4 (degrees)) | default: 0.07 | |
LETG_Shell4_Vig (grating vignetting for shell 4) | default: 1.0 | |
LETG_Shell6_dPoverP (shell 6 grating dP/P (rms)) | default: 78e-6 | |
LETG_Shell6_dTheta (shell 6 grating alignment error (sigma arc min)) | default: 0.617 | |
LETG_Shell6_File (grating efficiency table for shell 6) | default: grating/letgD1996-11-01greffMARXpr001N0004.dat | |
LETG_Shell6_Period (shell 6 grating period (um)) | default: 0.991216 | |
LETG_Shell6_Theta (dispersion angle for shell 6 (degrees)) | default: 0.07 | |
LETG_Shell6_Vig (grating vignetting for shell 6) | default: 1.0 | |
M | ||
MaxEnergy (MAX ray energy (keV)) | default: 1.775 | |
megBarHeight (MEG bar height (um)) | default: 0.3780 | |
megBarWidth (MEG bar width (um)) | default: 0.2161 | |
megChromium (MEG chromium thickness (um)) | default: 0.0057 | |
megdPoverP (MEG dP/P) | default: 162e-6 | |
megdTheta (MEG alignment error (sigma in arcmin)) | default: 1.5 | |
megGold (MEG gold thickness (um)) | default: 0.0228 | |
megNickel (MEG nickel thickness (um)) | default: 0.0 | |
megNumOrders (MEG num orders (2n+1)) | default: 23 | |
megPeriod (MEG period (um)) | default: 0.400141 | |
megPolyimide (MEG polyimide thickness (um)) | default: 0.543 | |
MEGRowlandDiameter (MEG Rowland Torus Diameter (mm)) | default: 8632.48 | |
megTheta (MEG dispersion angle (degrees)) | default: 4.755 | |
MEGVig (MEG Grating Vignetting Factor) | default: 0.93 | |
MinEnergy (MIN ray energy (keV)) | default: 1.775 | |
MirrorBlur (Perform mirror blur?) | default: yes | |
MirrorBlurFile (mirror blur filename) | default: ea-mirror/mirr-ee.bin | |
MirrorEAFile (mirror effective filename) | default: ea-mirror/Ae_s1346.dat | |
MirrorRadius1 (Mirror 1 radius (mm)) | default: 600 | |
MirrorRadius3 (Mirror 3 radius (mm)) | default: 480 | |
MirrorRadius4 (Mirror 4 radius (mm)) | default: 425 | |
MirrorRadius6 (Mirror 6 radius (mm)) | default: 310 | |
MirrorType (mirror type) | default: HRMA | |
MirrorUseEA (Use effective area for HRMA?) | default: yes | |
MirrorVig (HRMA Vignetting factor) | default: 0.9 | |
mode (mode for parameter file.) | default: hl | |
N | ||
NumRays (TOTAL number of rays to generate (if negative, to num to detect)) | default: 1000000 | |
O | ||
OutputDir (output directory name) | default: point | |
OutputVectors (output data columns (one or more of ETXYZ123DxyMPOabcd)) | default: ETXYZ123DxyMPOabcdSrB | |
P | ||
P1Blur (HRMA P1 Blur angle (arcsec)) | default: 0.303427 | |
P1ScatFactor (Scattering Fudge Factor for P1) | default: 2.8420331 | |
P3Blur (HRMA P3 Blur angle (arcsec)) | default: 0.0951899 | |
P3ScatFactor (Scattering Fudge Factor for P3) | default: 1.7305226 | |
P4Blur (HRMA P4 Blur angle (arcsec)) | default: 0.178899 | |
P4ScatFactor (Scattering Fudge Factor for P4) | default: 1.0077613 | |
P6Blur (HRMA P6 Blur angle (arcsec)) | default: 0.151085 | |
P6ScatFactor (Scattering Fudge Factor for P6) | default: 2.1199425 | |
PointingOffsetY (Optical-Axis/Pointing Y Misalignment (arcsec)) | default: 0 | |
PointingOffsetZ (Optical-Axis/Pointing Z Misalignment (arcsec)) | default: 0 | |
