Downloading and Installing Marx¶
marx is distributed in the form of a compressed tar file and must be compiled before it can be used. This process is fairly painless and is something that even those who have never compiled a C program before can do. It is written in ANSI-C (with a few POSIX extensions) and is intended to be portable across most 32 and 64 bit Unix operating systems, as well as MacOSX and CYGWIN.
The short-cut¶
CIAO is now distributed as conda packages. marx is provided as one of those pre-complied binary packages. If you follow the default instruction for the CIAO installation marx is included in that install.
The normal way¶
First download marx using either the ftp distribution or through
(depending on your network, download from http or ftp might work better)
and copy it to a directory that has at least a
couple of hundred megabytes of free disk space. Note that this
directory and its contents will no longer be needed after marx has
been installed.
Next uncompress and untar the file:
gzip -d marx-dist-5.5.3.tar.gz
tar xf marx-dist-5.5.3.tar
(Some versions of tar can also uncompress the file, permitting the above to be accomplished in one step). At this point the tar file is no longer needed so it may be removed:
rm marx-dist-5.5.3.tar
Now change to the newly created directory to start the build process:
cd marx-5.5.3
The next step is to run the configure
script, which will probe your
system to see what tools are available for compiling marx. Before
doing so, we recommended that you read the INSTALL
Note that the configure script will take the CC
, and
, variables from your environment, if they are defined. If not, it
will first look for gcc. So, if you have gcc installed, and you want to
use a compiler other than gcc, such as acc perhaps, you can instruct the
configure script to use the other compiler using:
unix% setenv CC acc
unix% setenv CFLAGS -g
unix% ./configure
At this point you need to think about where you want marx to be
installed, and if you want the optional marxrsp
program to also be
created (marxrsp
was written for calibration purposes - it is
not needed by most users). If you want marxrsp
to be installed, then
you will also need to have cfitsio compiled and installed as detailed
in the INSTALL
file. For simplicity, here it is assumed that marxrsp
will not be installed.
Assume that you want marx installed in its own tree under
. This value is known as the
installation-prefix. It is important to understand that with
this choice the resulting marx executable will be placed in
Now run the configure
specifying this value as the --prefix
./configure --prefix=/opt/marx/5.5
If all has gone well, the last bit of output from the above command should resemble:
You are compiling MARX with the following compiler configuration: CC = gcc . . MARX parameter files will be installed in /opt/marx/5.5/share/marx/pfiles/. To continue the build process, run 'make'.
If not, then you may not have the necessary tools installed to compile marx, or you have an unsupported system. If you are unable to resolve the problem on your own, then contact
Assuming all has gone well, execute the make
- (If this step fails and you are unable to resolve the problem, then
The final step in the installation process is to actually install the
compiled executables. If you do not have write permission to the
installation-prefix directory (/opt/marx/marx-version
in this case),
then you will need to obtain the appropriate privileges to complete
the next step. For example, this may require temporarily becoming the
user. Now run:
make install
to complete the installation.
The install step will create the following directories:
Directory where marx,
, and other marx -related executables are placed./opt/marx/marx-version/share/marx/data/
Directory under which the marx calibration data files are located.
The parameter files used by marx are located here.
Directory containing marx -related documentation.
Static versions of libraries distributed with and used by marx are put here.
The C header files of the marx libraries are put here.
Contains miscellaneous marx -related tools.
As indicated above, the marx executable will be copied to /opt/marx/marx-version/bin/
In addition, the marx installation contains some other tools described in
The marx tool suite.
Binary executables for those tools are located in the same directory as marx
itself. Tools that are written as scripts in python, ISIS or IDL can be found
in /opt/marx/marx-version/lib/marx/
Both directories should be added to the user’s PATH
environment variable.
For e.g. a tcsh shell user add the following line to your ~/.cshrc
set path = ( /opt/marx/marx-version/bin /opt/marx/marx-version/lib/marx $path )
As the above indicates, the marx data files will be copied to the
directory. marx will
automatically search this directory for calibration files. Also note
that the parameter files will be placed under
. As a helpful reminder, this
location is reported when marx is invoked as marx --help
The parameter files are NOT automatically loaded by marx unless the UPARM
environment variables are set appropriately. For this
reason, it is recommended that the user copy these files to the
directory where the simulation will be performed.
