Up: ACIS Calibration Report
Previous: ACIS Grades
- AXAF CCD Imaging Spectrometer, one of two focal plane instruments
aboard AXAF, consisting of two arrays of CCD chips supporting
imaging and transmission spectroscopy. It provides simultaneous
imaging and non-dispersive moderate resolution spectroscopy.
- Term referring to Imaging CCD array.
- Term referring to Spectroscopic CCD array, which supports the
use of the AXAF transmission gratings.
- Analog-to-Digital Converter, provides digital equivalent to
analog signals.
- Analog-to-Digital Unit, unit defining integer values
resulting from an analog to digital conversion.
- ACIS Quick Look Computer, one of two computers used at the
X-ray Calibration Facility to assess ACIS data. The AQLC
reduces and displays data in near real time to evaluate the
scientific validity of the data.
- AXAF Science Center, center for the analysis of AXAF data
and general scientific support and analysis in the post-launch
AXAF phase.
- Two meanings based on context:
- 1.
- Aspect Determination System, AXAF system determining the
satellite pointing and orientation,
- 2.
- Astrophysics Data System, NASA Astrophysics Division
supported system for the access, dissemination and utilization
of archival astrophysical data.
- Advanced X-ray Astrophysical Facility, the spacecraft carrying
the ACIS experiment and the high resolution X-ray telescopes.
- The Berlin synchrotron light source used to establish the reference
calibration of CCDs used during the MIT pre-assembly calibration
measurements to achieve an absolute quantum efficiency calibration.
- Backend Processor, digital signal processor and control processor
which packetizes data for downlink and controls the CCDs.
- BI
- Backside Illuminated, term applied to a type of CCD chip, in
which the normal thick silicon substrate is removed and X-rays
illuminate the back of the device. BI chips have good low
energy quantum efficiency.
- Beam Normalization Detector, an X-ray counter used at the
XRCF to measure the intensity of the incident X-ray beam,
and hence allow normalization of any measurements made at
the XRCF.
- Brookhaven National Laboratory, site of a synchrotron used as
an X-ray source during ACIS filter calibration.
- Charged Coupled Device, the active detector elements in ACIS.
- Critical Design Review, formal meeting certifying the
start of full production of
the overall hardware and software design.
- Contract End Item, item specified in the NASA contract which
must be delivered by the ACIS team.
- Calibration Implementation Team, a group combining the CTT,
MSFC Project and support staff, and TRW, which will implement
the XRCF calibration of AXAF.
- Charge Transfer Efficiency, ratio of charge remaining after
one pixel clocking to the charge before clocking.
- Charge Transfer Inefficiency, deviation of CTE from unity.
Convenient because CTE is often very close to one.
- Calibration Task Team, a scientifically orientation group
drawn from the Project and SI teams, charged with the responsibility
of planning AXAF calibration.
- DA
- Detector Assembly, houses CCD arrays, fiducial lights and
an X-ray calibration source. Functionally equivalent to
term `CCD Camera'.
- Digital Electronics Assembly, ACIS digital signal processing
- Digital Processing Assembly, ACIS analog signal processing
- Detector & Processor Subsystem, subsystem dedicated to
the detection and processing of X-rays, consisting of
the DA, DEA and DPA.
- DR
- Data Requirement, a formal NASA specification for required
documentation format, content and delivery dates.
- Electronic Ground Support Equipment, one of two computers
used at the X-ray Calibration Facility to assess ACIS data.
The EGSE generates commands and monitors housekeeping data
to assure the health and safety of the instrument.
- Electro-Magnetic Interference, electro-magnetically induced
noise appearing on electrical signal wires. Usually referred
to in the context of eliminating or shielding to prevent EMI.
- Frontend Processor, digital signal processor, part of the
DPA which does initial processing on raw CCD pixel data.
- FI
- Frontside Illuminated, a traditional CCD chip design where
the chip is illuminated from the front layer, which requires
the X-rays to traverse the electronic gate structures. The
low energy quantum efficiency of FI chips is low, but the
energy resolution is superior to BI chips.
- FP
- Focal Plane, the sub-assembly portion of the ACIS experiment
which holds the CCD chips.
- Full Width at Half Maximum, a measure of the width of a distribution,
frequently used to describe the resolving power of the CCD
for spectral emission lines.
- Ground Support Equipment, auxiliary equipment needed to operate
the ACIS experiment during assembly and ground testing.
- High Energy Transmission Gratings, used
to provide dispersed X-ray spectra appropriate to the higher
energy X-rays collected by the HRMA.
