The FWHM of the 1D projection of the zeroth-order "trailed image" (streak) for HETGS observations has been monitored for eight years. The FWHM has remained stable.
For the plot shown here the data were reprocessed with NO PIXEL RANDOMIZATION by the nominal TGCat routines, using energies below 4 keV.
The measured FWHM values, black diamond symbols, are plotted
here with 1-sigma error bars indicated (light blue.)
The Chandra
observation id for the points are listed on the plot in green.
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Software and Data File
The streak width was measured using the streak events as selected in the beginning portion of the TGCat routine. The new routine was created and appended to and put into . The actual fitting of datasets is done in; see its comments for some information. The resulting FWHM and error values are put in a data file, focus_trends_v2_081020.dat . Finally the plot shown here is made with from the data file.
The plot below shows an example of the streak fitting: note that the streak events' X values in pixels have been offset to 15.0 A for fitting purposes. Since the goal is to fit the "core Gaussian", the fit range is limited to +/- 2 pixels; the residuals show a characteristic signature of the slight difference of the real PSF and a Gaussian.