Apple’s ARM architecture (M1/M2 chips)¶
Depending on your setup, it might be necessary to explicitly point to the XCode
SDK, when using clang
(or its alias gcc
) installed through Apple’s Xcode:
%> setenv CFLAGS "-g -I/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX11.0.sdk/usr/include"
before calling the usual:
%> ./configure
%> make
%> make install
Special cases¶
For most users, the steps described above are all that is needed. In this section we provide instruction for a few special cases that are a little more involved.
Building marxrsp¶
The above procedure will compile the majority of the programs in the
marx suite. The exceptions are the marxrsp
and rspdump
tools which
allows users to work with user provided FITS response matrix file (RMF).
In order to compile marxrsp
and rspdump
, you will need to obtain and
install the CFITSIO library if you do not already have it installed on
your system. The library can be obtained from the HEASARC web page as cfitsio.
Instructions for installing the library are included with the CFITSIO source code and will not be discussed here.
After installing the CFITSIO library, you must edit the Makefile in the
directory to point to the library. If you have the HEASARC
FTOOLS or LHEASOFT packages installed on your system, you can use the
CFITSIO library distributed as part of that package. The following
excerpt from the Makefile indicates the two paths which must be defined
in order to build the marxrsp
variables point to the location of the compiled CFITSIO library and
include files, respectively, and should be modified appropriately for
your particular system. The sample Makefile reproduced here shows an
example of building marxrsp using the CFITSIO library installed as part
of the LHEASOFT package on a machine running Linux.
#---*- sh -*----------------------------------------------------------------
# ANSI C compiler. The default is to use your CC environment variable
#CC = gcc # Uncomment this line if you want gcc!!!
#CFLAGS = -g
# Where is your CFITSIO library and include file? CFITSIO is part of IRAF.
# At MIT, we use:
#CFITSIO_LIB = /nfs/wiwaxia/d4/ASC/lib/$(ARCH)
#CFITSIO_INC = /nfs/wiwaxia/d4/ASC/include
# Perhaps one of these combinations will work for you:
#CFITSIO_LIB = /usr/local/include
#CFITSIO_INC = /usr/local/lib
#CFITSIO_INC = /usr/local/src/ftools/SunOS_5.5_sparc/include
#CFITSIO_LIB = /usr/local/src/ftools/SunOS_5.5_sparc/lib
CFITSIO_INC = /usr/local/src/lheasoft/Linux_2.2_i586/include
CFITSIO_LIB = /usr/local/src/lheasoft/Linux_2.2_i586/lib
# New versions of CFITSIO require additional networking libraries on some
# systems. The most well known system with this requirement is solaris.
#NETLIBS = -lsocket -lnsl # <<<---- Solaris
NETLIBS = # <<<---- Linux
# There should be no need to modify anything else below this point
With the appropriate modifications to the marxrsp Makefile completed, the tool can now be built. Assuming you are in the main marx source directory, the commands:
unix% cd ./marxrsp
unix% make install
will build the marxrsp and rspdump executables and move them to the
directory with the other tools in the suite. Note, you do not need
to run marx simulations.
Building marx on Multiple Architectures¶
The marx suite can be compiled to support multiple architectures
using the same source tree. To create marx on multiple
architectures (e.g. if your network has 32 and 64 bit machines), simply define an environment variable called ARCH
set it to an architecture-dependent value. For example, to build
a version of for the NeXT platform, one could type:
unix% setenv ARCH next
unix% ./configure
unix% make
This sequence will build NeXT executables and place them in the “./bin/next” subdirectory. To then compile a Linux version as well, use:
unix% setenv ARCH linux
unix% ./configure
unix% make
These binaries will be placed in ./bin/linux
. This process can be
repeated as needed.
Known Bugs and Limitations¶
Currently there are no known bugs for installation issues. marx is tested on MacOSX (clang and gcc compiler) and 64 bit linux (gcc compiler). We expect it to work on other POSIX compliant platforms, too, but have not tested this.