The HETG uses the ACIS as its prime detector system.
- High Resolution Camera, the other focal plane instrument on
AXAF, based on a micro-channel plate X-ray detector.
- High Resolution Mirror Assembly, the AXAF X-ray telescope
mirror assembly, consisting of four nested confocal Wolter I
optical systems.
- High Speed Tap, a high speed data path providing raw CCD pixel data
into the ACIS EGSE computers. These data are similar to the
sub-assembly calibration data, and form a direct check on the
flight telemetry format data. The HST also offers a much higher
bandwidth data path valuable during ground calibration. The HST
will not be available during flight.
- Interface Control Document, documents defining the observatory
- Instrument Principal Investigator, scientist in charge of the
development of the instrument and leader of the team submitting
the proposal and executing the task. For ACIS the IPI is Prof. Gordon Garmire.
- kbs
- kilobit per second, a data transfer rate measured in
thousands of bits per second.
- Lockheed Martin Astronautics, sub-contractor providing some of the
fabrication of the ACIS instrument, formerly named MMAG.
- Low Energy Transmission Gratings,
disperse X-ray spectra appropriate to the lower
energy X-rays collected by the HRMA.
The LETG uses the HRC as its prime detector system.
- Master Control Computer, central coordinating computer
at the XRCF facilty during AXAF calibration.
- Martin Marietta Aerospace Group, sub-contractor providing the
fabrication of the ACIS instrument, name now changed to LMA.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, home institution of
ACIS CCD development work and camera design.
- Marshall Space Flight Center, the home institution for the
AXAF Project.
- On-Board Computer, the AXAF spacecraft computer which
transmits commands to ACIS and which receives telemetry
data for transmission to the ground.
- On-Board Data System, the computing system for ACIS on-board
the satellite.
- OV
- Orbital Verification, the first period of orbital operations,
in which the instruments and spacecraft are turned on and proper
operations are verified.
- Preliminary Design Review, formal meeting reviewing
the overall hardware and software design.
- Program Random-Access Memory, radiation resistant on-board
non-volatile memory which is used to store instructions
for CCD readout.
- Power Supply and Mechanism Controller, supplies power and
mechanism control to ACIS.
- Penn State University, home institution for the ACIS Principal
Investigator and ground software development.
- Power & Thermal control Subsystem, ACIS subsystem which
delivers power and maintains thermal control of the
- Remote Command and Telemetry Unit, TRW supplied interface
box supplying connection to spacecraft data and power busses.
- Software Design Specification, document specifying the
software design for each build of the ground software.
- Single Event Upset, single bit errors introduced into
memory or processors, resistance to which reflects more
robust processor performance in a space environment.
- Science Interface Module, a translational mechanical
structure which moves to allow insertion of either the
HRC and ACIS into the telescope focal plane, and to
shift between the ACIS-I and S arrays.
- Science Instrument Notebook, ASC reference document on all
AXAF Science Instruments.
- SOP01
- Science Instrument Operations Manual [this document], required
deliverable for the ACIS team, presenting the information
needed to properly operate the ACIS experiment.
- Sequencer Random-Access Memory, highly radiation resistant memory
used to store instructions for the ACIS CCD readout.
- Software Requirements Review, formal meeting reviewing
the adequacy and accuracy of the Software Requirements.
- Software Requirements Specification, document specifying
the ACIS software requirements.
- Synchrotron Radiation Center, a synchrotron facility run by
the University of Wisconsin, Madison, used for ACIS flight
filter calibration.
- ST
- STatus information, information ancillary to the scientific
data which is appended to the science analysis data.
- Science Working Group, the team of scientists, consisting of
the Instrument PIs, the Telescope Scientist, the Interdisciplinary
Scientists and the Project Scientist, who work as a top-level
advisory team to assure the AXAF Project remains faithful to
the scientific goals of the program.
- To Be Supplied, Revised, Determined, terms holding space for
specific numbers or text which are to be supplied, revised or determined
at a later time.
- Vent Valve Assembly, provides a commandable opening
and closing path to vent the inside of ACIS.
- Work Breakdown Structure, management document and
numbering scheme for formalizing and
categorizing the various tasks associated with this
project into a tiered hierarchy with associated dependencies
to enable the efficient identification and tracking of
progress on the assigned goals.
- X-ray Calibration Facility,
the X-ray facility built at Marshall Space Flight Center to
support AXAF calibration of the joint HRMA-Science Instrument
Up: ACIS Calibration Report
Previous: ACIS Grades
Mark Bautz