Steve Kissel
MIT Center for Space Research
CCD Laboratory

Composite XRCF Light Leak Image Light Leak Tests ACIS Light leak experiments conducted during thermal vacuum testing at Ball Aerospace, XRCF and Lincoln Labs. These measure light leakage through the optical blocking filters and may be used to evaluate possible filter breakage after AXAF launch. Also included are some amusing tricks for measuring low level light leaks.
40 MeV Proton Damage Spot Radiation Damage Tests Radiation damage testing of CCDs was undertaken as part of the ACIS calibration effort. In particular the effects of x-ray and 40 MeV proton damage was evaluated. As a response to ACIS on-orbit cti degradation an investigation of low energy proton and electron damage is underway. For amelioration techniques go here
Typical Image of Events Screening Results Standard screening results for ACIS, HETE and Astro-E CCDs include noise, gain, resolution and dark current measurements at the nominal operating conditions. Screening is done using the CCD Lab IFM x-ray system.
Parylene Dimer Molecule Direct CCD Coating(s) In an effort to eliminate the need of a fragile free-standing optical blocking filter experiments are underway to directly deposit a filter onto the CCD. Currently we are using N-parylene with an aluminum overcoat.
Example Sac Charge Image CTI via Charge Injection Some work involving charge injection as a method to control and measure CTI in radiation damaged devices. Applicable to ACIS and Astro-E