R | ||
RandomSeed (random number seed (-1 means use current time)) | default: -1 | |
RayFile (marx input source/output ray filename) | default: marx.output | |
RA_Nom (RA_NOM for dither (degrees)) | default: 250.2134679741175 | |
Roll_Nom (ROLL_NOM for dither (degrees)) | default: 237.36968458476 | |
S | ||
S-BetaBeta (BETA value) | default: 0.7 | |
S-BetaCoreRadius (core radius (arcsec)) | default: 10 | |
S-DiskTheta0 (min disk theta (arcsec)) | default: 0 | |
S-DiskTheta1 (max disk theta (arcsec)) | default: 60 | |
S-GaussSigma (gauss source sigma (arcsec)) | default: 60 | |
S-ImageFile (fits filename for IMAGE source) | default: image.fits | |
S-LinePhi (line source orientation angle (degrees)) | default: 0 | |
S-LineTheta (line source length (arcsec)) | default: 1800 | |
S-SIMPUT-Library (Path to dynamically linked file | default: /melkor/d1/guenther/soft/simput/lib/ | |
S-SIMPUT-Source (Filename of SIMPUT Catalog) | default: CDFS_cat_galaxies.fits | |
SAOSACFile (marx input source/output ray filename) | default: saosac.fits | |
SAOSAC_Color_Rays (This option is no longer supported) | default: no | |
Shutters1 (mirror 1 shutter bitmap (0 == open, 1 == closed)) | default: 0000 | |
Shutters3 (mirror 3 shutter bitmap (0 == open, 1 == closed)) | default: 0000 | |
Shutters4 (mirror 4 shutter bitmap (0 == open, 1 == closed)) | default: 0000 | |
Shutters6 (mirror 6 shutter bitmap (0 == open, 1 == closed)) | default: 0000 | |
SourceDEC (source DEC (degrees)) | default: -5.375129700E+01 | |
SourceDistance (Source distance (meters) (0 if infinite)) | default: 0 | |
SourceFlux (incoming ray flux (photons/sec/cm^2)) | default: 0.003 | |
SourceRA (Source RA (degrees)) | default: 2.502316589E+02 | |
SourceType (source) | default: POINT | |
SpectrumFile (input spectrum filename) | default: flux.dat | |
SpectrumType (spectrum type) | default: FLAT | |
T | ||
TStart (year of observation) | default: 2009.5 | |
U | ||
UseGratingEffFiles (Use grating efficiency tables?) | default: yes | |
UserSourceArgs (user source parameter) | default: pnts.dat | |
UserSourceFile (dynamically linked source filename) | default: ../doc/examples/user-source/ | |
Use_HETG_Sector_Files (Use HETG Sector Files?) | default: yes | |
Use_LETG_Sector_Files (Use LETG Sector Files?) | default: no | |
Use_This_Order (If non-zero, diffract into this plus/minus order) | default: 0 | |
Use_Unit_Efficiencies (Use Unit Efficiencies?) | default: no | |
V | ||
Verbose (Verbose mode) | default: yes | |
W | ||
WFold_H1_File (wfold filename for HRMA) | default: hrma/scat_h1_M.bin | |
WFold_H3_File (wfold filename for HRMA) | default: hrma/scat_h3_M.bin | |
WFold_H4_File (wfold filename for HRMA) | default: hrma/scat_h4_M.bin | |
WFold_H6_File (wfold filename for HRMA) | default: hrma/scat_h6_M.bin | |
WFold_P1_File (wfold filename for HRMA) | default: hrma/scat_p1_M.bin | |
WFold_P3_File (wfold filename for HRMA) | default: hrma/scat_p3_M.bin | |
WFold_P4_File (wfold filename for HRMA) | default: hrma/scat_p4_M.bin | |
WFold_P6_File (wfold filename for HRMA) | default: hrma/scat_p6_M.bin |